The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW


You aren't doing anything but entertaining me. I can dispatch of you like I have dispatched all of the women in my life who have outlived their usefulness. You are nothing but a bitter old crow who sees her life has amounted to nothing.

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? Did he pay "too" much attention to you? Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

Is it the prospect that you will never procreate? On behalf of the entire human race, thank you for that.

As for my wife, she is a brilliant, charming, compassionate and strong conservative woman who has more brains in her left pinky than you do in your entire bitter body. We enjoy a wonderful life together. Something I sadly fear you do not have.

Maybe I should stop being so hard on you. I fear maybe you will end up going over the edge and killing yourself. Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea if (edited for content)

I'd like to note here, ILA, that violent descriptive sexual content is still pornographic. Please avoid rule 12 violations.
Another painfully stupid commentary from someone who is...painfully stupid.

The current system is an abomination that is corrupt, encourages and feeds lobbyists and encourages consumption over savings.

It is a system the creates an ever expanding massive Government expansion and control over the sheeple.

Only incredibly stupid sheeple like you can even utter such a remarkably ignorant remark that the current system is pretty fair.

Did you vote for Obama?

You can't get off your one trick pony, can you? Attack the message not the messenger. Mott is far from stupid, even though he is from Ohio.
The 23% figures stands. There have been people who claim it will be much higher, but those people typically are using figures which include deductions for various things or exempt foods from the sales tax. Neither is accurate.

As for the buying power, it can be much greater. All used items are tax free. The Fair Tax only taxes NEW goods and services. Also, since there is no longer an IRS or any deductions on payroll, the people's checks will see an increase.


No. I can't believe you bought this bill of goods WB. There is no flat tax which doesn't lower the tax burden of the wealthy.
This "reform" would solve that moron.....But only if we could come up with a solid proposal. You are only taxed on what you spend. The rich get taxed more because they buy more "OMG THEY WILL CRY THIS ISN'T FAIR AGAIN" . The poor working father trying to pay child support will be able to make more money by working more hours without the threat of "the more you make, the more they take"

Of course the Republicans tried to end "Overtime" recently so that is partly out the window..............they are so Corporate puppets.

Damn, another one. I thought you were smarter.
I'd like to note here, ILA, that violent descriptive sexual content is still pornographic. Please avoid rule 12 violations.

Just ban the maggot if he is violating the rules. Why is he getting preferential treatment while high value poster's like Poet get booted for less?
Just ban the maggot if he is violating the rules. Why is he getting preferential treatment while high value poster's like Poet get booted for less?

All are treated the same. Poet was warned numerous times before any thought of banning came into conversation. In fact, I'd say he was warned more than some.
All are treated the same. Poet was warned numerous times before any thought of banning came into conversation. In fact, I'd say he was warned more than some.

Billy has ILA on IA (i believe, if I am wrong I apologize). Grind doesn't read him enough, and you aren't around that much any longer. Add to that the fact that a lot of this board has this pos filth on IA, and his posts just aren't getting reported. Thus, no warning, I think.

But his filth creates a terrible atmosphere, IMO.

Also just to point out to the voters in SF's poll (obviously not directed at you damo) about banning the n and c words - for all those who voted no, my "3 days of ILA" is what you voted FOR. Don't try and squirm out of it either with some bullshit free speech. You voted FOR THAT. You love that. Cover yourselves in it, wear it proudly, don't forget to show your mom.

And in the immortal words of the human shit himself:

You can't get off your one trick pony, can you? Attack the message not the messenger. Mott is far from stupid, even though he is from Ohio.

Wrong again; ANYONE who claims that the current tax system works just fine is painfully ignorant...contrary to your personal opinions which you arrogantly presume trump reality, truth or facts.

Carry on.
Just ban the maggot if he is violating the rules. Why is he getting preferential treatment while high value poster's like Poet get booted for less?

LMAO @ high valued posters like Poet; you really are dimwitted. Poet is a bigger partisan asshat than Evince and an ignorant race hustler.
Wrong again; ANYONE who claims that the current tax system works just fine is painfully ignorant...contrary to your personal opinions which you arrogantly presume trump reality, truth or facts.

Carry on.
You are one of the dumbest trolls we've had here. Not shocking you have your head up your ass on tax deductions!
The fair tax is the quest of fools.

Wrong again dimwit; but youre an ignoramus of epic proportions so why argue with uninformed dimwits desperate to engage in the never ending circle do stupidity.

But thank you for your incredible insights and contribution to the thread debate.

Wrong again; ANYONE who claims that the current tax system works just fine is painfully ignorant...contrary to your personal opinions which you arrogantly presume trump reality, truth or facts.

Carry on.

You're not thinking straight. A claim that the fair tax proposal is stupid is not an endorsement of the current system, it's just a rejection of something worse.
You're not thinking straight. A claim that the fair tax proposal is stupid is not an endorsement of the current system, it's just a rejection of something worse.

I haven't seen your case for something better. But claiming the fair tax is worse without any explanation is a dimwit argument.