Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

I stand with Texas....Biden was foolish in letting the Trump immigration ban expire without one ounce of forethought or plan. 67% of these immigrants are men, who could be god only knows what, molesters, druggies, rapist and we're to fault Texas for trying to keep them out?? I stand with Abbott and I"m a die hard democrat, but enough is enough. ALready 1.8 million in this country, with no vetting, no papers, nothing.....just getting free hand outs off the backs of tax payers...enough!!!
Around 10 million since Biden took office.
They think the rule of law is anti-American. So there is no dealing with them.

Isn't Xi's Biden Regime flagrantly violating federal law with the open border?

{[FONT=&quot]“[/FONT]President Biden is the first President to ever un-secure a border on purpose. The current administration’s failure to enforce and uphold the laws as written by Congress are not just matters of legal debate but have led to unimaginable suffering and death for Americans and migrants alike… For three years, this Administration has directed and overseen the implementation of an open-borders agenda that has resulted in a national security, humanitarian, public health, and public safety catastrophe unlike any we have ever witnessed at America’s borders.[FONT=&quot]”}

[FONT=&quot]Thomas D. Homan, Retired Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):

Standard Disclaimer: I know you're too much of a coward to debate issues, instead just screaming hatred like a mindless coward.[/FONT]
What is it that moves rightys? It certainly is not the facts. The wall is there like it has been for decades. There are no open borders. Biden has arrested, detained or deported far more illegals than Trump did. The drugs, over 90 percent. come in through ports of entry according to DEA.
The walls are a joke. People go over them in seconds. They walk around them, they come through tunnels or they fly in. They also come by boat or swimming. They come in through the northern border.
The bill Biden has been pushing will provide a lot more judges to keep people from waiting years to get justice or be deported It will hire more border patrol. Trump has stopped the bill.
What is it that moves rightys? It certainly is not the facts. The wall is there like it has been for decades. There are no open borders. Biden has arrested, detained or deported far more illegals than Trump did. The drugs, over 90 percent. come in through ports of entry according to DEA.
The walls are a joke. People go over them in seconds. They walk around them, they come through tunnels or they fly in. They also come by boat or swimming. They come in through the northern border.
The bill Biden has been pushing will provide a lot more judges to keep people from waiting years to get justice or be deported It will hire more border patrol. Trump has stopped the bill.

Complete lie. And the so-calle3d "bill" allows over 5000 illegals a day....nearly 2 millioin pr year,.

Shocking 3.8 million migrants have entered US since Biden took office — 1.5 million sneaked in and are still here


Complete lie. And the so-calle3d "bill" allows over 5000 illegals a day....nearly 2 millioin pr year,.

Shocking 3.8 million migrants have entered US since Biden took office — 1.5 million sneaked in and are still here


Since President Biden took office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has logged more than 5.4 million illegal border crossings, plus at least 1.5 million “gotaways” – that is, border crossers who were detected by CBP technology, but who were never apprehended.
I'm afraid, TOP, that I have to challenge your standing to speak for all Americans.

I am an American citizen in good standing who resolutely stands
against Ironside Abbott and the State of Texas.

She didn’t say all Americans, dummy, she said Americans and they do stand with Abbott and Texas.

Twenty five states have expressed support for Texas, More to come.

You are not an American citizen in good standing.

You are an admirer of a serial murderer, Mao, which makes you a certifiable loon, old man.