Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Your party gets to determine for the nation what laws mean?

Which founder wrote THAT into the constitution weasel dick?

This is the same as the big lie. The Constitution lays out how we pick our government, the role of that government, and processes and rules regarding grievances. The cult no longer respects those rules or those processes. Therefore, they hate the Constitution. MTG has openly stated her desire for secession. Good luck Teacher gonna have to pick up a weapon. That would be funny as fuck.
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

It would be fun to deport them to Venezuela and watch them try to trek a thousand miles back home, crawl through filthy water and razor wire, and then find a job, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile, this morning CNN reports that a bipartisan agreement on border security is near. Trump and the MAGAT Cult will, of course, try to abort it because they don't really want a solution. They just like to whine. I see your Toxic Klingon is hard at it on this thread.
So you think Americans hate the constitution?

Toxic does, and so do her fellow MAGATs. They only like some parts, like the second amendment. Their own speaker of the house has declared that there is no such thing as a separation of church and state.
It would be fun to deport them to Venezuela and watch them try to trek a thousand miles back home, crawl through filthy water and razor wire, and then find a job, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile, this morning CNN reports that a bipartisan agreement on border security is near. Trump and the MAGAT Cult will, of course, try to abort it because they don't really want a solution. They just like to whine. I see your Toxic Klingon is hard at it on this thread.

Their complaints about the border should fall on deaf ears. They don't want to fix it, they want to run on it. They hate America. They love Trump. It is a cult of nazis. WE need to speak the truth. What set me off this morning was someone saying 'they are echoing the language of the pre civil war secessionists.' Just stop. They are doing more than talking. And WE need to do the same. I like our chances with the largest military in the world behind us. But hey, they have ALL the JPP keyboard warriors. Grab the popcorn.
It would be fun to deport them to Venezuela and watch them try to trek a thousand miles back home, crawl through filthy water and razor wire, and then find a job, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile, this morning CNN reports that a bipartisan agreement on border security is near. Trump and the MAGAT Cult will, of course, try to abort it because they don't really want a solution. They just like to whine. I see your Toxic Klingon is hard at it on this thread.

They would be detained and sent back to their motherland in the vast frozen north China didn’t bother to claim
This is the same as the big lie. The Constitution lays out how we pick our government, the role of that government, and processes and rules regarding grievances. The cult no longer respects those rules or those processes. Therefore, they hate the Constitution. MTG has openly stated her desire for secession. Good luck Teacher gonna have to pick up a weapon. That would be funny as fuck.

Only weapon that the fake teacher has ever held is a mop and a bucket. lol If the twatmuffin really gave a shit about fixing the migrant problem, she'd be using her Blackberry to call her congresscritter and urge support for the bipartisan bill that is pending, instead of pretending that no one else but her is a "real American."

#TRE45ON taught the MAGATs that rules only apply to others, not to them. All the real news is "fake." If you don't like a set of facts, you produce "alternative facts." At least half of the citizens in the country are their enemies. The believe in and live the lies.
Only weapon that the fake teacher has ever held is a mop and a bucket. lol If the twatmuffin really gave a shit about fixing the migrant problem, she'd be using her Blackberry to call her congresscritter and urge support for the bipartisan bill that is pending, instead of pretending that no one else but her is a "real American."

#TRE45ON taught the MAGATs that rules only apply to others, not to them. All the real news is "fake." If you don't like a set of facts, you produce "alternative facts." At least half of the citizens in the country are their enemies. The believe in and live the lies.

Your belief that she has formed her own opinion is problematic. She doesn't know what the bill is, what's in it, what asylum is, why the backlog is so severe..... You get the idea. She is told what to think. Monkey see, monkey do. Actually, that's an insult to monkeys.
Their complaints about the border should fall on deaf ears. They don't want to fix it, they want to run on it. They hate America. They love Trump. It is a cult of nazis. WE need to speak the truth. What set me off this morning was someone saying 'they are echoing the language of the pre civil war secessionists.' Just stop. They are doing more than talking. And WE need to do the same. I like our chances with the largest military in the world behind us. But hey, they have ALL the JPP keyboard warriors. Grab the popcorn.

And here it is. :rofl2:


Abbott is a grandstanding fascist. He and the rest of the MAGATs are hoping to push Pres. Biden into strong-arming them into submission, so they can play the martyred victims for their voters. Think they'll support the coming bipartisan bill, or go with #TRE45ON and reject it to make Biden look bad?

And that right there is what Toxic TOP and her ilk are -- haters of our country who would rather keep the border "crisis" going than to work with the other side to help solve it.
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

ROFL so we have two sides/arguments/positions about border security. The first side is open borders, lackadaisical enforcement, and allowing almost anyone in vs. closing the border, arresting all who cross at non controlled points, and deportation of those who crossed illegally, and you call them the traitors?

WTF is wrong with your brain?
100% agree. And maybe all these hot shot keyboard warriors can head to Texas with their weapons to face off against the government. We'd have fewer posters here. Win/win.

Governors do not get to decide what the Constitution says. That is a job granted to SCOTUS. Don't like it? Tough shit.

see? you DO want an authoritarian government. and you're WRONG!!!!!!! SCOTUS does not decide what the Constitution says. It is the PEOPLES Constitution to limit the government. fucking leftist morons.
Your belief that she has formed her own opinion is problematic. She doesn't know what the bill is, what's in it, what asylum is, why the backlog is so severe..... You get the idea. She is told what to think. Monkey see, monkey do. Actually, that's an insult to monkeys.

That's true. Take, for example, the insistence that the economy is in shambles and everyone is on the verge of starvation. Why, according to Toxic, they can't even afford Taylor Swift tickets! It's like this:

see? you DO want an authoritarian government. and you're WRONG!!!!!!! SCOTUS does not decide what the Constitution says. It is the PEOPLES Constitution to limit the government. fucking leftist morons.

Pick up your weapon boy. Put your money where you fat fucking mouth is,

Yes, SCOTUS decides. No one gives a fuck what you think, because you are a fucking moron.
ROFL so we have two sides/arguments/positions about border security. The first side is open borders, lackadaisical enforcement, and allowing almost anyone in vs. closing the border, arresting all who cross at non controlled points, and deportation of those who crossed illegally, and you call them the traitors?

WTF is wrong with your brain?

Nothing. The problem is that you are utterly uninformed, and literally have no clue what this thread is about. It's sad.