Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

I'll be on the side of the SOUTH. We always said the South would rise again.

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Not what the laws of the US are you uneducated Russian

Earl doesn't even understand what is happening at the most basic level. He doesn't understand the term 'undocumented'. He doesn't understand asylum. He doesn't understand ANYTHING. I wish they would pick up a fucking book.
Earl doesn't even understand what is happening at the most basic level. He doesn't understand the term 'undocumented'. He doesn't understand asylum. He doesn't understand ANYTHING. I wish they would pick up a fucking book.

His Russian programmer writes him that way
Earl doesn't even understand what is happening at the most basic level. He doesn't understand the term 'undocumented'. He doesn't understand asylum. He doesn't understand ANYTHING. I wish they would pick up a fucking book.

Take a hike, pendejo/a.