The bible

Do you ever wonder why YOU were given the Truth and so many others will persist in failing to come to Jesus? You must be blessed among all men. You are extremely fortunate. I hope every day you fall to your knees and thank God that he hasn't consigned YOU to the flames of hell even though so many, many, many others will roast there for eternity.

So what was it you did so RIGHT that God selected YOU for the Epiphany?

Not a clue! And when chosen ,the first thing I did was resigned!God doesn't accept resignations from those chosen.
Fair enough. But it kind of seems like faith without any understanding. I don't think I could worship someone who ordered genocide, even if they later on were really really nice.

I think that's the difference between you and I. I like to at least try to understand that which I give my heart and soul to. I know not everyone is thus limited but that's the way "God made me". Maybe if he'd made me capable of worshipping genocide I wouldn't be an atheist. My loss I guess?

You talk a lot about the mistakes you think God made!
But yet an atheist doesn't believe God exists.
Not a clue! And when chosen ,the first thing I did was resigned!God doesn't accept resignations from those chosen.

Wow. It must be really cool to be chosen by the Creator of the Universe to have knowledge that others aren't given. I've always been amazed by "revelation". I often wondered how people differentiated their imagination from revelation.

But more importantly I often wonder why God gives revelations to some and not all. Guess it helps keep the fuel available for the fires of hell.
You talk a lot about the mistakes you think God made!

Actually I don't think God commanded genocide of the Amalekites. I believe that if such a near-genocide occurred it was solely at the hands of Saul's soldiers and the historians and partisans of the ancient Israelites wrote it up and blamed God for it.

It's a tale as old as time. The 9/11 hijackers thought they were going on God's command to murder thousands on 9/11. The Crusaders slaughter countless people in the name of God. The witch trials tortured and murdered countless innocent women in the name of God.

So, I don't think God is responsible for these things because I don't think he exists. But we have LOTS OF EXAMPLES of HUMANS who claimed God told them to murder.
Wow. It must be really cool to be chosen by the Creator of the Universe to have knowledge that others aren't given. I've always been amazed by "revelation". I often wondered how people differentiated their imagination from revelation.

But more importantly I often wonder why God gives revelations to some and not all. Guess it helps keep the fuel available for the fires of hell.

It's easy! I had Zero religious beliefs or training.
I'm the last guy in the world that would search out God!
But that's the very reason I was chosen,because I know I didn't want anything to do with this.
Actually I don't think God commanded genocide of the Amalekites. I believe that if such a near-genocide occurred it was solely at the hands of Saul's soldiers and the historians and partisans of the ancient Israelites wrote it up and blamed God for it.

It's a tale as old as time. The 9/11 hijackers thought they were going on God's command to murder thousands on 9/11. The Crusaders slaughter countless people in the name of God. The witch trials tortured and murdered countless innocent women in the name of God.

So, I don't think God is responsible for these things because I don't think he exists. But we have LOTS OF EXAMPLES of HUMANS who claimed God told them to murder.

You don't believe God exists but you take 1 Sam 3:15 as gospel.
You talk a lot about the mistakes you think God made!

Wrong. I don't think God made any mistakes. I wish I could explain that to you more simply to match your understanding. I don't believe God exists so the reason I ask the questions I do is to understand why YOU are OK with God's actions in the Bible.

You believe in God. So clearly this is something YOU must have an answer for. You worship God and love him with all your heart and soul. So I can only assume that all of God's actions are "good" in your eyes.

If you were seated on a jury and someone said they killed because God told them to, would you allow that as an excuse and find him not guilty? If not why not?

If you believe God exists and God occasionally requires murder in his name (which the Bible clearly shows) then why do you doubt someone who claims God told them to murder someone?
It's easy! I had Zero religious beliefs or training.

Even nicer for you!

I'm the last guy in the world that would search out God!

Why you're Augustine of Hippo! Glad to meet ya!

But that's the very reason I was chosen,because I know I didn't want anything to do with this.

But here you are defending a faith you don't necessarily seem capable of defending. You have not ONCE said ANYTHING even REMOTELY about the content of 1 Sam 15:3 which indicates to me you still have not read it.

You should read the BIble. Especially if God gave you the gift of a revelation!
genocide......human sacrifice....

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

I know you for what you are because of the fruit you bear. Hatred and lies seem to be your milieu. Your faith is little more than dust in your mouth.

Do you know who you REALLY sound like you are witnessing for? I'll let you guess.
I could have started a new thread on it. Any answer? haters started the thread......I didn't hear you whining until we proved the haters were simpleminded atheists with zero you want to blame us......if you start a new thread on it it will just be another thread started by haters, attacking Christians........sounds like a plan......
I don't really understand why so many Christians seem to have so much hate.

Is that supported in the Bible?

Christians are just regular people. Prone to the same excesses of everyone.

Christianity never stopped someone from doing whatever evil is truly in their heart and a lack of faith never stopped someone from doing whatever good is truly in their heart. haters started the thread......I didn't hear you whining until we proved the haters were simpleminded atheists with zero you want to blame us......if you start a new thread on it it will just be another thread started by haters, attacking Christians........sounds like a plan......

That's not really an answer.

I would suppose that my question is uncomfortable for people who call themselves Christian, but spend a lot of time hating. haters started the thread......I didn't hear you whining until we proved the haters were simpleminded atheists with zero you want to blame us......if you start a new thread on it it will just be another thread started by haters, attacking Christians........sounds like a plan......

The Prophet of Hate.

Is this why 1 Sam 15:3 doesn't bother you?