Thanks Obamacare

For my personal situation, that's not how it worked. Why should I be willing to pay more for mine so someone else can get it for less?

You see, you shouldn't be concerning yourself with whether someone else pays less or more than you.

That is called ENVY.

And envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage: “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2).
You see, you shouldn't be concerning yourself with whether someone else pays less or more than you.

That is called ENVY.

And envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage: “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2).

It would be envy if I wanted mine the same way the freeloaders got theirs. Since I don't, it means you misused another term and I'll accept your concession of being wrong when you're man enough to give it.
It would be envy if I wanted mine the same way the freeloaders got theirs. Since I don't, it means you misused another term and I'll accept your concession of being wrong when you're man enough to give it.

You are JEALOUS that some don't have to work as hard to get what you've got and it makes you ENVIOUS of them.
Me caring about others doesn't involve supporting being forced to fund something for them. As for you, I don't give two shits what happens to you.

Nobody is forcing you to support anyone.

Don't like how things work here in the USA?

Well then, you are free to GTFO anytime you one is FORCING you to stay under such oppressive circumstances.

All this petty jealousy of others is poisoning your soul.
Thanks Obamacare;

50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and $12 billion in “health care costs were saved” due in part to initiatives woven into the Affordable Care Act that helped reduce hospital-acquired infections from 2010 to 2013.

Many of the initiatives, such as Medicare reimbursement incentives to improve quality as well as penalties for hospitals that re-admit patients within 30 days from errors and hospital acquired infections, were part of the health law signed into law by President Obama.

The report, linked here, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows 1.3 million fewer hospital-acquired conditions from 2010 to 2013. Infections acquired included everything from an illness acquired from a misplaced catheter to acquiring the superbug known as MRSA.

“These data represent significant progress in improving the quality of care that patients receive while spending our health care dollars more wisely,” Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell said in a statement accompanying the report. “HHS will work with partners across the country to continue to build on this progress.”
Nobody is forcing you to support anyone.

Don't like how things work here in the USA?

Well then, you are free to GTFO anytime you one is FORCING you to stay under such oppressive circumstances.

All this petty jealousy of others is poisoning your soul.

Typical answer from a freeloader. I can see your jealousy of me because I have proven I have the ability to EARN my way and the only way you get something is for someone like me to fund it for you. How sad your life must be to know that the only way you can have something is because of someone like me paying for it on your behalf.
Thanks Obamacare;

50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and $12 billion in “health care costs were saved” due in part to initiatives woven into the Affordable Care Act that helped reduce hospital-acquired infections from 2010 to 2013.

Many of the initiatives, such as Medicare reimbursement incentives to improve quality as well as penalties for hospitals that re-admit patients within 30 days from errors and hospital acquired infections, were part of the health law signed into law by President Obama.

The report, linked here, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows 1.3 million fewer hospital-acquired conditions from 2010 to 2013. Infections acquired included everything from an illness acquired from a misplaced catheter to acquiring the superbug known as MRSA.

“These data represent significant progress in improving the quality of care that patients receive while spending our health care dollars more wisely,” Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell said in a statement accompanying the report. “HHS will work with partners across the country to continue to build on this progress.”

Interesting you didn't show that subsidies funded by honorable, hard working people are the only way freeloaders like you ever get anything.
Thanks Obamacare;

50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and $12 billion in “health care costs were saved” due in part to initiatives woven into the Affordable Care Act that helped reduce hospital-acquired infections from 2010 to 2013.

Many of the initiatives, such as Medicare reimbursement incentives to improve quality as well as penalties for hospitals that re-admit patients within 30 days from errors and hospital acquired infections, were part of the health law signed into law by President Obama.

The report, linked here, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows 1.3 million fewer hospital-acquired conditions from 2010 to 2013. Infections acquired included everything from an illness acquired from a misplaced catheter to acquiring the superbug known as MRSA.

“These data represent significant progress in improving the quality of care that patients receive while spending our health care dollars more wisely,” Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell said in a statement accompanying the report. “HHS will work with partners across the country to continue to build on this progress.”

That explains it!

The ACA SAVED people's lives AND wonder CFM is so butthurt!
someone explain to the dolt that the ACA is only responsible for 3% of increases in Health Insurance....the rest is what the industry regularly does to the consumer.
someone explain to the dolt that the ACA is only responsible for 3% of increases in Health Insurance....the rest is what the industry regularly does to the consumer.

Only responsible for 3%? You assume that a .0000001% would be acceptable. What you don't get is that the government has no place in healthcare. If you think someone that couldn't afford it should have had it, you could have very easily solved that problem by finding them and paying their coverage for them. As a typical Liberal, that's not how you work. You think the rest of us should incur a 3% cost when a 0% cost increase would have been the result if you bleeding hearts actually care as much as you claimed you do.
That explains it!

The ACA SAVED people's lives AND wonder CFM is so butthurt!

OBAMACARE didn't save a single fucking person.
It made health care more expensive.
It jacked up insurance premiums.
It created rationing.

Personal Experience is I've had to switch to a higher deductible plan for my family since the ACA was enacted. This was to maintain affordability. I now have an HSA that I invest in to offset medical costs when/if they occur. We never reach our deductible. My Insurance is worse now.

But yes, 16 million more people are insured now. If their insurance is anything like mine, the insurance industry is just lining their pockets. I do like that they can no longer turn away those with a pre-existing condition, though. Time to look into what effects it has had on medical costs and quality of care, thats where I have always said the main goal of this act should be.

- Health Insurance Rates still rose, just not at the rate they were. It's at about 3% a year now. Economists think this had less to do with the ACA, and more to do with the dip in the economy.

- "Health Insurance Exchange plans under the Affordable Care Act are increasing out of pocket costs for patients and limiting access even more to prescription treatments they need and deserve." - See more at:

Any other sources for the facts on this data?

Honestly, I'd rather have single-payer than the ACA....
Personal Experience is I've had to switch to a higher deductible plan for my family since the ACA was enacted. This was to maintain affordability. I now have an HSA that I invest in to offset medical costs when/if they occur. We never reach our deductible. My Insurance is worse now.

But yes, 16 million more people are insured now. If their insurance is anything like mine, the insurance industry is just lining their pockets. I do like that they can no longer turn away those with a pre-existing condition, though. Time to look into what effects it has had on medical costs and quality of care, thats where I have always said the main goal of this act should be.

- Health Insurance Rates still rose, just not at the rate they were. It's at about 3% a year now. Economists think this had less to do with the ACA, and more to do with the dip in the economy.

- "Health Insurance Exchange plans under the Affordable Care Act are increasing out of pocket costs for patients and limiting access even more to prescription treatments they need and deserve." - See more at:

Any other sources for the facts on this data?

Honestly, I'd rather have single-payer than the ACA....

I'd rather have single payer too, but this ACA is the compromise that Obama reached with the obstructionist GOP. And remember, the ACA is only responsible for 3% of the rate increases you experience....the rest is what the insurance companies do on an regular basis.
OBAMACARE didn't save a single fucking person.
It made health care more expensive.
It jacked up insurance premiums.
It created rationing.


reality check:

What Obamacare Opponents Get Wrong -- And Right -- About Insurance Premiums

Trump: Obamacare health care premiums 'going up 35, 45, 55 percent'

Some insurance plans in the federal exchange will see price hikes at the levels that Trump is suggesting. But he’s cherry-picking the high end of premium changes to come. Estimates for the national average are far below Trump’s figures, ranging from 4.4 percent to 13 percent.

Trump’s claim is partially accurate but takes things out of context. We rate it Half True.