Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Seriously, that response from volsrock is beyond stupid. Do you think George Wallace approved of the use of National Guardsmen? ROTFLMFAO!!! They are just so goddamn dumb.

Texas STATE Guard


Adjutant General: Major General Thomas M. Suelzer
Commander: Major General Anthony Woods
Commander-in-Chief: Governor Greg Abbott
Headquarters: Building 32; Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas; 30°18′42.173″N 97°45′38.338″W
Motto(s): Equal to the task
Part of: Texas Military Department: Texas Military Forces
Role: Civil affairs

Texas Military Department

The Texas Military Department (TMD) is an executive branch agency of the Texas government


Biden has NO CONTROL

The state militias were independent of the federal government and could not be brought under federal control. In fact, several states have initiated ‘state militias’ independent of the NG.”

And in fact, Texas is one of those states.
Texas Air National Guard

The Texas Air National Guard, is a component of the Texas Military Forces.


Biden has no control

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Texas Flags on the jets

The Texas Military Department exists under civilian control. It is empowered by Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution to "execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions" and Texas Government Code Title 4, Subtitle C, Chapters 431, 433, and 437. It is governed by the Texas Code of Military Justice and commanded by the Commander-in-Chief of Texas and Adjutant General of Texas.[9]
Mission accomplished. This thread has brought out all the traitors. One of them even expressed the desire to kill those who disagree with him.

Yeah all of you lefties want to kill folks that disagree with you. Remember when Biden's student loan forgiveness program was shot down by the SCOTUS and then Biden went back to work trying to subvert the ruling. None of you traitors said a word.
The Texas Military Department exists under civilian control. It is empowered by Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution to "execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions" and Texas Government Code Title 4, Subtitle C, Chapters 431, 433, and 437. It is governed by the Texas Code of Military Justice and commanded by the Commander-in-Chief of Texas and Adjutant General of Texas.[9]

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Biden has NO CONTROL over these fighter jets..the fly Texas flags
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Hello Concart,

Thanks for your consideration and concern.

If Abbott can be charged I have faith Justice will do so. That would be a monstrous case. Justice is a bit busy right now. Perhaps the department should be expanded. Regardless, this kind of thing does not happen quickly. The good part is that means it could still happen.

We must stick to the rule of law. We cannot allow the lawless to draw us into lawlessness. If that happens all is lost.

Yes, these are trying times. I have stepped away, found other pursuits. It's really good to do that sometimes. These are not easy times to be a political junkie.

Here's a good point to make: If what Abbott is doing is effective then there is no more immigration crisis. Can't have it both ways. Naturally, the cultists will try to. Pointing out the absurdity of their positions causes moderates to move away from extremism. A good thing.

I am not advocating for lawless action. I AM advocating for accountability. The Justice Department has a legal court ruling that allows them to remove the razor wire. If there is an attempt to stop them, the Governor should be immediately arrested. Those who use their authority as Governors of their states and choose to provide support should also be immediately arrested. If the Justice Department is physically prevented from doing so, they should physically remove the obstruction. Defiance of this legal order is obstruction of justice. There are things which are non-negotiable, and this is one of them. I will not dialogue with someone who refuses to accept the rule of law, especially when they are forming opinions based on falsehoods.

A cold civil war is still a civil war, and J6 was not 'cold', nor will the next incidence of violence. My point is that we have to quit pretending these are policy issues, because they are not. They are issues fundamental to the principles of this country, and they are non-negotiable. I'm abandoning the Marcus of Queensbury rules as soon as my opponent kicks me in the nuts. Democrats, and frankly everyone who is aghast at what is happening, ALL of us have to stop being polite with these people. We can agree to disagree, but we need to speak the truth, even if it's painful. We are acting too much like this is a normal election. My two cents. I understand your sentiment, so I take no offense at you calling me out.

I believe that the good guys are going to win. I don't believe that we can possibly get through this without violence. It's not because my stance is too firm.

Thanks for the response, you are, as always, thoughtful and measured. But to quote one of my favorite movies of all time, Gladiator, Maximus to a Roman Senator. 'The time for half measures and talk is over, Senator'. That is exactly my sentiment.
That's right. Me and the Virgin Mary, we have six kids between us but have never known man. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Now toddle off and go hand out some more unasked-for quack treatments to your "patients." :rofl2:
You may have seen nuts but you have never seen a man's nuts. Rachel Levine has kids too. :laugh: He lifts his skirt to tan his nuts.
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I am not advocating for lawless action. I AM advocating for accountability. The Justice Department has a legal court ruling that allows them to remove the razor wire. If there is an attempt to stop them, the Governor should be immediately arrested. Those who use their authority as Governors of their states and choose to provide support should also be immediately arrested. If the Justice Department is physically prevented from doing so, they should physically remove the obstruction. Defiance of this legal order is obstruction of justice. There are things which are non-negotiable, and this is one of them. I will not dialogue with someone who refuses to accept the rule of law, especially when they are forming opinions based on falsehoods.

A cold civil war is still a civil war, and J6 was not 'cold', nor will the next incidence of violence. My point is that we have to quit pretending these are policy issues, because they are not. They are issues fundamental to the principles of this country, and they are non-negotiable. I'm abandoning the Marcus of Queensbury rules as soon as my opponent kicks me in the nuts. Democrats, and frankly everyone who is aghast at what is happening, ALL of us have to stop being polite with these people. We can agree to disagree, but we need to speak the truth, even if it's painful. We are acting too much like this is a normal election. My two cents. I understand your sentiment, so I take no offense at you calling me out.

I believe that the good guys are going to win. I don't believe that we can possibly get through this without violence. It's not because my stance is too firm.

Thanks for the response, you are, as always, thoughtful and measured. But to quote one of my favorite movies of all time, Gladiator, Maximus to a Roman Senator. 'The time for half measures and talk is over, Senator'. That is exactly my sentiment.

Nope it only allows them to cut it not to remove it.
Adorable. When do you turn 13 again? Will you finally get an X-Box this year? Or the latest Taylor Swift album? :rofl2:

And we're supposed to dialogue with these clowns?


My Vision Pro arrives on Friday. I am SO pumped!! Cruising on the Disney Wish next week. I don't plan on wearing my DeSantis T-shirt.
Seriously, that response from volsrock is beyond stupid. Do you think George Wallace approved of the use of National Guardsmen? ROTFLMFAO!!! They are just so goddamn dumb.

Seriously, that OP from Concart is beyond stupid. Whinny little bitch who can't come to grips with why her filthy, fascist party is losing.
Americans stand with Texas...

I stand with Texas....Biden was foolish in letting the Trump immigration ban expire without one ounce of forethought or plan. 67% of these immigrants are men, who could be god only knows what, molesters, druggies, rapist and we're to fault Texas for trying to keep them out?? I stand with Abbott and I"m a die hard democrat, but enough is enough. ALready 1.8 million in this country, with no vetting, no papers, nothing.....just getting free hand outs off the backs of tax payers...enough!!!
Hello Concart,

I am not advocating for lawless action. I AM advocating for accountability. The Justice Department has a legal court ruling that allows them to remove the razor wire. If there is an attempt to stop them, the Governor should be immediately arrested. Those who use their authority as Governors of their states and choose to provide support should also be immediately arrested. If the Justice Department is physically prevented from doing so, they should physically remove the obstruction. Defiance of this legal order is obstruction of justice. There are things which are non-negotiable, and this is one of them. I will not dialogue with someone who refuses to accept the rule of law, especially when they are forming opinions based on falsehoods.

A cold civil war is still a civil war, and J6 was not 'cold', nor will the next incidence of violence. My point is that we have to quit pretending these are policy issues, because they are not. They are issues fundamental to the principles of this country, and they are non-negotiable. I'm abandoning the Marcus of Queensbury rules as soon as my opponent kicks me in the nuts. Democrats, and frankly everyone who is aghast at what is happening, ALL of us have to stop being polite with these people. We can agree to disagree, but we need to speak the truth, even if it's painful. We are acting too much like this is a normal election. My two cents. I understand your sentiment, so I take no offense at you calling me out.

I believe that the good guys are going to win. I don't believe that we can possibly get through this without violence. It's not because my stance is too firm.

Thanks for the response, you are, as always, thoughtful and measured. But to quote one of my favorite movies of all time, Gladiator, Maximus to a Roman Senator. 'The time for half measures and talk is over, Senator'. That is exactly my sentiment.

That's what Teddy Roosevelt would have done. But this is not the wild west any more. If Teddy Roosevelt had been in office when Cliven Bundy created his absurd stand-off, a lot of people would have died needlessly. The big stick should not be used lightly.

Don't give them another Ruby Ridge.

If Biden took the TR approach a lot of people would get killed in Texas over something that is really just political fanfare. Just imagine the political mileage the right would make of a big shoot out. Biden is wisely denying them that.

Abbott is chest beating. He has not done anything, as most cultists would argue, because regardless of Abbott, immigrants are still coming in. It's politics. It's not worth lives.

Abbott and Paxton are emboldened by DT. Huffing and puffing and acting like DT for political points. They know what they are doing. They have created a Cliven Bundy moment, forcing armed action or backing off. They know Biden is not going to escalate a situation where nobody needs to die. They are taunting Biden. Biden is playing it cool. Yes, that can be frustrating. Yes, we want closure. We must stick to the mature way, resist impulse acts that get people killed needlessly.

I have increasing respect for Biden over this. His maturity is shining now. Abbott is looking increasingly like DeSantis with these stunts. It won't play well over time.

We are in this for the long run.