The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

As a former flat tax disciple, I have been convinced that the Fair Tax will have a much better result in that unlike the flat tax, this tax will hit the underground economy as well.

I read a great book I highly recommend called The Fair Tax Solution by Ken Hoagland. It is an easy read and short book that makes the compelling case for a consumption tax.

Both taxes do away with the current abomination called the Tax Code which is over 70,000 pages of lobbyist favored politically motivated power grabbing gobbledygook.

If you want to eliminate favoritism, cronyism, lobbyists and corruption, then you will be for this tax.

With this tax, there are no forms to fill out and the $300 billion spent annually in compliance with the tax code would be re-directed to more productive uses that would create more jobs.

In addition, there would be HUGE cost savings for the Federal Government. We would not need the massive bureaucracy called the IRS and Congressional staffs whose primary job is creating tax laws and loopholes would be significantly reduced.

My previous issues with a consumption tax were its impact on low income earners. But Hoagland addresses this through a pre-bate program that is calculated based on an annually adjusted federal poverty level income basis.

The Fair Tax rate is 23% charged on all consumption. But before you say yikes, imagine that your take home pay will significantly increase in that there will no longer be a FICA tax or income taxes taken from your paycheck. Your decisions will affect how much tax you pay by what you decide to buy.

The best part is that there are hundreds of millions of dollars in an untouchable underground economy that do not pay their fair share who now would be paying every time they made a purchase. Millions of foreign visitors would also be contributing with their purchases. And best of all, hundreds of billions of dollars now removed from the economy in code compliance and enforcement would be released to more productive uses.

Read the book, become informed and then join me in pressuring your elected officials to create this Fair Tax and eliminate the abomination called the Tax Code and the IRS.

I read the book. It was an interesting read, but it doesn't have a prayer in hell of seeing the light of day.

First you have to repeal the 16th Amendment. Good luck with that

Second when you add in state and local sales taxes, you are approaching 30+%

Third, the prebate solidifies the notion of a progressive tax codes where certain individuals have no skin in the game.

The last point I would make about the "fair tax" is that it does nothing about the underlying problem which is profligate spending.

The gobblement run by the Rebublicrats will always think of new and inefficient ways to extract money from the productive people and transfer it to the least productive. We don't need another scheme that just ensconced the system in place.
You better make up your mind you fucking sexist, racist, homophonic bigot am I a "bitch" or a "f....t"? I know what you can do: you can put up another poll, you cretinous, illiterate, bigoted, troglodyte.

The two aren't mutually exclusive you faggoty bitch. I hope you get AIDS die. Like all faggots you would deserve it
Oh look. PeePee learned a new word.

I'd say that makes him about twenty times smarter than you, at you level new vocabulary takes years, and most words over 4-6 letters are completely incomprehensible which is why you are so frustrated and your whole vocabulary consists of mostly four letter words and elementary school yard taunts. But when all you can do is slobber and drool and throw things, that cans be very frustrating for an old fool like yourself so I can understand your frustration. Besides, having to wear that helmet all the time must get pretty tiring even for you!.
The two aren't mutually exclusive you faggoty bitch. I hope you get AIDS die. Like all faggots you would deserve it

I think you're getting your gender slurs all confused, brainiac. But I'm still too tired to waste time combobulating you, now, But it appears that I taught you how to use "mutually exclusive" in a sentence. I'm surprised you learned that so fast. That will be $25 or the vocabulary lesson. And straighten out your helmet, you're getting drool in it. And that is just going to lead to all kinds of new frustrations for you, you bigot. Isn't it time for your nap?
I think you're getting your gender slurs all confused, brainiac. But I'm still too tired to waste time combobulating you, now, But it appears that I taught you how to use "mutually exclusive" in a sentence. I'm surprised you learned that so fast. That will be $25 or the vocabulary lesson. And straighten out your helmet, you're getting drool in it. And that is just going to lead to all kinds of new frustrations for you, you bigot. Isn't it time for your nap?


Tough night trolling the truck stop for cock you AIDS infested piece of shit?
I think you're getting your gender slurs all confused, brainiac. But I'm still too tired to waste time combobulating you, now, But it appears that I taught you how to use "mutually exclusive" in a sentence. I'm surprised you learned that so fast. That will be $25 or the vocabulary lesson. And straighten out your helmet, you're getting drool in it. And that is just going to lead to all kinds of new frustrations for you, you bigot. Isn't it time for your nap?

Are you getting your viral load and CD4 count checked biannually?

Don't forget your vaccinations.
Shut up faggoty ass faggot queer

Did the mentally challenged "smart" kid learn some new words overnight! Let the elementary school level name calling begin! I bet you want to debate me don't you? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Set up another thread in the APP listing because you are too scared to debate me in the open, you fucking sexist, racist, homophobic, four-letter-word spewing, incoherent bastard who gets everything he knows from Glenn Beck and the rotting corpse of that other coke snorting fool, Andrew Breitbart. I see now why you consider yourself so "smart," you have listened to that incoherent idiot Glenn Beck for four years and believe that you have graduated from "Glenn Beck U." Did he send you a complementary degree? Do you have it hanging on the wall in your room at the institution?
Did the mentally challenged "smart" kid learn some new words overnight! Let the elementary school level name calling begin! I bet you want to debate me don't you? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Set up another thread in the APP listing because you are too scared to debate me in the open, you fucking sexist, racist, homophobic, four-letter-word spewing, incoherent bastard who gets everything he knows from Glenn Beck and the rotting corpse of that other coke snorting fool, Andrew Breitbart. I see now why you consider yourself so "smart" you have listened to Glenn Beck for four years and believe that you have graduated from Glenn Beck U. Did he send you a complementary degree? Do you have it hanging on the wall in your room at the institution?

Look queer boy. There is nothing closed about APP. Maybe the toxoplasmosis has addled your brain. Maybe your queer ass has been slapped in the face by too much black cock. I don't know, but APP is as wide open as it is here.

Only difference is both parties have to leave their guns at the door. I have shown I am willing. You are the pussy queer who is skeered to venture over.

Hey I have a joke for you.

Why did God invent hot sauce?

To teach queers what their assholes are really for

Tough night trolling the truck stop for cock you AIDS infested piece of shit?


Is that the best you can do in the morning. Id you keep this shit up, you're gonna wear that new word out before your attendants have their first coffee break. You better conserve your homophobic slurs you poor ignorant, frustrated fool. You'll feel better after you get some gruel in you. And don't throw your bowel at the wall this morning or you won't get anything to eat until lunch.
Look queer boy. There is nothing closed about APP. Maybe the toxoplasmosis has addled your brain. Maybe your queer ass has been slapped in the face by too much black cock. I don't know, but APP is as wide open as it is here.

Only difference is both parties have to leave their guns at the door. I have shown I am willing. You are the pussy queer who is skeered to venture over.

Hey I have a joke for you.

Why did God invent hot sauce?

To teach queers what their assholes are really for

Og yeah, you sound like you are ready for a debate. Maybe next time they have a board debate that is actually judged you can go for it and we'll see how you do. I notice you didn't have the gumption or the intestinal fortitude to that did you? I think my sister, Darla, would have kicked your ass so bad you would still be licking your wounds and wondering what happened. But if you really want to get involved, I'll let you take her on and see how badly you fare. What I cant understand loser is why you don't just stop with the four letter words here and engage me seriously with your best shot here you ignorant POS. Maybe you can explain that to all the listeners and viewers out there so we can all understand just what kind of shit you have dripping out of your ass!

Is that the best you can do in the morning. Id you keep this shit up, you're gonna wear that new word out before your attendants have their first coffee break. You better conserve your homophobic slurs you poor ignorant, frustrated fool. You'll feel better after you get some gruel in you. And don't throw your bowel at the wall this morning or you won't get anything to eat until lunch.

Id you keep this up?

Is that your Freudian delusions seeping out onto your keyboard?

Listen up AIDS boy. You are an amusing troll. But, I have grown weary of your tedious drivel.

Like all AIDS infested queers you are dismissed
I read the book. It was an interesting read, but it doesn't have a prayer in hell of seeing the light of day.

First you have to repeal the 16th Amendment. Good luck with that

Second when you add in state and local sales taxes, you are approaching 30+%

Third, the prebate solidifies the notion of a progressive tax codes where certain individuals have no skin in the game.

The last point I would make about the "fair tax" is that it does nothing about the underlying problem which is profligate spending.

The gobblement run by the Rebublicrats will always think of new and inefficient ways to extract money from the productive people and transfer it to the least productive. We don't need another scheme that just ensconced the system in place.

I see I taught you "profligate" too last night, didn't I? I wonder who taught you "ensconces". But please, don't tell us you read the book, we all know you can't read! Besides you don't really know much beyond four letter words and what you've learned from me. So why would I want to debate my poor helmeted student? Can you tell me that? If I did I would just feel sorry for you and let you win because that's how I am. So I should probably let you debate some of the other kids first and see how you do. You still haven't adequately explained why you didn't enter the debate here. Afraid of getting beaten by a brilliant woman like Darla? Was that it? Afraid of getting bested by a woman, you sexist pig? I bet you thought you'd never live that down or your huge masculine ego wouldn't let you even risk it would it? Maybe the last day of school we can have a debate to see how many big words you have learned from me during the year. But I wouldn't consider anything before then. And you need to pay your tuition or no more schooling for you.
I bet your fine with corporate welfare though aren't you? And the expansion of the defense industry and the military industrial complex and tax subsidies for Walk-Mart that allow its workers to work and still be eligible for food stamps and subsidized Medical through Medicaid. That takes a hell of a lot more of your precious damn tax dollar than any other social program and the interest in the national debt that has been repeatedly run up by ignorant, profligate Republicans such as your personal hero, George W. Bush. Has he found even one of those weapons of mass destruction that he invaded Iraq to locate? I guess not huh?

Yourdisjointed rant is not relevant to what I wrote. No, I am not OK with corporate welfare. Expansion of of the defense industry has nothing to do with the tax system. What in the world dos Bush and the weapons on mass destruction have to do with the tax system.
I see I taught you "profligate" too last night, didn't I? I wonder who taught you "ensconces". But please, don't tell us you read the book, we all know you can't read! Besides you don't really know much beyond four letter words and what you've learned from me. So why would I want to debate my poor helmeted student? Can you tell me that? If I did I would just feel sorry for you and let you win because that's how I am. So I should probably let you debate some of the other kids first and see how you do. You still haven't adequately explained why you didn't enter the debate here. Afraid of getting beaten by a brilliant woman like Darla? Was that it? Afraid of getting bested by a woman, you sexist pig? I bet you thought you'd never live that down or your huge masculine ego wouldn't let you even risk it would it? Maybe the last day of school we can have a debate to see how many big words you have learned from me during the year. But I wouldn't consider anything before then. And you need to pay your tuition or no more schooling for you.

Why didn't I enter the debate? Hmmmm. I didn't feel like it? Same reason lots of people didn't I guess.

But, now that I finally figured out who you are, this will be easy. You are just the same dumb twat you were when I chased you off of here a long time ago. You can keep humping my leg, but I have beaten down many a cunt like you in my time.

The list of libtardiot cunts who have tried to get me banned is long and illustrious, like my cock. But, I am still standing.

Do you really think a dumb cunt like you has what it takes to take me on? Seriously? Do you think you have something with the "You didn't participate in the debates" meme? Come on Bijou. I know you have been lurking over on HowAIDS board and he probably put you up to this as a way to skirt his 90 ban, but I am 1000 times smarter than you and queer boy put together.

Now run along cunt. Your pimp is going to want his money or you gonna get a beating like you did last time. Quit asking for it.
I see I taught you "profligate" too last night, didn't I? I wonder who taught you "ensconces". But please, don't tell us you read the book, we all know you can't read! Besides you don't really know much beyond four letter words and what you've learned from me. So why would I want to debate my poor helmeted student? Can you tell me that? If I did I would just feel sorry for you and let you win because that's how I am. So I should probably let you debate some of the other kids first and see how you do. You still haven't adequately explained why you didn't enter the debate here. Afraid of getting beaten by a brilliant woman like Darla? Was that it? Afraid of getting bested by a woman, you sexist pig? I bet you thought you'd never live that down or your huge masculine ego wouldn't let you even risk it would it? Maybe the last day of school we can have a debate to see how many big words you have learned from me during the year. But I wouldn't consider anything before then. And you need to pay your tuition or no more schooling for you.

Definition of profligate (adj)

Bing Dictionary
[ próffligət ]

1.wasteful: extremely extravagant or wasteful
2.with low morals: having or showing extremely low moral standards
3.somebody wasteful: an extremely extravagant or wasteful person

hey you just taught me that word too.

I had never heard it before