The bible

The Gnostics were an unusual branch of early Christianity, they didn't believe the God of the Old Testament was the same as the God of the New Testament, and they believed salvation lay in the knowledge Jesus imparted, not based on faith and grace.

Correct, as my post and link showed.

We use Jesus, more or less, as a mantra and decent guide to Gnosis, which is knowledge of the good and evil person in all of us. The old "Spark of God" that is our recognition of the good and evil sides of God.

Do you ever ponder your evil side?

Do you know why you should love it?

The final judgement is very simple.
Those that eat the flesh and drink the blood of the
Passover Lamb,will be Passed Over by the Passover Angel.
Those that Don't will be gathered and burned in the pit.

Only those of little faith will not believe the scriptures when they say that God loses none of us perfect souls.

You are calling your God incompetent at creating perfection.

You might be right given the abominations he creates.

I can see why your faith fails you.

That creator is not perfect by any means. Right?

It is in response to the conversation about how early Christianity had a variety of different views of Jesus' relationship to God.

There were a larger number of sects of early Christianity which had radically different views of Christs' "divine nature". Was he homouoisious with God? Was he subordinate to God? Was he a sub-god?

It is part of the history of the early Church and how the orthodoxy we have today came into being over decades and centuries.

When in a mood, I like to chat with Christians about the half breed chimera God, Jesus, that was produced by the bestial act of God the cuckolded Joseph.

I then point out that Yahweh became a deadbeat dad and abandoned Jesus to die alone.

Can a Trinity God be alone?

The number of Christians today who believe the bible is a 100 percent historically accurate accounting of events is an extremely small minority of world Christianity

I asked you! Not to parrot others like you always do!
So first most of who you call Christians aren't!
Sooner or later you have to get off the "they say" fence.
Only those of little faith will not believe the scriptures when they say that God loses none of us perfect souls.

You are calling your God incompetent at creating perfection.

You might be right given the abominations he creates.

I can see why your faith fails you.

That creator is not perfect by any means. Right?


Asked answered!
Word salad

No, word salad is when the phrasing and words do not go together in a comprehensible way. What you might be confused by is the fact that you appear to be about as dumb as a box of hammers.

Let me know and I can see if I can pass my posts through one of those apps that can "dumb things down" to your grade level. What, do you read at 3rd grade level?
No, word salad is when the phrasing and words do not go together in a comprehensible way. What you might be confused by is the fact that you appear to be about as dumb as a box of hammers.

Let me know and I can see if I can pass my posts through one of those apps that can "dumb things down" to your grade level. What, do you read at 3rd grade level?

Off topic
I asked you! Not to parrot others like you always do!
So first most of who you call Christians aren't!
Sooner or later you have to get off the "they say" fence.

My position is the same as most of world Christianity.

The vast majority of chirstians do not have the hubris you do.

The divine is unfathomable to the human mind, and the mystery of the infinite cannot be captured adequately by the limits of human language. Stories written by humans have to account for that.

That why most of world Christianity believes your ultra literalist take on the bible is the height of hubris.
My position is the same as most of world Christianity.

The vast majority of chirstians do not have the hubris you do.

The divine is unfathomable to the human mind, and the mystery of the infinite cannot be captured adequately by the limits of human language. Stories written by humans have to account for that.

That why most of world Christianity believes your ultra literalist take on the bible is the height of hubris.
Sounds like you think the majority has to be right.
The majority throught the earth was flat.