The bible

Boy...I've taken on a hell of a lot sharper than you on these topics. But...if you feel better about yourself by thinking you are giving me an intellectual spanking...go for it. I think it is cute.

I have no problems with the Christian god (Jesus) fact, I have mentioned often that I incorporate many of his teachings into my personal philosophy. I wish more people would...especially most Christians. The world would be a better place if they would.

I have lots of problems with the god Jesus worshiped. But I understand why he did. What I don't understand is why any decent individual now alive would.

More to come.

You're ignorant.
You're extremely ignorant if you think Jesus worshiped anyone and that is what you said ignant.

So you think Jesus did not worship his god...the god the Jews of his day worshiped.


Even a moron shouldn't get things that wrong.
I'm a lot smarter than you.

You think you are...but that is the problem. You don't really shoot off your mouth mostly in one sentence bites that, rather neatly, fit the moronic look of your avatar.

Anyway...if it makes your life more worth living to suppose you are smarter than I, go for it. I enjoyed the laugh when I read it...and will continue to enjoy the laugh as I remember it.
Ebionites, an early ascetic sect of Jewish Christians. The Ebionites were one of several such seats that originated in and around Palestine in the first centuries AD.

They believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah and was the true “prophet” mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15. They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law. They themselves faithfully followed the Law, although they removed what they regarded as interpolations in order to uphold their teachings.

The early Ebionite literature is said to have resembled the Gospel According to Matthew, without the birth narrative. Evidently, they later found this unsatisfactory and developed their own literature—the Gospel of the Ebionites—although none of this text has survived.