Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

she, like all cowardly leftists, think they can rest easy by siccing the military after us. it shows that they are also lousy at math.

It also shows they have never met anyone in the Military. There is literally zero chance the Guard, much less the armed forces will back the Marxist revolution of the democrats. Sure, some of the brass like Millie would try to help with the coup the democrats intend, but no one is going to follow them.
Mission accomplished. This thread has brought out all the traitors. One of them even expressed the desire to kill those who disagree with him.

True. MR Evince was the first to talk about killing people. The old bitch always is.
Look, I get that you outweigh me by a good 400 pounds, but I'm pretty quick. So how do you plan to murder me, and all the others you threaten?

This Marxist revolution you and your fellow autocrats are staging is poorly planned.

This isn’t me against you fuck fart

This is America against putins propaganda whores

You whores will lose
I am a chick you fucking idiot

I dont care what you are. Once you are thrown into one of the camps you will be an old washer woman scrubbing socks and underwear. Good job for someone like you. Hopefully the camp commandant issues you a muzzle right off the bat.