The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

While this may be obvious, some continue to undermine their own credibility by making ad hominem attacks and insults in an attempt to influence impressionable readers.

These tactics expose the absence of substantive, specific arguments that address the issues rather than the person.
This is well stated and I agree with most of it. The problem is that the same monied interests that have bought and paid for the various lower rates for inherited wealth and what you are calling here, "unproductive wealth" are still paying hundreds of the top lobbying firms in D.C. hundreds of thousands a year to ensure that no meaningful changes, that is those you are suggesting here ever find their way out of committee let alone ever make it to a vote. I don't really know how we begin to disentangle the need for money to run elections, the power of incumbency, and the ever present inertia that makes any movement in any direction nearly impossible. All of these aspects of the political reality we face are further entangled within what is now the dominant ideology held by many at the lower earning levels which is twofold, on the one hand many of the dreamers among the working classes today believe that they are one day going to be rich so they don't want to have to pay higher taxes when that day comes and the on the other hand they believe that even if they never become rich they will do better if the rich do better. So tax policy like so much else is multiply determined and it will take a manor shakeup within the wider political system to allow for the kinds of much needed changes that you suggest and I support. It's going to be difficult if not impossible short term. Long term it might be more likely but there are still numerous obstacles.
Well to paraphrase the Beasty Boys...You have to fight...for your prosper!! :)
More raging jealousy from the board cunt. Why is it any of your business what someone inherits? Is it because all you got when your daddy died were some skittles and and box of his Playboy magazines.

Stop being a bitter jealous cunt and worrying about what others have. Go work for a living Bijou

Go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard. Even your fellow right wingers want nothing to do with you. You got voted biggest asshole on a board dominated by right wingers and libertarians. I didn't even make the top eight. You were all alone at the pinnacle. You haven't composed a coherent reply since I got here. Your nothing but an ignorant right wing shill who evidently convinced himself at some point that he is "smart" but you aren't. And anyone else who thinks you are is seriously mistaken and easily swayed. You're not "smart" you're just fucking pitiful. You're not worth the tiem it takes to curse you out for your ignorance you simple bastard so get the fuck away from me.
Ila lost a ton of money shorting the market!
The asshole make like 6 wrong calls in a row
It was hillarious
As most angry teabaggers are
Ila lost a ton of money shorting the market!
The asshole make like 6 wrong calls in a row
It was hillarious
As most angry teabaggers are


What a fucking buffoon! It must have hit him hard to have that many people voting him asshole of the board, too.

What a fucking buffoon! It must have hit him hard to have that many people voting him asshole of the board, too.
What he would do is come on after 100 pt down day, declaring Obama fucked the economy so he's shorting.
Boom it goes up.
You want to make money, do opposite of what I love losing my shorts does.

Whatever you say bigot. You're not even a 1000 times smarter than a brick, let alone another human being. Just because they smile and nod when you say this stuff in group therapy doesn't make it real. But in your deluded state, I think it is officially referred to as "delusions of grandeur" I bet you fancy yourself Einstein's intellectual other! But that isn't reality and in that secret dark place inhabited by your abusive mother, you know that, and that is why you didn't enter the debates here and take your chances with the brilliant debate champion, Darla. You wouldn't let yourself get bested by a woman in a debate judged on the merits of the arguments. Now you want to pretend you're smarter than a rock or a brick or any other inanimate object. But you can't prove that by me. And you're going to have to do better than throw words that I have already used on here back at me before I give you credit for anything connected with intellect. Good luck ranting and raving though. I and everyone else here can see I am getting you all excited. It's quite hilarious. Bigots are really funny when they start foaming at the mouth, fantasizing, fetishizing and projecting and I can see that I have got you doing all of that and thinking you know who I am to boot. That is funny! Sorry, you lose! What's next bigot? Is there a grand finale or just these occasional mad eruptions all during the day? Get help with your hatred and your various obsessions! If you bring it up in group they will go there. And tell them about that dark place where mommy lives, too!

I hope you get gang raped in Compton and left on a street corner
Go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard. Even your fellow right wingers want nothing to do with you. You got voted biggest asshole on a board dominated by right wingers and libertarians. I didn't even make the top eight. You were all alone at the pinnacle. You haven't composed a coherent reply since I got here. Your nothing but an ignorant right wing shill who evidently convinced himself at some point that he is "smart" but you aren't. And anyone else who thinks you are is seriously mistaken and easily swayed. You're not "smart" you're just fucking pitiful. You're not worth the tiem it takes to curse you out for your ignorance you simple bastard so get the fuck away from me.

Is this coherent enough for you? I hope you get gang raped by illegal immigrants and left in a an alley
As you can see from all the parts that I have highlighted b bolding them to bring them out much of this is either a result of special favors granted or generated by special legislation or the actions are just plain unexplainable. In short far too many of these companies pay no income tax and several of them haven't paid any or so little it is ridiculous for the last ten years. Completely missing the point that this was the claim in the first place but that is how righties do it they will post things that undercut their own claims just to make it appear that they aren't blowing smoke when blowing smoke is really all they do!

Yes little dimwitted dullard; companies get to use special tax treatments for their massive investments so that jobs will be created. It's not called subsidies; it's called good common sense by local communities and special treatment under the tax code to account for DEPRECIATION.

And as Yankee stated; Tax Deferrals are deferring a liability, not permanently eliminating tax liability.

Yes, you, and Yoda, really are THAT stupid.

P.S. Corporations do not pay income taxes; they pass that cost off to dimwits like you who think they should be paying them.

Yes again, you, and Yoda really are THAT stupid.
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Your thought process (or merely your false argument style) confuses me.

You seem confused. A CRIMINAL underground exists to make $ by conducting illegal activities. In addition some LEGAL activities are conducted by TAX EVADERS.

How is that criminal underground not able to continue hiding their income under a flat tax?

You pick a car, which is highly regulated/registered. Most spending is NOT. Drug dealers will find a way to avoid paying 40-70% sales taxes (even on cars) mainly by using CASH in the Black Market, using businesses,and a host of new, creative methods.

I used a singular example; I could just have easily used food, gasoline, water etc etc. I am sure that you will find some warped distorted way to claim that all these items will be available in this massive underground economy that will suddenly occur due to sales taxes.

What you don't understand is that there will be LESS evasion with a 10% rate than thee is today. More important is the fact that today's tax collection are AFTER evasion, but the FT revenue targets (i.e., the same as today's) is AFTER evasion AND the FT incredibly "assumes" ZERO evasion AND ZERO voluntary spending reduction in reaction to the 40-70% sales tax rate (Perhaps on Planet FT, but not here).

This is, of course, a false assumption based on similar assumptions made by a Fair Tax proposal. Now please don’t get me wrong, I would take that over nothing. But I think your assertions and main issues with the Fair Tax are over the “Prebates” which I am not real excited about and think would need more analysis and re-working.

Ah, the "economic boom". Not only are you a grammar critic, but you are also a Prophet who can GUARANTEE future economic results - AWESOME!

Well if you engaged your brain for a minute and think; if we are no longer requiring citizens, companies and corporations to spend the $200 billion annually in compliance with a complex tax code that even experts like you cannot begin to comprehend, you would see that this releases a LOT of capital back into the economy.

What do you think happens when individuals take home pay jump by an average of 25%?

You make several naive/deceptive comments in 1 sentence. No Filing; you may well have to file an "Annual FT Summary" if the new IRS (STAA) is tasked with protecting the revenue - I would do that if I were in charge. NEW IRS (STAA) will be BIGGER and its audits would be MORE INTRUSIVE than today's audits. My Flat tax is NOT a mere tweak - it is massive radical surgery which neuters the IRS.

You make several naïve/deceptive comments; you MAY well have to file and annual FT summary?

The new IRS??? What NEW IRS would you be speaking of unless you are now ASSumming an awful lot about the Fair Tax.

Understandably, you fail to be specific in your claim that my math is wrong. Be specific and i will explain.

It is only because I have limited time and you posted an awful lot of ASSumptions and calculations.

I will take a long hard look at them; the thread will still be here, and respond. Like I said, your primary argument is something I agree with you on; I don’t like the Prebate concept and am looking at what could be a much better alternative.

I like the simplicity of not having forms to fill out and to me, this prebate may actually require forms.

My reference to Karl Marx is specifically targeted at the important principle of wealth redistribution- the FT INCREASES WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. Your belief that the FT reduces the govt is naive - it is KOOL-AID induced euphoria.

I never made that claim; this is YOUR strawman. I indicated that combined with term limits, elimination of subsidies and closing five Executive Departments, it would go a LONG way in getting us back to Constitutional Government.

How could it be euphoria when there are so many critics of the FT like you who want to stay with the status quo? The flat tax will never get us there and will become the same abomination the current code became.

You ask people to read the FT pure sales-hype, propaganda - I offer to expose all of it.

Well let’s see some credible links from the experts you defer to and see how they stack up to my “propaganda.” I was a complete skeptic; I read the book; I love the ideas.

Go to; right side, 2nd item - Fair Tax-Related Research. There you will find the 1995 Paper by the 2 UT economists that I referred to, as well as a number of (mostly) economics Papers, several of which I have reviewed and analyzed, finding outrageous flaws.

I breezed through it and what I found compelling is the desire of these geniuses to boil individuals and their decision making down to very complex formulas. While I was fascinated by all these formulas in school, what I learned in the real world is that they did a very poor job trying to predict the economy, and outcomes.

You see, you just cannot program the human mind into these fantastically clever formulations and run them through a computer with any reasonable predictability of real life outcomes.

So basically, they agree with my assessment and I argue that their data formulations are flawed because I believe the positive effects of the Fair Tax will also lift up ALL income groups, not just the middle class and the rich.

To conclude, fundamental reform of the current U.S. tax structure offers the possibility of significant macroeconomic gains, but not without true sacrifice by certain groups. Adjustments that attempt to prevent adverse distributional effects yield much more modest aggregate effects. This, at least, is the view from a model that captures many, but certainly not all, of the inefficiencies of the current system. Expanding the current model to incorporate inter-asset and inter-sectoral tax distortions as well as enforcement and compliance costs could well alter this view, but that task remains for future research.
Some more research from the Experts on the Fair Tax:

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) 1997 Tax Modeling Project and 1997 Tax Symposium has played a pivotal role for many of these analyses.38 In response to Congressional requests to incorporate dynamic analyses into JCT revenue forecasts, the JCT held a series of meetings to examine the methodologies and feasibility of incorporating a dynamic macroeconomic model into the revenue estimating procedures for alternative tax reforms – including consumption-based taxes. These meetings culminated in a symposium where the participating academics each presented the results of their individual models. All of the models projected that a switch to a consumption tax will ultimately lead to higher economic growth. Higher economic growth:

“…arises because all of the models are based on a set of commonly held assumptions about economic behavior…These properties include the following basic assumptions:
• reducing the cost of capital through less taxation of capital provides an incentive for additional investment;
• reducing the marginal tax rate on labor provides an incentive for increased labor effort;
• increasing the returns to labor through capital deepening can provide an incentive for more labor; and,
• reducing distortions in investment decisions by eliminating differential taxation of different types of capital promot[ing] a more efficient allocation of resources.”39

Koenig and Huffman (1998) echo these findings as do Engen, Gravelle, and Smetters (1997).40 Although the Koenig and Huffman model is designed to illustrate direction of change, not magnitude, they find that output, consumption, wages, stock prices, and the total capital stock will rise in the long run due to the adoption of a consumption-based tax. Engen, Gravelle, and Smetters use two different types of models (reduced form growth models and inter-temporal general equilibrium models) to examine the impact of transition to a consumption-based tax system. Again, in all of the models the tax reform has a positive impact on output, savings, consumption, and the growth in the capital stock in the long run. Further studies by Dale Jorgenson (1995), Alan Auerbach (1996), Michael Boskin (1995), and Laurence Kotlikoff (1993) have all shown positive impacts on economic growth if the current tax code is replaced by a single-rate tax on consumption ranging from a total increase in economic output of 5.7 to 17 percent.41 In a 1984 study, Arthur Laffer found that replacing the current income tax system with a flat tax would likely increase economic growth by between 8 and 15 percent in the long run.42


The FairTax induces an immediate increase in labor supply, followed by significant growth in the capital stock. These impacts raise current economic growth, but do not change the long-run potential growth rate of the economy. Consistent with the neoclassical growth models, economic output increases in response to the higher labor and capital which, after spiking growth to 5.5 and 5.8 percent in the initial years following implementation, begin to approach the steady-state growth rate of 3.0 percent by year ten. By year ten, total economic output is 11.3 percent above what it would have been without implementation of the FairTax proposal.

To the extent that higher productivity growth is linked to higher capital accumulation (a likely scenario), the growth effects will be even greater. For instance, if the larger accumulation of capital induces a one-quarter percent increase in productivity growth, total economic output in year ten would be 19.4 percent greater than the baseline scenario as opposed to 11.3 percent.
How is that criminal underground not able to continue hiding their income under a flat tax?

I used a singular example; I could just have easily used food, gasoline, water etc etc. I am sure that you will find some warped distorted way to claim that all these items will be available in this massive underground economy that will suddenly occur due to sales taxes.

This is, of course, a false assumption based on similar assumptions made by a Fair Tax proposal. Now please don’t get me wrong, I would take that over nothing. But I think your assertions and main issues with the Fair Tax are over the “Prebates” which I am not real excited about and think would need more analysis and re-working.

YANKEE - YES, the Black market will be very innovative in finding ways to avoid paying FT on most anything. BTW, do you usually speak with low-intellect people who are eventually swayed by your constant insults? You are trying very hard to be obnoxious, or does it just come easily to you.

Well if you engaged your brain for a minute and think; if we are no longer requiring citizens, companies and corporations to spend the $200 billion annually in compliance with a complex tax code that even experts like you cannot begin to comprehend, you would see that this releases a LOT of capital back into the economy.

I ask readers to note your continuing ad hominem attacks/insults. You just made up that $200B figure - A Senior FT operative quoted a figure of about only $52B (before subtracting $12B in FT collection costs).

What do you think happens when individuals take home pay jump by an average of 25%?

You make several naïve/deceptive comments; you MAY well have to file and annual FT summary?

YANKEE: Note, insults again. From a lifetime of experience in the field, I ca easily envision such a filing being required in order to keep evasion down (not out).

The new IRS??? What NEW IRS would you be speaking of unless you are now ASSumming an awful lot about the Fair Tax.

YANKEE: Its called the Sales Tax Administration Authority which will control, and set rules for, the auditors across the country (those on State + fed payrolls).

It is only because I have limited time and you posted an awful lot of ASSumptions and calculations.

I will take a long hard look at them; the thread will still be here, and respond. Like I said, your primary argument is something I agree with you on; I don’t like the Prebate concept and am looking at what could be a much better alternative.

YANKEE: Try my Flat Income Tax 10% rate, NO:deductions, exemptions, credits - no corp tax (business income taxed to shareholders on a simple basis).

I like the simplicity of not having forms to fill out and to me, this prebate may actually require forms.

YANKEE: My "Annual FT Summary" will be much more difficult than today's Form 1040 - less complex, but a bigger pain in the neck.

I never made that claim; this is YOUR strawman. I indicated that combined with term limits, elimination of subsidies and closing five Executive Departments, it would go a LONG way in getting us back to Constitutional Government.

YANKEE: the FT does none of that.

How could it be euphoria when there are so many critics of the FT like you who want to stay with the status quo? The flat tax will never get us there and will become the same abomination the current code became.

YANKEE: Why do you continue to refuse to hear what I say - I DO NOT WANT THE STATUS QUO - I propose my 10% Falt tax above.

Well let’s see some credible links from the experts you defer to and see how they stack up to my “propaganda.” I was a complete skeptic; I read the book; I love the ideas.

YANKEE: You drank the KOOL-AID and just BELIEVE. Good luck to you. I choose to read and challenge everything.

I breezed through it and what I found compelling is the desire of these geniuses to boil individuals and their decision making down to very complex formulas. While I was fascinated by all these formulas in school, what I learned in the real world is that they did a very poor job trying to predict the economy, and outcomes.

You see, you just cannot program the human mind into these fantastically clever formulations and run them through a computer with any reasonable predictability of real life outcomes.

So basically, they agree with my assessment and I argue that their data formulations are flawed because I believe the positive effects of the Fair Tax will also lift up ALL income groups, not just the middle class and the rich.

YANKEE: You obviously BREEZED trough the many economic reports in minutes and understood NONE of them, except perhaps the one that were paid-for by the AFFT and that agree with you, of course, but feel those that don't age with you are flawed (I found the reverse). It all comes back to your BELIEF in Boortz and the magical economic powers of the FT. I cannot debate with FAITH, only with an open-minded person.

To conclude, fundamental reform of the current U.S. tax structure offers the possibility of significant macroeconomic gains, but not without true sacrifice by certain groups. Adjustments that attempt to prevent adverse distributional effects yield much more modest aggregate effects. This, at least, is the view from a model that captures many, but certainly not all, of the inefficiencies of the current system. Expanding the current model to incorporate inter-asset and inter-sectoral tax distortions as well as enforcement and compliance costs could well alter this view, but that task remains for future research.

YANKEE: I responded under each comment,above.
How is that criminal underground not able to continue hiding their income under a flat tax?

YANKEE: Criminals may still hide their income, but the 10% tax is far LESS of burden. They may in fact report most all their income so as to legally "launder" the money and more easily justify their lifestyles.

A 10% It rate may well be worth paying taxes so as to avoid a lot o unnecessary hassles.