Texas officially a coat hanger abortion state in landmark SCOTUS record distance punt


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Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

Awesome, it is about time someone spoke for dead children that can't protect themselves from murderous witches
Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO
Old coots’ last hoorah. Younger generations don’t have the same attitude about choice as their parents and grandparents.
18-29 year olds overwhelming support abortion

40% under any circumstances
37% under certain circumstances
18% should be illegal

Feel free to stab your fetus to death in Texas. It's now your only option.

Scotus ignores emergency TRO on Texas pussy bounty.

Yes, private citizens are all deputized to harass women with unwanted pregnancies and collect $10,000
for each vagina in which a fetus is more than 6 weeks gestation. Get your money sacks and flashlights out.
Time to go huntin' Texas style, for young woman with buns in the oven. The state is paying you bounties.

Total barbarism in Texas.

Supreme Court allows Texas’ 6-week abortion ban to take effect - POLITICO

This is a sadder day for the US than the day it accidentally elected Donald Trump. :(
Why does no one tackle the real issues behind abortion? Whores, hipsters, and bitter junky nam vets. The replutocans are in it for what? So ji-zeus isnt aborted? That ship already sank. Get over it. Get over being called baby killers by your junky golden triangle customers too. You're just radicalizing your enemy and you cant even soeak its name. Why? Because your women are theiving gold diggers and you need whores to make it through the week. Youre your own enemy trying to take a right you inexorably cannot take. The constitution is based on natural law not your disgusting catholic theism. Get it through your slimey catamite assistant pederast heads. Anything short of chaining a bitch to a wall for the full term of her pregnancy cannot stop her from terminating a pregnancy. Just as with the first amendment, you cant make someone say what you want them to and you cant shut them up. You physically cannot. They always have a choice even if it's to die rather than co-exist with you. You might say that shuts them up. To that i say psudomonas serengae glyphosate exotoxin pump. Welcome to the dawn of your hell on earth.
Im too tired of these needlessly radicalised misandrist junkys and these faggoty catholic theists who cant understand religion has no place in law.
Our history shows that you cannot stop abortion. You can drive it underground where it is less safe. We had back-alley abortions sought for by desperate women when abortion was illegal in America. Some died from mishandling. Sometimes they were just beaten and robbed by a conman. Some were killed for the money.
Girls also did self-abortion which worked out as well. They believed what they were told and attempted to end the pregnancy. Of course, that resulted in women dying or self crippling.
Imposing your religious and moral authority on those who do not share them does not work out well. Desperate people take desperate measures.
This IS the linchpin for All abortion’s.......the first big domino to fall!

And Texas has written it well........stiff penalties for even someone who drives a woman to get an abortion after 6 weeks!

Pay attention to this one!
War Room is showing a CNN interview with Zoom Jack Off Star Jeffrey Toobin freaking out about this.

Jack Off Jeff got one of his best friend’s daughters pregnant and tried to bully her into getting an abortion. (She didn’t.) When she wouldn't have an abortion, Jack Off Jeff told her she was going to regret it, that she shouldn't expect any help from him!

Such a stand up Lib of a man
Someone needs to ram a coat hanger all the way up Gregg Abbot's butt!

We need to abort him from the Governor's mansion in 2022!
