The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

Dear Bijou

Darla is as dumb a cunt as you are. I notice you didn't enter the debate either so it seems odd that you are carping about it like Mrs Kravitz. Is it your insecurity that is leading to your obsequious behavior toward Darla? Did she tell you in a PM that you could wear the strap on? Are your daddy issues coming out?

I understand why you are upset cunt face. The realization that you have been sold a bag of goods by the feminzazis has you reeling as you can feel your eggs drying up inside your rotting corpse of a pussy. You are upset that you haven't been able to find a good man and all you wish is that you had a strong man like me to put and keep you in your place.


You're simply too fucked up for words. I wasn't even a member when the sign-up for the debate was announced and conducted so I couldn't have entered. And you are doing your best name-calling so I know I have you all hard and hot. You'll be screaming "Mommy" any minute now! I can't help that. You're much sicker than the character David Lynch created for Dennis Hopper in the film Blue Velvet (1986). Do you have one of those masks that you have to wear to get oxygen when you get too exited you sick fucking animal? You are a real piece of work. And a POS! And a fucking bigot! I feel so sorry for your wife. I bet we will read about how you kept her chained to some piece of heavy furniture in your home to keep her from escaping.
he is one of the board racists.

he is what the republican party has used to win elections for decades now.

soon the republican party will heave his dead ass out of the party by trying to be a sane party again.

then some nutter racist fuck like him will kill people.

You're simply too fucked up for words. I wasn't even a member when the sign-up for the debate was announced and conducted so I couldn't have entered. And you are doing your best name-calling so I know I have you all hard and hot. You'll be screaming "Mommy" any minute now! I can't help that. You're much sicker than the character David Lynch created for Dennis Hopper in the film Blue Velvet (1986). Do you have one of those masks that you have to wear to get oxygen when you get too exited you sick fucking animal? You are a real piece of work. And a POS! And a fucking bigot! I feel so sorry for your wife. I bet we will read about how you kept her chained to some piece of heavy furniture in your home to keep her from escaping.


You aren't doing anything but entertaining me. I can dispatch of you like I have dispatched all of the women in my life who have outlived their usefulness. You are nothing but a bitter old crow who sees her life has amounted to nothing.

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? (edited for content) Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

Is it the prospect that you will never procreate? On behalf of the entire human race, thank you for that.

As for my wife, she is a brilliant, charming, compassionate and strong conservative woman who has more brains in her left pinky than you do in your entire bitter body. We enjoy a wonderful life together. Something I sadly fear you do not have.

Maybe I should stop being so hard on you. I fear maybe you will end up going over the edge and killing yourself. Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea if (edited for content)
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the McVeigh element just wont leave my mind.

I know its about to happen again.

the tea tards will be heaved to the curb by the republican party.

They will march away all proud to be free of the rinos.

then they will shrink and shrivel.

they will starve without the Koch money.

then they will be jelled down to the McVeigh nutter stage

then they will kill people just like McVeigh decided was the only way.
I strongly favor the NO fucking income taxation what so ever system. The federal government operated for over 100 years without the fucking extortion of an income tax. The progressive bastard Woodrow Wilson created the criminal income tax institution. That bastard is in my top 3 fucking worse Presidents ever to disgrace our White House.

Phase out every unconstitutional federal government program, reduce the Military Industrial Complex, repeal the sixteenth amendment and restore America’s freedom!!!!!

You're another teabagging fool. The government existed without an income tax for 100 years because there was a huge income from the tariff system. That source of income was already going away when Wilson make the change. And now many of the free trade agreements are designed to rid the global market place of tariffs entirely or as close to entirely as is possible. So your comment shows that you are just another drooling fool whose responses are meaningless. If you want to come here and spout nonsense you might want to stick to most of the threads started by the other teabaggers, they won't let any thing resembling truth in their threads so you might fare better there.
he is one of the board racists.

he is what the republican party has used to win elections for decades now.

soon the republican party will heave his dead ass out of the party by trying to be a sane party again.

then some nutter racist fuck like him will kill people.

Dear Deshy

The only people who have anything to fear are those who come onto my property uninvited and refuse to leave when asked. Other than that, I am a harmless, lovable little teddy bear
the McVeigh element just wont leave my mind.

I know its about to happen again.

the tea tards will be heaved to the curb by the republican party.

They will march away all proud to be free of the rinos.

then they will shrink and shrivel.

they will starve without the Koch money.

then they will be jelled down to the McVeigh nutter stage

then they will kill people just like McVeigh decided was the only way.

Oh Deshy, don't worry your blue haired head about it.

one by one we will be electorally picking off the RINOs.

you have been predicting the death of the Tea Party for years now. We aren't going anywhere puddin
You're another teabagging fool. The government existed without an income tax for 100 years because there was a huge income from the tariff system. That source of income was already going away when Wilson make the change. And now many of the free trade agreements are designed to rid the global market place of tariffs entirely or as close to entirely as is possible. So your comment shows that you are just another drooling fool whose responses are meaningless. If you want to come here and spout nonsense you might want to stick to most of the threads started by the other teabaggers, they won't let any thing resembling truth in their threads so you might fare better there.

Gee Bijou. Here I thought all of your invective was directed at me because of calling you a cunt. And here you let on that all you were interested in was "civil debate".

Did Classic Liberal call you a cunt? Why so much anger toward him?

Poor poor Bijou. Don't you feel a little silly coming back here at the request of HowAIDS?
Dear Deshy

The only people who have anything to fear are those who come onto my property uninvited and refuse to leave when asked. Other than that, I am a harmless, lovable little teddy bear

You are the scar of slavery.

you are a boil on the skin of this country.

I hope you have a nice long happy healthy life and will be glad when you and your kind are dead and we no longer have to look and listen to the scar you are in this country.

You cant pass on your evil anymore

The kids are refusing your full diaper load
You are the scar of slavery.

you are a boil on the skin of this country.

I hope you have a nice long happy healthy life and will be glad when you and your kind are dead and we no longer have to look and listen to the scar you are in this country.

You cant pass on your evil anymore

The kids are refusing your full diaper load


I don't know about your ancestors, but mine had ZERO to do with slavery in this country.

In fact my ancestors were themselves enslaved.
Gee Bijou. Here I thought all of your invective was directed at me because of calling you a cunt. And here you let on that all you were interested in was "civil debate".

Did Classic Liberal call you a cunt? Why so much anger toward him?

Poor poor Bijou. Don't you feel a little silly coming back here at the request of HowAIDS?

Now that I have learned that there are some things that can't be said here it is only a matter of time before what can't be said is enlarged to include you favorite terminology that you use degrading women. You do it daily here and there is no reason why child abuse should be off limits but a daily degrading of women as you do daily should not be. It is clear that you are nothing but a dipshit with a huge fucking hatred of women. Too bad for you. But we'll start working to get the rules changed dumbass to curtail some of your current abusive behavior if we can't speculate on where it originated. And I am thrilled that you think I am someone named Bijou that is fucking great you small minded little fuck. I will have to change my earlier estimation, I was incorrect, you aren't even 1000 times smarter than a brick!

You only are deluded more than anyone else here and have come to think that you are "smart" but you are not. And everyone can see that. If you were you wouldn't need to resort to four letter words to attack women and resort to threads and polls looking for the biggest bitch and so on. You're really one despicable like character who is nothing more than the amalgamation of his psychological symptoms. Every post you make is a reflection of the interior life or you psyche, and for some reason I get right to the bottom of that deep dark place inside you don't I! You're a sick twist just like the other two freaks that participated in your ignorant poll! Like I said you serve a useful purpose here, every other person here except for one or two can look at you and see that you are do fucked up they can feel good about themselves because they are not as fucked up as you are,
You're another teabagging fool. The government existed without an income tax for 100 years because there was a huge income from the tariff system. That source of income was already going away when Wilson make the change. And now many of the free trade agreements are designed to rid the global market place of tariffs entirely or as close to entirely as is possible. So your comment shows that you are just another drooling fool whose responses are meaningless. If you want to come here and spout nonsense you might want to stick to most of the threads started by the other teabaggers, they won't let any thing resembling truth in their threads so you might fare better there.

For your information Dick-Head, Woodrow Wilson was a fucking progressive bastard that couldn’t get his grubby paws on enough extorted loot to build his fucking socialist empire. The Son-Of-A-Bitch involved us in a fucking war we had no business in over the assassination of a fucking European monarch. He got thousands of Americans killed, gassed and maimed for no good reason, His idiot WWI, set the stage for its continuation sucking us into WWII, killing and maiming thousands more Americans.

The US Constitution gives Congress the power to tax by “Impost & Excise” taxes before the greedy authoritarian socialist bastard Wilson instituted the income tax extortion. For your information Shit-For-Brains, an ”excise” tax is a sales tax which is constitutional without the fucking 16th amendment and if the federal government were reduced back to its constitutionally authorized size and scope, a sales tax could be minimal, way the fuck more fair than the extortion income tax racket we have today and everybody would have skin in the game.

If you really want to see what NONSENSE looks like Goober, just open your pathetic leftist eyes and look at the corrupt, biased, absurd tax code extortion we have today.

“a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.” (From Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural speech)

You aren't doing anything but entertaining me. I can dispatch of you like I have dispatched all of the women in my life who have outlived their usefulness. You are nothing but a bitter old crow who sees her life has amounted to nothing.

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? Did he pay "too" much attention to you? Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

Is it the prospect that you will never procreate? On behalf of the entire human race, thank you for that.

As for my wife, she is a brilliant, charming, compassionate and strong conservative woman who has more brains in her left pinky than you do in your entire bitter body. We enjoy a wonderful life together. Something I sadly fear you do not have.

Maybe I should stop being so hard on you. I fear maybe you will end up going over the edge and killing yourself. Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you stuck a 12 gauge shotgun up your pussy and pulled the trigger.

Nothing shows how stupid you are more than this pile of shit post! Next you're going to tell us that you are 93, oh wait you already did that. And I know we should believe your descriptions of domestic harmony and delight because we read it on the internet and no one ever lies here. Nice try though! Your disrespect for all women is legion here which is why most women here Ignore your posts. You also exhibit the most important symptom of a sociopath, the inability to empathize with the feelings of others. You have no shame decency or dignity. I don't think you have any idea but anyone who can write the things you write is not living a perfectly healthy life otherwise. It just isn't happening. But if you think that people are going to believe this garbage it only shows that you have even more delusions of grandeur than I originally thought! Get some help with your hated of women and your obsession with women's bogy parts as denigrating name-calling. It really doesn't say much about your mental health. In addition what i said yesterday about the connection between being "smart" and feeling empathy still holds. A certificate from Glenn Beck U doesn't mean your smart no matter what the Wizard said in the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz. You're not in Kansas anymore and you're a damn woman hating freak!
Mankind only developed a Big brain due to the ever increasing need to ban together for survival.

the bigger your brain the better you can socialize and plan ahead collectively.

Man without emotion is a flawed man.

Its not a fully functioning human being.

there are about 4 in 100 sociopaths walking this earth.

1 a woman and 3 are men.

that is a BOAT load of sociopaths.

the right in this country wants the sociopaths with huge piles of money to rule us
Youre absolutely right we need a fair tax where the USA largest corporations finally start paying Federal income tax and guys like mitt romney pay more than 13% on 200,000,000 incomes. I paid a higher percentage of fed tax than he did and I make peanuts

Yes Yoda; in your brain dead leftist world where you are fed your moronic talking points, corporations pay no taxes.

I am a retired tax lawyer/CPA, with no financial benefit from ANY tax system. For supporting details call 423-532-7337.

FT is Karl Marx on steroids AND a Bernie Madoff financial scam.

The FT proudly advertises that it INCREASES WELFARE. The Prebate is advertised as merely repaying the poor for any FT they pay, but actually would pay them far more than any FT they might pay and also gives the working poor free SS/Medi.

The FT is a 40-70% in-your-face retail sales tax that would spark a taxpayer rebellion that would destroy our 70% retail-sales-sensitive economy. 40% = 30% FT + e.g., 10% S/L - 70% is the rate needed at a sample 30% FT evasion rate (the FT incredibly assumes ZERO evasion and ZERO intentional reduction in spending).

IN ADDITION to that 40-70% tax, the FT contains several HIDDEN TAXES. FT’s 30% rate is really 42+%; the 12+% is hidden by having fed + S/L govts paying FT – they must get that money from you. The initial 30% rate is 1-5% short. The FT causes the fed budget for SS to rise by 1) SS COLA of almost 30% and 2) fraudulent new SS benefits.
The NEW IRS will be worse, more invasive, than today’s IRS – we may well have to file an “Annual FT Summary”.

We may well wind up with BOTH a NEW Income Tax AND the FT.

What we need is a Flat Income Tax with No Deductions, No Exemptions, No Credits and a 10% rate.
Call your representatives in Congress and let them know that this is what you want.

Before I walk your fabricated version of the Fair Tax back, I would like to know where you got this amzingly false information.

Care to share?
Yes Yoda; in your brain dead leftist world where you are fed your moronic talking points, corporations pay no taxes.


God you are so full of shit. If there is anyone here who is a dullard and a fucking dimwit not to mention wrong about nearly everything over 95 percent of the time is is you you ignoramus.

You claim to be another teabgger smarty but you don't seem to have a damn cliue. Dullard doesn't even begin to describe your lack of actual evidence for anything you claim.

26 Major Corporations Paid No Corporate Income Tax For The Last Four Years, Despite Making Billions In Profits

Last year, Citizens for Tax Justice found that 30 major corporations had made billions of dollars in profits while paying no federal income tax between 2008 and 2010. Today, CTJ updated that report to reflect the 2011 tax bill of those 30 companies, and 26 of them have still managed to pay absolutely nothing over that four year period:

26 of the 30 companies continued to enjoy negative federal income tax rates. That means they still made more money after tax than before tax over the four years!

Of the remaining four companies, three paid four year effective tax rates of less than 4 percent
(specifically, 0.2%, 2.0% and 3.8%). One company paid a 2008-11 tax rate of 10.9 percent.

In total, 2008-11 federal income taxes for the 30 companies remained negative, despite $205 billion in pretax U.S. profits. Overall, they enjoyed an average effective federal income tax rate of –3.1 percent over the four years.

Amongst the 30 are corporate titans such as General Electric, Boeing, Verizon, and Mattel. The only four companies that slipped into positive tax territory were DTE Energy, Honeywell, Wells Fargo, and DuPont, with DuPont the only one that paid more than 4 percent over the four years.

Corporate taxes in the U.S., contrary to the constant protestations of conservatives, are at a 40 year low, with many of the most profitable companies paying nothing at all. CTJ noted that “had these 30 companies paid the full 35 percent corporate tax rate over the 2008-11 period, they would have paid $78.3 billion more in federal income taxes.”

And this is not a problem that only afflicts the U.S., as the UK found out last week that online retailer Amazon made billions in sales in 2011, while paying nothing in corporate taxes.
Before I walk your fabricated version of the Fair Tax back, I would like to know where you got this amzingly false information.

Care to share?

You walk anything back that is a joke. You can't even do a basic google search to see whether you are talking out your ass or not! I doubt you are going to have much to share except your regular stock in trade: more lies and fabrications.
LOL, 30 out of how many corporations?

And "corporate income tax" isn't the only tax businesses pay, is it?

Shall we examine how many leftist think-tanks and "charities" pay no taxes?