The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

Actually your wrong im not rich but Im doing just fine and ive always lived decent adult life, I have no reason to be jealous and Im not the envious type. There are other people around here Dude it isnt all about just you and I.
Exactly, like I said millions use it to move up the economic ladder.
Hide your head in the sand for all I care
Umm the middle class income is quite wide spread, id bet the lionshare of the middle class do not enjoy the tax cuts your talking about, other than mortgage and 201k and thats only good if your house isnt paid or you owe alot, most older americans do not benefit by that today and they are on fixed incomes.
They should have invested more
But that is true of younger people as well
Well Dude you and I arent going to change the world here exchanging our opinions and views. I guess we should agree to disagree on this :)
How is that criminal underground not able to continue hiding their income under a flat tax?

YANKEE: Criminals may still hide their income, but the 10% tax is far LESS of burden. They may in fact report most all their income so as to legally "launder" the money and more easily justify their lifestyles.

A 10% It rate may well be worth paying taxes so as to avoid a lot o unnecessary hassles.

Another fantasyland claim that does not exist in the real world.
There is nothing idiotic about that claim, I think the evidence is pretty clear for those who want to look at it that the country did run better. It was during the period when the highest tax rates were 91 percent that we instituted the national project that created the interstate highway system and created many other national infrastucture projects. These projects created working class jobs that gave people a sense of purpose and allowed them to buy homes, raise families and prosper. At the same time the gap between the rich and the poor was much less and the plant owners and managers only made about 24 times what their average worker made. That different has increased by a 1000%. And what this means is that while wages for managers and owners has soared the wages for the average worker have stagnated and the amount of disposable income that workers have today is less than it was when the gap was much less. So if you are taking the side of the average person who probably mostly struggles and probably does their own taxes then for you things would not be better but it you are working for the person who is making considerable more and looking for every "legal" tax deduction he or she can find to keep as much of their overpaid wealth as they can then you as a tax preparer are probably going to side with them. Yes things have improved for you as a result of their good fortune but no so much for their workers and others whose wages have stagnated so you can prepare taxes for the super rich.

In addition there is something else that concentrating on your own self interest misses and that is that those tax loopholes for corporations and individual that you are quick to defend and cite as "legal" came about as a result of "money power." What do I mean by Money Power. I mean simply the ability and the wherewithal to influence the legislative process in order to get those "legal" loopholes written into the tax code so that people like you can make your 70,000 to 100,000 a year or more making sure that all those legal means are utilized so that people like Mitt Romney can pay the least amount of taxes they can because the millions he gives in charity to the Mormon Church is much better spent than if that money was bundled with the tax money of many other millionaires like himself and it was used to begin fixing some of the 83,000 bridges that need immediate repair in this country. This would give immediate jobs to many of those who are currently still out of work from the recession and it will make it much easier to get that money moving through the economy and creating more jobs.

The idea that money is only worthwhile if it is spent on what I want to spend it on is short sighted and ridiculous. In fact this country is as great as it is because we have in the past spent the taxpayers dollars to create a great country; the idea that taxpayers should not have to pay taxes is ridiculous or that they should be able to use their money power to create even more loopholes for them to pay even less every year is a symptom of a much larger problem and one of the reason that we currently find ourself in the fiscal mess we face. If more people paid more in taxes and the money power was decreased so that people at the top paid more in taxes we would all be better off for it. Taking that money and stashing it overseas or otherwise hiding it means that whatever work it does, it does offshore and that is not good for the America economy and employs no American workers and ultimately that is why we should be Americans to make sure that the country works better not that each individual millionaire gets to jeep as much of his or her money as they can so they can spend it in other places and we loose the benefit of the money if it had been spent here. In short, you bet the country works better when the rich pay more in taxes. It might not be so good for you, but it would be better for the entire country and where is your sense of patriotism?

This is how the most inexperienced, arrogant, hyper partisan, buffoon got elected to the Presidency; you're too stupid for words.
Only the rich get those tax deductions, the working people that make their wealth by making their goods or buying their chinese shit do not.
The fair tax should be graduated so the pigs at the trough pay their fair share and everyone on the way down with ZERO DEDUCTIONS FOR ALL, but this straight across the board tax is no fair tax its another welfare program for the rich at the expense of everyone else.

You really are THAT stupid.
That's not entirely correct. The poor are well...poor and you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. What regressive taxes like the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax" do is shift the burden of taxation to the middle and professional classes.

Our current system is essentially a pretty fair system. What we really need to do to make it more fair is make investment income taxable at the same rate as personal income. That way an ubber wealthy person like Mitt Romney or Warren Buffet end up paying effective tax rates of closer to 40% instead of 20%.

The low tax rates for investment income are the primary source of unfairness in our current system. If you look at a graph of taxes paid vs percent of national income you'll see that tax payments are fairly apportioned until you hit the top 1% who make most of their income from investments. Then it flat lines. Which is patently unfair. Why should a professional or a business person who busts their buts to earn a $1 million be taxed at 38% while an investor who passively earns $1 million dollars be taxed at 18%?

Another painfully stupid commentary from someone who is...painfully stupid.

The current system is an abomination that is corrupt, encourages and feeds lobbyists and encourages consumption over savings.

It is a system that creates an ever expanding massive Government expansion and control over the sheeple.

Only incredibly stupid sheeple like you can even utter such a remarkably ignorant remark that the current system is pretty fair.

Did you vote for Obama?
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Another painfully stupid commentary from someone who is...painfully stupid.

The current system is an abomination that is corrupt, encourages and feeds lobbyists and encourages consumption over savings.

It is a system the creates an ever expanding massive Government expansion and control over the sheeple.

Only incredibly stupid sheeple like you can even utter such a remarkably ignorant remark that the current system is pretty fair.

Did you vote for Obama?
Awh still more butthurt
Not time for your hour commute yet
The fair tax is not fair at all. It focuses the tax burden on the lower and middle classes, because it's a consumption tax. The uber wealthy's income outpaces any amount they could possible spend many times over, where as the middle and lowers basically are living paycheck to paycheck, spending everything they make just to get by.

Someone else who doesn't know how to research or read. But I am also amused by the premise that lower income earners should have no burden at all.

The prebate that is part of the Fair Tax proposal accommodates lower income individuals and families purchases af necessities. Of course you would have known this had you bothered reading any of the links provided.
no burden at all?

dude you don't take from people who are already scraping by.

that is blood thirsty crap you sociopath
Someone else who doesn't know how to research or read. But I am also amused by the premise that lower income earners should have no burden at all.

The prebate that is part of the Fair Tax proposal accommodates lower income individuals and families purchases af necessities. Of course you would have known this had you bothered reading any of the links provided.

The prebate is bullshit.
no burden at all?

dude you don't take from people who are already scraping by.

that is blood thirsty crap you sociopath

Why can't you? You say the rich take from the poor all the time. Why shouldn't the gobblement?

Shoudln't the poor pay for the services they use? They probably use more. REmember, they didn't build that public transportation and public park
The author continues the FT FRAUD. He is telling you that the FT is a 23% sales tax.

He want you to think that is something costs $100 BEFORE adding FT that the FT you would add is "only" $23 - BIG DECEPTION. you would add $30 and the total is $130.

In fact, the FT tell the merchant (Sec 509) to give the idiot buyer a receipt that shows 1) $100, 2) $30, 3) $130 and on line 4, tell him the RTE of FT is "only" 23%, but don't tell him how we derived that 23% rate.

They get that 23% rate by dividing the $30 in FT BY THE TOTAL INCLUDING THE FT, $130. They try to rationalize that view (that they still try to slip by people), but their
excuses make no financial sense - they are merely trying to fool us into thinking the rate is lower than it really is.

The 23% figures stands. There have been people who claim it will be much higher, but those people typically are using figures which include deductions for various things or exempt foods from the sales tax. Neither is accurate.

As for the buying power, it can be much greater. All used items are tax free. The Fair Tax only taxes NEW goods and services. Also, since there is no longer an IRS or any deductions on payroll, the people's checks will see an increase.

As a former flat tax disciple, I have been convinced that the Fair Tax will have a much better result in that unlike the flat tax, this tax will hit the underground economy as well.

I read a great book I highly recommend called The Fair Tax Solution by Ken Hoagland. It is an easy read and short book that makes the compelling case for a consumption tax.

Both taxes do away with the current abomination called the Tax Code which is over 70,000 pages of lobbyist favored politically motivated power grabbing gobbledygook.

If you want to eliminate favoritism, cronyism, lobbyists and corruption, then you will be for this tax.

With this tax, there are no forms to fill out and the $300 billion spent annually in compliance with the tax code would be re-directed to more productive uses that would create more jobs.

In addition, there would be HUGE cost savings for the Federal Government. We would not need the massive bureaucracy called the IRS and Congressional staffs whose primary job is creating tax laws and loopholes would be significantly reduced.

My previous issues with a consumption tax were its impact on low income earners. But Hoagland addresses this through a pre-bate program that is calculated based on an annually adjusted federal poverty level income basis.

The Fair Tax rate is 23% charged on all consumption. But before you say yikes, imagine that your take home pay will significantly increase in that there will no longer be a FICA tax or income taxes taken from your paycheck. Your decisions will affect how much tax you pay by what you decide to buy.

The best part is that there are hundreds of millions of dollars in an untouchable underground economy that do not pay their fair share who now would be paying every time they made a purchase. Millions of foreign visitors would also be contributing with their purchases. And best of all, hundreds of billions of dollars now removed from the economy in code compliance and enforcement would be released to more productive uses.

Read the book, become informed and then join me in pressuring your elected officials to create this Fair Tax and eliminate the abomination called the Tax Code and the IRS.

I thought of the "Fair Tax" back when I was 18 I think. It wasn't around. About 20 or more years later I heard of it for the first time.

The Fair Tax is a pretty awesome system but it doesn't answer a few questions yet.

CLEARLY tax incentives drive people to donate to charity. The Fair Tax website states that Charity deposits are at a high and would be higher if we weren't taxed so much....This is all a lie because they are using Church donations, the biggest by far, in their math. Generally, the Church wants money to spread the word. Helping just 1 developmentally delayed kid fully will break a church.

Many of our "needy" donations are only donated because the donor can profit more with a donation because of tax credits.

And then there is outsource buying. Basically avoiding American Taxation by buying online where there is no tax. Pretty basic stuff.
The parties can't agree to pay for what they already agreed to spend. We won't see major tax reform for decades.

This "reform" would solve that moron.....But only if we could come up with a solid proposal. You are only taxed on what you spend. The rich get taxed more because they buy more "OMG THEY WILL CRY THIS ISN'T FAIR AGAIN" . The poor working father trying to pay child support will be able to make more money by working more hours without the threat of "the more you make, the more they take"

Of course the Republicans tried to end "Overtime" recently so that is partly out the window..............they are so Corporate puppets.
Anti what do you agree with republicans on!
You call me a moron after saying they benefit more by donating.
You certainly didn't major in business, economics, or math.
You are hacktastic though
Dantes you seem pretty on top of many things.

why would you want to associate yourself with the tea party?

What gave you the idea that I associated myself with the teaparty. You must have misread something I wrote. Maybe I was being ironical? I don't!