The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

Your facepalm GAF seems to help you express your inability to debate. Perhaps you can learn to say words.

One thing about me everyone should know, if I lose the debate, I change my perspective, which is what EVERYONE should do.

So. Tell me more about this facepalm GAF...............No, I mean the topic, silly me.

Wrong again; but at least you are consistent. It is an indication of how fruitless any debate with a fool is so why bother?
How cute! You ”WHINE AND RANT” about somebody else whining and ranting. You’re not just a fucking partisan idiot you’re a fucking hypocrite too, huh Goober?

It wasn't a whine you idiot on steroids; it was a description of your ignorant vulgar rants.

Get a clue; grow a brain; better yet, grow up.
I don't understand either. I think it is that you are entertaining with insult rather than debate tactics. Like Yankee said, very Saul Alinsky ecxept it doesn't work for you, because there is simply no context behind the bluster.

Fair tax = take from the stinking rich 95%, and from those on average incomes nothing. Obvious really - from each according to his ability.
Fair tax = take from the stinking rich 95%, and from those on average incomes nothing. Obvious really - from each according to his ability.

Thank you for sharing the fact that you don't have the first clue what we are discussing. :rolleyes:
It wasn't a whine you idiot on steroids; it was a description of your ignorant vulgar rants.

Get a clue; grow a brain; better yet, grow up.

Oh! Ok, I didn't realize that your blather and bullshit was was biblical enlightenment and everybody else's post were "vulgar rants." How silly of me huh Goober?
If anyone is serious about ending corruption in Washington DC, ending favoritism, shutting down lobbyists, simplifying the tax code beyond mere tweaking and turning this economy around, the Fair Tax is the only proposal out there that can do this.

Everything else is mere window dressing.
If anyone is serious about ending corruption in Washington DC, ending favoritism, shutting down lobbyists, simplifying the tax code beyond mere tweaking and turning this economy around, the Fair Tax is the only proposal out there that can do this.

Everything else is mere window dressing.

Evidently you’re unaware of how many times the bastards of both duopoly parties in Washington have tweaked and supposedly ”simplified” the tax code. You seem unaware that the Income Tax Code is the Washington incumbents written guarantee of super advantage to be reelected. It’s their pot of bribery loot for buying the vote with socialist programs and assuring and bribing huge contributions into their campaign coffers. So why are you sooooo fucking naïve that you think the crooked bastards in Washington of either duopoly affiliation would support or even suggest that any tax they promote or favor would ever, ever be ”FAIR?”

The income tax has always been an abomination to the fair and righteous governance of the nation. That’s why our founders rejected it as a valid tax for the federal government and specifically constitutionally enumerated only ”Impost & excise” taxation.

If only the constitutionally authorized powers of the federal government were actually the activities being performed by the federal government, (see Article One, Section Eight), the federal government would be 1,000 times smaller and 1,000 times more efficient than it is today, and no income taxation would be necessary the federal government could and would operate nicely on simple impost & excise taxation as intended by the founders, as evidenced by our Constitution.

Anyone actually interested in the wellbeing and survival of the nation should be promoting and supporting the agenda that returns the nation back to its constitutional roots. You’d refuse to vote until the electoral process is cleansed of its corruption. Then only vote for constitutionalist that will phase out the Washington corruption and BIG socialist government and bring about the Constitutional Convention that Mark Levin and other patriots have been calling for, for decades to reaffirm our Constitution and amend it where necessary.

More fucking tax gimmicks won’t solve the nation’s ills or restore fair constitutional limited government, they’ll only give fucking crooked politicians more toys to corrupt. They’ll never pass a “FAIR” tax because the only taxes that are actually fair are impost and excise taxes and they rejected that simplistic truth on Feb. 3rd 1913. The income tax has to be repealed, the Constitution has to be restored and the electorate has to get informed. Good luck with that! A simple excise tax cannot be decorated with tax return gimmicks overseen and conducted by a BIG government IRS.
Nothing fair about the fair tax, the fair tax is an across the board huge tax cut for the rich and a huge tax hike for lowest on the totem pole.

The rich via conservatives have been trying to push this bullshit story for more than 20 yrs.
Dick Armey one of the teaest of teapartiers was one of the biggest proponents of it and stood to personally GAIN Handsomely for a 15% across the board flat tax.

This is how it works a couple making approx 60,000 Adjusted tax paying 10% would get a 50% tax increase to 15%. One of the two percenters who make millions per year would get a full 20% tax decrease from 35% to 15.
Evidently you’re unaware of how many times the bastards of both duopoly parties in Washington have tweaked and supposedly ”simplified” the tax code. You seem unaware that the Income Tax Code is the Washington incumbents written guarantee of super advantage to be reelected. It’s their pot of bribery loot for buying the vote with socialist programs and assuring and bribing huge contributions into their campaign coffers. So why are you sooooo fucking naïve that you think the crooked bastards in Washington of either duopoly affiliation would support or even suggest that any tax they promote or favor would ever, ever be ”FAIR?”

The income tax has always been an abomination to the fair and righteous governance of the nation. That’s why our founders rejected it as a valid tax for the federal government and specifically constitutionally enumerated only ”Impost & excise” taxation.

If only the constitutionally authorized powers of the federal government were actually the activities being performed by the federal government, (see Article One, Section Eight), the federal government would be 1,000 times smaller and 1,000 times more efficient than it is today, and no income taxation would be necessary the federal government could and would operate nicely on simple impost & excise taxation as intended by the founders, as evidenced by our Constitution.

Anyone actually interested in the wellbeing and survival of the nation should be promoting and supporting the agenda that returns the nation back to its constitutional roots. You’d refuse to vote until the electoral process is cleansed of its corruption. Then only vote for constitutionalist that will phase out the Washington corruption and BIG socialist government and bring about the Constitutional Convention that Mark Levin and other patriots have been calling for, for decades to reaffirm our Constitution and amend it where necessary.

More fucking tax gimmicks won’t solve the nation’s ills or restore fair constitutional limited government, they’ll only give fucking crooked politicians more toys to corrupt. They’ll never pass a “FAIR” tax because the only taxes that are actually fair are impost and excise taxes and they rejected that simplistic truth on Feb. 3rd 1913. The income tax has to be repealed, the Constitution has to be restored and the electorate has to get informed. Good luck with that! A simple excise tax cannot be decorated with tax return gimmicks overseen and conducted by a BIG government IRS.

Shocker; another empty headed rant. Yay you!
Nothing fair about the fair tax, the fair tax is an across the board huge tax cut for the rich and a huge tax hike for lowest on the totem pole.

The rich via conservatives have been trying to push this bullshit story for more than 20 yrs.
Dick Armey one of the teaest of teapartiers was one of the biggest proponents of it and stood to personally GAIN Handsomely for a 15% across the board flat tax.

This is how it works a couple making approx 60,000 Adjusted tax paying 10% would get a 50% tax increase to 15%. One of the two percenters who make millions per year would get a full 20% tax decrease from 35% to 15.

Another clueless Liberal who doesn't know what he is talking about. No shocker here.

I'm not surprised that Liberals like the corrupt status quo; they find real change repugnant. They would rather just care more than anyone else while doing nothing.