The bible

But presumably as a believer YOU BELIEVE IT DID. Am I correct?

What if someone who is seeking God comes to YOU, a believer, and says "Defender, I'm having trouble understanding God's actions in 1 Sam 15:3" how do you answer it?

It doesn't sound like you could answer it.

I think it happened, I'm not qualified to answer for God,as I wasn't there that time when 1 Sam 15:3 happened
No, it just feels like you haven't read it AT ALL.

Yup. Very much like it. When you read the Book of MOrmon and know the history of how it came about it's patently obvious it is the work of human hands and as flawed as a human work would be. The Bible is much the same! It contains difficult passages that are more easily explained by the hand of man than some exegetical arabesque on God.

If I told you that a talking snake just tried to lure me into hell would you believe me? Or would you assume I simply made it up?

If I told you God's prophet told me to punch you in the face, would you gladly accept it? Would you allow me to punch you in the face? If not, why not?

The talking snake in Genesis was the erect penis!800px-Michelangelo_Fall_and_Expulsion_from_Garden_of_Eden_00-720x350 (2)_1.jpg
I think it happened, I'm not qualified to answer for God,as I wasn't there that time when 1 Sam 15:3 happened

But you are OK with God commanding a genocide? I understand you aren't qualified to answer for God, but if you worship him you must surely accept that it was a "good" thing. How do you do that? I struggle and struggle and cannot understand why murder is OK if God commands it.

Are you familiar with the Euthyphro Dilemma?
So you finally tacitly confess after 100 posts, that my original thesis and assertion was both fair and accurate:

so now you are admitting you were wrong and the authorship of the gospels was attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John from the date they were written and that most of the people who deny it are atheists?.........about fucking time you stopped being stupid...
FYI most of what you call "world Christianity" aren't Christian!
Paul spread Christianity to save souls!
Things have changed in the last 2000years!
Now organized Christianity is social clubs,Money making Corporations, have nothing to do with true Christianity besides in name!
"Many come in my name but they aren't mine"
Since I have attended liturgies, services and meetings of Methodists, Episcopalians, Quakers, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Unitarian Universalist, Church of Christ, Greek Orthodox I can report to you that the variety of belief in world Christianity is far greater than you could be aware.

When we speak of Christianity in the modern world we naturally think of one thing. But at the same time, we know that Christianity is, in fact, a wide variety of things. This can be seen in the range of beliefs of different Christians, including such major beliefs as those about God, the nature of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus.

Many Christians think of God as a personal being, a kind of superhuman in the sky. Others find it blasphemous to make God in our own image. Still others view God as an impersonal force that lies behind all that lives in the universe.

Many Christians place great importance on the belief that Jesus died on the cross for salvation. Others place more emphasis on his life and great moral teachings.

For some Christians, the resurrection is an actual, physical reanimation of Jesus’ corpse. Others consider the resurrection of Jesus to be a symbolic claim.

Hell, for some Christians, is the destiny of those who don’t hold the right beliefs. Others consider hell to be a metaphor for life apart from God.

Bart Ehrman
But presumably as a believer YOU BELIEVE IT DID. Am I correct?

What if someone who is seeking God comes to YOU, a believer, and says "Defender, I'm having trouble understanding God's actions in 1 Sam 15:3" how do you answer it?

It doesn't sound like you could answer it.

God punished the Amalikites for engaging in human sacrifice.........not sure why you think it necessary to defend human sacrifice your thing?......
Did the infants also take part? Because they were part of who had to be murdered.

Apparently Genocide is yours?

if you think God made a mistake explain it to him........if he changes his mind, let us know......

meanwhile, I believe you've said you support abortion......that is certainly the sacrifice of support it not me......
But you are OK with God commanding a genocide? I understand you aren't qualified to answer for God, but if you worship him you must surely accept that it was a "good" thing. How do you do that? I struggle and struggle and cannot understand why murder is OK if God commands it.

Are you familiar with the Euthyphro Dilemma?

I think I'll give God the benefit of the doubt!
Since I have attended liturgies, services and meetings of Methodists, Episcopalians, Quakers, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Unitarian Universalist, Church of Christ, Greek Orthodox I can report to you that the variety of belief in world Christianity is far greater than you could be aware.

I'm well aware that what you assume is Christianity has a lot of spins!
It's what confused me before my Epiphany, why there were so many denominations and different spins!
Then I found out after my Epiphany exactly what Jesus meant by "Many come in my name but they aren't mine"!
Organized Religion is Spiritual Babylon!
I'm well aware that what you assume is Christianity has a lot of spins!
It's what confused me before my Epiphany, why there were so many denominations and different spins!
Then I found out after my Epiphany exactly what Jesus meant by "Many come in my name but they aren't mine"!
Organized Religion is Spiritual Babylon!

Do you ever wonder why YOU were given the Truth and so many others will persist in failing to come to Jesus? You must be blessed among all men. You are extremely fortunate. I hope every day you fall to your knees and thank God that he hasn't consigned YOU to the flames of hell even though so many, many, many others will roast there for eternity.

So what was it you did so RIGHT that God selected YOU for the Epiphany?
if you think God made a mistake explain it to him........if he changes his mind, let us know......

Are you familiar with the Euthyphro Dilemma? I'm going to assume that's a hard "no". It posits the question:

meanwhile, I believe you've said you support abortion

That would be FALSE WITNESS my friend. I DO NOT support abortion. I support a woman's right to choose what SHE wants to do with HER body. If I had my way we'd vastly improve social safety nets and welfare systems so that fewer people made that horrible decision.

But at the end of the day it is not mine to make.

So go ahead and apologize for your false witness. Thanks.

(I don't want you roasting in hell for violating all of God's laws. Thanks again)
I think I'll give God the benefit of the doubt!

Fair enough. But it kind of seems like faith without any understanding. I don't think I could worship someone who ordered genocide, even if they later on were really really nice.

I think that's the difference between you and I. I like to at least try to understand that which I give my heart and soul to. I know not everyone is thus limited but that's the way "God made me". Maybe if he'd made me capable of worshipping genocide I wouldn't be an atheist. My loss I guess?