The bible

Since how you punctuate a sentence make a great deal of difference how that sentence is to be understood. What is your understanding of how the Bible is punctuated.

punctuation?......pah!........the original Hebrew text didn't even have vowels.......

punctuation?......pah!........the original Hebrew text didn't even have vowels.......


Here is the issue . Which of these punctuation is correct.

NIV Luk 23:43

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise. "

John 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ”
Here is the issue . Which of these punctuation is correct.

NIV Luk 23:43

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise. "

John 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ”

not sure what your issue is........Jesus is God, so either way the statement is true.......
not sure what your issue is........Jesus is God, so either way the statement is true.......

So this Jesus is God Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court suicidal super egos diatribe of "man is God" grants standing to those "it's just a God damn piece of paper" burning Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan patriot act WW II Mengele baptize thine eyes by urinations to protect & serve the Islamidotocracy of flying flaming carpeted chariots to Mohammed pedophilia Valhalla for their second coming as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" in that Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" South America drug invasion by illegal aliens for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Zyklon B deja vu in their new testament giving thanks....
not seeing a disagreement.......if the thief was with God in heaven that day the statement was accurate.......
Christ gave him assurance that day, that the thief would be in paradise with him. We know Christ did not ascend to his father that day. So the correct interpretation should read I'm giving you assurance today that eventually you will be with me in paradise.

Ecc. 9: For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten. 6 Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun.

NKJV Ecc. 9: 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

NKJV Psalm 115:17 The dead do not praise the LORD, Nor any who go down into silence.
are you just catching up?....we all agreed about that yesterday.......

Gee, when it is always agreeing to disagree between separate interpretations of the same talking point?

what ever gets resolved once and for all? Reasonable doubt rules actual life by suggesting hope, faith, charity each rotation of the planet manifests another day in the life of living as eternally separated reproductions in plain sight?

Ever think Old Testament was parable stories of what went wrong socially because every generation always argues same talking points all 5 generations left alive here now. Sibling rivalries because psychological class warfare between interpreting life as more than limited to eternally separated reproductions inhabiting space now.

Perpetual balancing universal moment due to lack of nuclei for all the saturating subatomic material between atoms, molecular characteristics changing form shaped inorganically to erosion and ancestrally until decomposing corpses by ingestion or decomposition since living is a working food chain or life doesn't continue one ancestor at a time here now.

so many generations of so many ideologies wiped themselves out trying to conquer what keeps things never same total sum twice in plain sight. Biblical final conflict between first 4 generations making the last one arriving to comply with never believing now always has been eternity.

Not really that complicated on the instinctive self awareness about proportionately never same total sum twice adapting to the moment here, until you come across societies demanding everyone ignore their time is never same details twice and social duty to support ideas to convince last generation life exceeds evolving in plain sight now.

Point of origin is conceived to replace previous 4 generations and when the 5th has its genetic codes modified because of natural disasters changing the food chain dietary routine for couple of seasons, what doesn't kill a species changes varieties of life evolving forward in series parallel time.

Simple compounding results being eternally separated spontaneously here when simultaneously inhabiting space where reproduced, here comes geological, geographical, geometrical numbers in plain sight of one another as exactly came to exist adapting in space sharing the moment here, and one species making shit up into historical fruition nobody corrects until a species eliminates itself.

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So recently, a poster here who I'm not sure if I should mention the name of given Rule 1 sent me a private message. He reminded me to some extent of a group of friendly Jehova witnesses who spent some time trying to convert me to their religion back when I lived in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. So after a few messages, I find that I couldn't respond to him anymore because his mailbox was full. Perhaps he'll make some space in his mailbox soon and I'll be able to send him my response.

But in the meantime, I thought I'd basically give my take on the bible here. In essence, I consider it a mix of history and fiction. I doubt I'd ever be able to prove that any of it is fictional, but I also doubt that anyone would be able to prove that all of is the truth, at least to anyone who doesn't just take it on faith.

Ironically, until reading a book called "The Da Vinci Code", and later watching it as a film, I never really questioned a lot of things that the bible and Christianity said were true. The Da Vinci Code book got the wheels in my mind turning, but it bills itself as a book of fiction, and the movie does as well. What really got me going was when I picked up a copy of one of the books that it used as source material, namely Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Since reading it, I know that it's had its fair share of critics, and even while reading it, there were some passages that I found dubious. Nevertheless, I found it immensely more interesting then what I had previously thought of the bible and christianity as a whole.

As to my own religion, I've been Pantheist ever since I found out that it essentially mirrored beliefs I'd developed on my own before hearing about it.

Anyway, some reference links:

I consider it a mix of history and fiction.

The first thing to remember is the bible was written by humans and contains a lot of errors in memory and errors as event's were passed down non fictional. The bible should not be taken literally but as a guide in how one lives their lives.

Example Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt as reported could have been she was really turned into ash after looking at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire.
The first thing to remember is the bible was written by humans and contains a lot of errors in memory and errors as event's were passed down non fictional. The bible should not be taken literally but as a guide in how one lives their lives.

Example Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt as reported could have been she was really turned into ash after looking at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire.

I'm glad we agree that the bible could have errors in memory. I think it goes beyond that though. As I've mentioned previously, I'm a pantheist myself. So while I do believe in God, that doesn't mean that I consider passages in the bible to be accurate in any sense by default. Have you seen a film called Agora, starring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia of Alexandria? I thought it was a great film. I think my favourite line in it was when Rachel tells someone "You do not question what you believe, or cannot. I must."

I think it's educational to remember what happened to Hypatia in the name of Christianity. The film takes some liberties as to the details, but gets the gist of it right. Wikipedia gets into the details:

According to Socrates Scholasticus, during the Christian season of Lent in March 415, a mob of Christians under the leadership of a lector named Peter, raided Hypatia's carriage as she was travelling home.[95][96][97] They dragged her into a building known as the Kaisarion, a former pagan temple and center of the Roman imperial cult in Alexandria that had been converted into a Christian church.[89][95][97] There, the mob stripped Hypatia naked and murdered her using ostraka,[95][98][99][100] which can either be translated as "roof tiles" or "oyster shells".[95] Damascius adds that they also cut out her eyeballs.[101] They tore her body into pieces and dragged her limbs through the town to a place called Cinarion, where they set them on fire.[95][101][100] According to Watts, this was in line with the traditional manner in which Alexandrians carried the bodies of the "vilest criminals" outside the city limits to cremate them as a way of symbolically purifying the city.[101][102]

sorry but this isn't complicated.....Christ IS the Father......the theif was with Him/Them........
But Christ said the Thief would be with HIM not his father

So are you saying that Christ did not tell the Thief the truth? Because he didn't want to be touched because he hadn't ascended to his father. And why did Christ pray to the Father to have the burden of the cross lifted from him and say :

“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

It's obvious that Christ and the Father had different wills.

Do you think Christ used his divinity to defeat sin?
Last edited: have quoted me three times......perhaps I should tell you I haven't read any of your posts since the first month you joined......
last time I bother responding to you....HIM is the Father.....Him is the Son.....Him is the Holy Spirit....stop wasting my time......
So in the garden Christ said he had a will that the Father clearly did not have. Do you think Christ used his divinity to defeat sin? Interesting. Because in my understanding is that Christ used his manhood to defeat sin so he completed the job that Adam should have done. have quoted me three times......perhaps I should tell you I haven't read any of your posts since the first month you joined......

So doubt as the national religion of Islamidiotocracy fabricated human reproduction medical pseudoscience misnomer Christiananality pedophilia avoidance - acceptance disorder of suicidal super egos examples are so expressively results of cross conditioning as should be quoted....
I know I'm very late to the topic. We don't really know who wrote most of the Bible, with the exception of some books of the New Testament which are most certainly written by Paul. It seems fairly certain that Jesus was a real person, but there's no reason to believe he's divine in any way and there's little reason to believe that many of the stories about him are real.
why? would be more logical to believe he never mentioned it because he didn't hear about it.....I expect in those days there were many things that people didn't hear about in other lands........for example, the wise men didn't show up in Jerusalem until three years later......strange way to start your attack on the you have anything with a little more meat on it than your silly assumptions......

So Philo writes about something as mundane as the shield controversy with Pontius Pilate but neglects to mentions the magical Jewish wizard who can walk on water and feeds thousands of people with infinite fish?

Lol. Ok.