The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

The rich in this country have gotten fabulously richer in the last 15 yrs off the backs of all other americans, by taking their jobs, outsourcing for more profit, the top 10 corporations in america paid not one cent in federal taxs in 2012. GE not only paid zero taxs on over 15 billion in profits it recieved a 300 million tax credit.
Four hundred Americans [400] have almost 40% of all the wealth. Just six americans [6] The waltons have almost 30% and somehow the far right expects Social Security to be cut medicare, medicaid and they vote to continue Subsidies in the BILLIONS that have been going on for more than 2 decades to Big Oil, Big Corporate Farms and Big Pharmacueticals, along with that they want more TAX CUTS for those that pay nothing to mere peanuts already and less regulation so they have even more latitude to screw the rest of americans even more.
Heres the way I see it simplified, The super rich do not need my help, middleclass and on down need my help.
A fair tax to me is a graduated tax where the rich pay more because they are reaping most of all the benefits. Its just common sense to me.

I would have hoped that you could have provided a post absent democrat party talking point, but I suppose that is the best that you can do.

First let me say that I am no fan of GE. They like many corporations in this wonderful country are rent seekers who find it much more suitable to curry favor with politicians than create products and compete in the free marketplace of ideas. That being said, you are factually incorrect saying GE paid ZERO taxes in 2012. In fact, if you refer to their annual report they paid over $3 billion in taxes. Now you may want to argue that it is not enough and you would like to transfer more of the wealth, you cannot however categorically state that they are shirking their duty with regards to taxes. I am monumentally disheartened that you could be so woefully inaccurate in your claim. I am sure you are only parroting the talking points of the lefts darling Elizabeth Warren and if she says it, it must be true, but a mere 10 seconds of your time could have saved you this embarrassment.

As to the fair tax, I have already stated I am opposed to it, but not for the same reasons you are.

As for subsidies, I am opposed to them across the board. You however, have no problem with subsidies for ethanol and wind and solar and whatever other nonsensical thing the gobblement wants to tread our financial future into. So it isn't the principle of opposing subsidies that the left abhors, it is they just want the money to go other places.

To finish, I would like to take you back to my original question which you seem to have avoided completely. The question wasn't whether we should have a progressive tax code. The question was should there be people who pay nothing in federal income taxes. I say that EVERYONE should pay into the kitty and as they say "have skin in the game".

I would appreciate it greatly if you could answer that question. It would be a bonus if you could do it absent the typical democrat party talking points, but I won't hold my breath.

Have a blessed day.
NOT EXACTLY. Corporations WOULD NOT pay FT.

Mitt Romney paid 18% of his TAXABLE INCOME - only DEMS and unsophisticated people would ever calculate a tax rate by dividing the tax paid by GROSS Income. 18% reflects the fact that most of his income was cap gains and dividends taxed at 15% - perfectly legal and proper.
Mitt paid $3MM in tax that year and he paid another $4MM in charitable contributions and MA income Taxes. Is that not enough for you, Comrade?

Shut up you ignorant fuck.
I strongly favor the NO fucking income taxation what so ever system. The federal government operated for over 100 years without the fucking extortion of an income tax. The progressive bastard Woodrow Wilson created the criminal income tax institution. That bastard is in my top 3 fucking worse Presidents ever to disgrace our White House.

Phase out every unconstitutional federal government program, reduce the Military Industrial Complex, repeal the sixteenth amendment and restore America’s freedom!!!!!

Wilson didn't create it retard, he just signed it.
Income tax was required due to the creation of the Federal Reserve, as a means to pay interest on the money the FED loans the government.
To add to my earlier comment. You exaggerate foolishly Romney made $20MM (not $200MM). Again, he paid that year $3MM in fed IT, $1MM in MA IT and $3MM in charitable contributions.

Comrade, go back to your commune quietly until you make such contributions to society.

Jump off a bridge, judgemental retard, and fuck yourself on the way down.
the claim was that corporations pay no taxes

Sorry you ignorant liar! The claim was that some corporations have paid no Federal Corporate Income taxes. That was the claim and you have continually tried to change that to "they pay no taxes" which is simply a lie and makes you a damn liar. Plain and simple. And that is all there is to it. You are nothing but a damn lair. And all this other shit was noting but cover for your obfuscation and lies
First of all thats "IF" you own a house, check around theres just as many renters as homeowners and thats also "IF" you have a 401k, the rich have no IFS dude
65 percent own homes
Half have 401 k's
Health savings accounts
Damn you must be young
I would have hoped that you could have provided a post absent democrat party talking point.

The post was absent a democrat party talking point. And I'll tell you why board asshole: because there is no democrat party and there is no democrat party talking point and therefore there no post can contain anything that does not exist. So you are not only factually in error and talking out that asshole that you are but you are logically in error too!
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The post was absent a democrat party talking point. And I'll tell you why board asshole: because there is no democrat party and there is no democrat party talking point and therefore there no post can contain anything that does not exist. So you are not factually in error and talking out that asshole that you are but you are logically in error too!

65 percent own homes
Half have 401 k's
Health savings accounts
Damn you must be young

A nation of renters? Less than two thirds of Americans own their homes as rates plummet to 10-year lows

Your numbers are close dude but thats still millions of americans right ? and thats beside the point, those deductions are miniscule compared to what the rich enjoy, but you already know that.
Youve made two references about my age, one you said I must be 20 the second you stated I must be young. To clear your mind im 66
A nation of renters? Less than two thirds of Americans own their homes as rates plummet to 10-year lows

Your numbers are close dude but thats still millions of americans right ? and thats beside the point, those deductions are miniscule compared to what the rich enjoy, but you already know that.
Youve made two references about my age, one you said I must be 20 the second you stated I must be young. To clear your mind im 66
I could give you dozens more tax breaks that I used.
The other tax schemes are way more slanted to the rich!
At least the middle class can and does use the current system for easy upward mobility. Fact
I could give you dozens more tax breaks that I used.
The other tax schemes are way more slanted to the rich!
At least the middle class can and does use the current system for easy upward mobility. Fact

Then can you explain to me why the middleclass is smaller than its ever been in history and its income based on inflation is lower than its always been for middleclass.
There are jobs today that pay less than they did 20 yrs ago.
Dude here is the facts, the rich have tax breaks that many times allow them to pay zero in federal taxs or less a percentage than many middleclass.
The rich doesnt need my help and they dont need more of my money and they certainly dont need another tax cut, the poor and the middle class need help.
What amazes me is the same people that demand social security and medicare and medicaid be cut, defend subsidies for our richest corporations.
Big Oil subsidies were started to "ASSIST" and give big oil an incentive to build more refining capacity, they have been sucking up billions in subsidies and havent built a single new refinery and they still stick it in our ass at the pump at will and when they do they break a new profit record. Dont talk to me about cutting any entitlement until you cut ALL the entitlements for the people that dont need them and are TAKING IT from me, after you do that we'll talk about what to do with SS and Medicare and Medicaid.
I could give you dozens more tax breaks that I used.
The other tax schemes are way more slanted to the rich!
At least the middle class can and does use the current system for easy upward mobility. Fact

Umm the middle class income is quite wide spread, id bet the lionshare of the middle class do not enjoy the tax cuts your talking about, other than mortgage and 201k and thats only good if your house isnt paid or you owe alot, most older americans do not benefit by that today and they are on fixed incomes.
Umm the middle class income is quite wide spread, id bet the lionshare of the middle class do not enjoy the tax cuts your talking about, other than mortgage and 201k and thats only good if your house isnt paid or you owe alot, most older americans do not benefit by that today and they are on fixed incomes.
You sound like a typical loser jealous of successful people.
There are 8 million millionaires, 80 percent of us first generation.
Show me a system with better upward mobility
You sound like a typical loser jealous of successful people.
There are 8 million millionaires, 80 percent of us first generation.
Show me a system with better upward mobility

Actually your wrong im not rich but Im doing just fine and ive always lived decent adult life, I have no reason to be jealous and Im not the envious type. There are other people around here Dude it isnt all about just you and I.