The bible

So according to you one night out of the clear blue me someone who could careless about religion, than for the next two years learned about Passover and how it relates to the cross and the second coming Without any books or teachers! Where did the information come from?

There are a few possible sources:

1. God himself communicated to you.
2. Satan attempted to communicate to you by deceiving you into thinking it was divine communication.
3. Your imagination.

I think we can all agree that the odds-on favorite for this is #1 and couldn't possibly be #3.
... the typical response from someone who is being intellectually spanked...

Boy...I've taken on a hell of a lot sharper than you on these topics. But...if you feel better about yourself by thinking you are giving me an intellectual spanking...go for it. I think it is cute.

For someone who claims to be an "agnostic" (an atheist before the word atheist was hijacked), you sure do seem to "have it in" for the Christian God, meaning that you seem to care about, as you phrased it, "putting him in a horrible light" even though you are claiming here to be unsure whether or not he exists. Why do you care so much about something that you claim to be uncertain about?

I have no problems with the Christian god (Jesus) fact, I have mentioned often that I incorporate many of his teachings into my personal philosophy. I wish more people would...especially most Christians. The world would be a better place if they would.

I have lots of problems with the god Jesus worshiped. But I understand why he did. What I don't understand is why any decent individual now alive would.

More to come.
I can't prove Christianity to be true/false (as it can only logically be accepted/rejected on a faith basis), but I "know in my heart" (iow I have strong faith) that the Christian God exists.

You do not know squat in your heart. All your heart does is pump blood. Your brain is where the thinking and knowing take place...AND YOU DO NOT KNOW ANY GODS EXIST. You are BLINDLY GUESSING there is one...and like a typical two year-old, you are insisting your blind guess is correct.

I pray to him in Jesus' name and he hears/answers my prayers.

Pray to a brick wall. It will hear and answer your prayers also...if you demand that it is so.

I study his Word, and his Word "speaks to me" through said study. I can't prove the Christian God's existence, but I know (via faith) that he exists.

You do not KNOW anything by faith. You are blindly guessing that your god exists.

No problemo. Guess away.

I have faith that God exists. That faith is not "blind". It is very evidenced, actually.

Your "faith" is just your insistence that your blind guess about a god correct. Sounds as though you would drop to the floor and kick your heels if corrected.

Also cute.

... not blindly. It is very evidenced.

Pure blind guesses!

More to come.
There are a few possible sources:

1. God himself communicated to you.
2. Satan attempted to communicate to you by deceiving you into thinking it was divine communication.
3. Your imagination.

I think we can all agree that the odds-on favorite for this is #1 and couldn't possibly be #3.

1. Yes
2.Satan isn't omnipresent can't spend 24/7 mucking around with me
3. Just how could my imagination be an expert on Passover?
I have no problems with the Christian god (Jesus) fact, I have mentioned often that I incorporate many of his teachings into my personal philosophy.

I am an atheist and even I find some significant value in the Gospels. Some great recommendations for how to live a good life.

Ultimately, however, as an atheist, no matter how I value the goodness of Christ's message it won't do me any good upon death at which point I must be consigned to hell for failing to do the one thing that is required: accept Jesus' sacrifice for my sins as my personal savior.

It's a shame because I even like the concept of "grace" and accept that I am imperfect and prone to doing bad things.

I see a lot of Christians for whom BOTH work together hand in glove and things go quite well. I also (esp on this forum) see a lot of Christians for whom the important bit is hitting the requirements (not necessarily understanding anything, just making sure to mouth the right phrases) so that they may be accepted into Heaven. It's why Matthew 7:21 was written.

I hope it works out for them. They seem pretty earnest even if they don't seem to actually care what Jesus "said".

I wish more people would...especially most Christians. The world would be a better place if they would.

Agreed! I'm really lucky in that I have a lot of Christian friends who do that effectively.
Boy...I've taken on a hell of a lot sharper than you on these topics. But...if you feel better about yourself by thinking you are giving me an intellectual spanking...go for it. I think it is cute.

I have no problems with the Christian god (Jesus) fact, I have mentioned often that I incorporate many of his teachings into my personal philosophy. I wish more people would...especially most Christians. The world would be a better place if they would.

I have lots of problems with the god Jesus worshiped. But I understand why he did. What I don't understand is why any decent individual now alive would.

More to come.

St. Thomas Aquinas said Jesus was either
1. Liar
Jesus left no other options.
1. Yes
2.Satan isn't omnipresent can't spend 24/7 mucking around with me

So it was non-stop 24h/7days a week 365 days a year, every second of every minute that your training went on? How did you have time to eat?

3. Just how could my imagination be an expert on Passover?

Well, first off, it is HIGHLY doubtful you are an "expert" on Passover (you don't seem to be an expert on much of anything per se, certainly haven't shown any special level of knowledge on religion here!), but even then MOST people make it to adulthood in the US and hear a LOT about Passover through media, Church (even if you weren't a big attender), or even movies. It is actually kind of hard NOT to become familiar with Passover.

But like I said, and you seem to agree, the only OBVIOUS source is God, obviously. I mean there's NEVER BEEN AN EXAMPLE OF SOMEONE WHO CLAIMED GOD GAVE THEM A MISSION WHO WAS IN ERROR.

Never one example in all of human history.

So, kudos.
Yes, I believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.

So you blindly guess that the Bible is the inerrant word of god.

Nothing wrong with that. You are allowed to guess.

... not "blindly"... there is much evidence for his existence.

Nothing but a blind guess.

Speak for yourself.

I do speak for myself.

As for me, I am confident that my eternity will be quite comfortable, thanks to the gifted salvation through Jesus's perfect life that he lived in order to save me from my sinful nature.

You are an ass kisser...and you are now kissing Jesus' hopes that you have eternal life.

Whew. What a waste of eternal life that would be.

Correct, hence the necessity for Christ Jesus and his perfect life and sacrificial death on the cross. Through his perfect life and sacrificial death, the price for my sins has been paid for. Through his perfect life and sacrificial death, my sins have been forgiven.

Yup. You worship a god who essentially says, "I will forgive you for doing things that offend me, but first you must torture and kill my son."

If that god were a human...he would be in an institution under conditions of greater security than those imposed on Hannibal Lecter.

Nah. I HIGHLY suggest that you read through the book of Romans and learn what it means. It explains in great detail why Jesus was necessary. It answers the question that you are supposedly seeking the answer to (although you've admitted that you already have your own answer to that question).

So what you are saying here is that you cannot answer the question...or realize the intellectual risk of doing so.

Okay. So you are chicken. Not your worst quality by a long shot.

It is obvious to me that you haven't.

Yes, it does.

I told you where the answer is. Read Romans.

Your issues, not mine. Read Romans.

Yeah, just as it is obvious to you that your god exists!

I have read Romans...and just about all of the epistles of Paul. I used to think Paul was a jerkoff, but have changed my mind about him. He just disagreed with Jesus on some things...and decided to change them.

He succeeded.
St. Thomas Aquinas said Jesus was either
1. Liar
Jesus left no other options.

Aquinas left no other options.

There is one more.


I vote for door number 4. (Or that the people who put together his message are behind door number 4.)
So it was non-stop 24h/7days a week 365 days a year, every second of every minute that your training went on? How did you have time to eat?

Well, first off, it is HIGHLY doubtful you are an "expert" on Passover (you don't seem to be an expert on much of anything per se, certainly haven't shown any special level of knowledge on religion here!), but even then MOST people make it to adulthood in the US and hear a LOT about Passover through media, Church (even if you weren't a big attender), or even movies. It is actually kind of hard NOT to become familiar with Passover.

But like I said, and you seem to agree, the only OBVIOUS source is God, obviously. I mean there's NEVER BEEN AN EXAMPLE OF SOMEONE WHO CLAIMED GOD GAVE THEM A MISSION WHO WAS IN ERROR.

Never one example in all of human history.

So, kudos.

I didn't say I was an expert on Passover,the Holy Spirit is.
I don't expect an atheist to comprehend