Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

Will you be hurling your pronouns at us?
Biden Doesn’t Have Any Legal Authority to Seize Control of Texas National Guard

State governors, however, like Abbott, remain the commanders in chief of their state National Guard units, such as the Texas National Guard, unless they have consented to the president’s call for those units to be in active federal service.

The only exception to the consent requirement is contained in subsection (f) and it only applies if National Guard units are needed for active duty for overseas service—such as when we were in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Thus, under this statute, without the consent of Abbott, Biden has no power to simply seize control of the Texas National Guard as he is being urged to do and order them to stand down, since we are not in a war and the Guard is not needed for service abroad.

Biden could go to the extreme by trying to use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to take over the Texas National Guard. The Insurrection Act authorizes the president to federalize the National Guard under certain narrow and exceptional circumstances. The last time it was invoked was by President George W. Bush to help quell the deadly widespread riots in 1992 in Los Angeles after the arrest and beating of Rodney King, when state authorities were unable to cope with the violence and mayhem.

Under 10 U.S.C. § 252, the president can “call into Federal service the militia of any State” when “unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any state by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.”

Clearly, there is no insurrection going on in Texas as defined in that law.

Nor is Texas violating any court order issued in “the ordinary court of judicial proceedings.” The state has been placing barbed-wire fencing on state-owned and private property, and no court has ordered Texas to remove or cease installing that fencing.

The only thing that has happened is that the U.S. Supreme Court vacated—while the case between Texas and the federal government is on appeal—an injunction that prevented the feds from removing the fencing. But nothing prevents Texas from continuing to put in more fencing, even after it has been removed.

Biden would also be hard-pressed to legitimately use another part of the Insurrection Act, 10 U.S.C. § 253, which allows a president to use a state militia (the National Guard) if an insurrection or domestic violence “hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States.”


National Guard

Who is the national leader?
Unfortunately, that's probably what they're hoping for.

Locking them up would only serve to rally their lunatic fringe supporters who'd call them political prisoners just as they've labeled the J6 thugs.

Send in the National Guard to enforce the Constitution, the SCOTUS ruling, and Federal law.

For the National Guard to enforce the Constitution means arresting Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.

Would you support sending the Army to the southern border to stop the invasion that Biden is leading with his treason?
National Guard

Who is the national leader?

Seriously, that response from volsrock is beyond stupid. Do you think George Wallace approved of the use of National Guardsmen? ROTFLMFAO!!! They are just so goddamn dumb.
The Heritage foundation is backing this civil war by the Russian owned Republican Party

They will die too
Seriously, that response from volsrock is beyond stupid. Do you think George Wallace approved of the use of National Guardsmen? ROTFLMFAO!!! They are just so goddamn dumb.

While at the same time they claim trump can’t be convicted of anything while he was president

They can’t keep any line of thought clean of hypocrisy

Maybe volsrock can read. If not, maybe I can find a picture book to explain it to him.

"As currently worded, the Insurrection Act allows the president to call up the active military or federalize the National Guard under three circumstances:

At the request of a state. That's how it was most recently used, when Pete Wilson, then the governor of California, asked for federal help in 1992 to control violent protests after police officers were acquitted in the attack on Rodney King.

To enforce federal law. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan ordered the Defense Department to provide military units to help suppress violence at a federal prison in Atlanta. The disturbance was over before the troops arrived...."

It's sad that we have to explain this to these fucking morons like they are five years old.

She's just tanning her perineum (for normal folks, that's the 'tain't'). Judgy McJudgerson!
Mission accomplished. This thread has brought out all the traitors. One of them even expressed the desire to kill those who disagree with him.
Blow them the fuck away the second they physically resist the laws being implemented

They have proven their traitor status

Give it your best shot.

But then, you can't leave your trailer - so all you can do is spew hatred.

But by all means, you Bolsheviks need to pick up guns and come fight.

I suspect a full blown shooting war will last several hours, before you scum are utterly vanquished.
Hello Concart,

You know I respect you, but this is the problem. It is not rhetoric, and to IGNORE it is dangerous. We ignored Trump, and tried to be polite. I do not negotiate with terrorists. There is no compromise on whether we should have a dictator. There is no compromise on whether we should protect voting rights. No offense, but you are Neville Chamberlain. Appeasement is not a strategy. Do not tell me we can talk with each other and solve this. I'm not buying, and I have a mountain of evidence to back my position.

Thanks for your consideration and concern.

If Abbott can be charged I have faith Justice will do so. That would be a monstrous case. Justice is a bit busy right now. Perhaps the department should be expanded. Regardless, this kind of thing does not happen quickly. The good part is that means it could still happen.

We must stick to the rule of law. We cannot allow the lawless to draw us into lawlessness. If that happens all is lost.

Yes, these are trying times. I have stepped away, found other pursuits. It's really good to do that sometimes. These are not easy times to be a political junkie.

Here's a good point to make: If what Abbott is doing is effective then there is no more immigration crisis. Can't have it both ways.

Naturally, the cultists will try to. Pointing out the absurdity of their positions causes moderates to move away from extremism. A good thing.
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Please. You are worthless.

Being a coward is expected from you Stalinists, but advertising that you have no spine - and no brain - well I don't get why you would want to do that.

But you be you...