Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.
Texas is stopping the flow of ILLEGAL aliens. Yesterday there were ZERO illegal aliens crossing at Eagles Pass Texas. Joe Biden is violating his oath of office by not defending Texas from a foreign invasion. The US can cut the wire but nothing stops. Texas from legally replacing the wire. Now go do something you know about like delivering breakfast for Uber Eats.
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

Shades of the 1800 era when Adams for the Federalists and Jefferson for the Republicans were similarly embroiled over states' rights in a federal system. We have problems now we didn't have then, e.g., ideologic stupidity coupled with Internet "education", but our state/federal tension is structural.
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non sequitur video

Shades of the 1800 era when Adams for the Federalists and Jefferson for the Republicans were similarly embroiled over states' rights in a federal system. We have problems now we didn't have then, e.g., ideologic stupidity coupled with Internet "education", but our state/federal tension is everlasting.

This has all been caused by foreign influence in our news

Starting with Fox
Big Talker there removed the #Threeper/#Oathkeeper words from underneath his screen name shortly after the arrests for the J6 insurrection began. That tells us all we need to know about him and his "army of veterans" who would supposedly attack American citizens.

Well, to be fair, that's not what would happen. The US government is going to physically remove the razor wire, as is their right, as affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United states. If someone physically tries to impede them, they will be arrested. If they shoot, they will be killed. Simple as that. It's the reason why none of them will show up. They are cowards. Shooting a gun isn't as much fun when someone is shooting back. Or droning their sorry treasonous asses.
Well, to be fair, that's not what would happen. The US government is going to physically remove the razor wire, as is their right, as affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United states. If someone physically tries to impede them, they will be arrested. If they shoot, they will be killed. Simple as that. It's the reason why none of them will show up. They are cowards. Shooting a gun isn't as much fun when someone is shooting back. Or droning their sorry treasonous asses.

Waving their wee bang-bangs around and thumping their concave chests is about all they've got.
And then if the idiot Abbot orders people to put it back up

He should be incarcerated for fomenting violence against Americans following orders
As soon as all the real Americans left Texas you Russians won’t want it anymore

It’s a fucking pit
Well, to be fair, that's not what would happen. The US government is going to physically remove the razor wire, as is their right, as affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United states. If someone physically tries to impede them, they will be arrested. If they shoot, they will be killed. Simple as that. It's the reason why none of them will show up. They are cowards. Shooting a gun isn't as much fun when someone is shooting back. Or droning their sorry treasonous asses.
No they can CUT it not REMOVE it. So you think Biden would kill Texans over enforcing the border during an election year. :laugh: Biden isn't going to do shit about it. He has already backed down. Go make an Uber Eats run if you are sober.
look at all the leftists clamoring for that authoritarianism they lied about earlier. bunch of blood thirsty traitors.

what you fail to recognize, though, is that we don't have to fight and kill the government. we just have to kill you.
look at all the leftists clamoring for that authoritarianism they lied about earlier. bunch of blood thirsty traitors.

what you fail to recognize, though, is that we don't have to fight and kill the government. we just have to kill you.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! I think I'll sleep just fine tonight. You are about as scary as a yapping chihuahua.