Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Understand this:

70 Percent (!) Disapprove of Biden's Handling ...

Center for Immigration Studies
https://cis.org › Andrew R. Arthur
Jan 9, 2024 — CBS News has released the results of its latest poll, and it shows that President Biden's overall approval levels on immigration have fallen ...
That was stupid. The vast majority are against the Trump republic. Many more would watch.

Now that doesn't make sense at all... don't you think Governor Abbott should protect the people who elected him and the rest of the country?
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

Check yourself pussy boy. No one gives a shit what you're tired of.

Legal American actions is not murder idiot

Look, I get that you outweigh me by a good 400 pounds, but I'm pretty quick. So how do you plan to murder me, and all the others you threaten?

This Marxist revolution you and your fellow autocrats are staging is poorly planned.
Look, I get that you outweigh me by a good 400 pounds, but I'm pretty quick. So how do you plan to murder me, and all the others you threaten?

This Marxist revolution you and your fellow autocrats are staging is poorly planned.

she, like all cowardly leftists, think they can rest easy by siccing the military after us. it shows that they are also lousy at math.