The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

I haven't seen your case for something better. But claiming the fair tax is worse without any explanation is a dimwit argument.

I think elimination of loopholes and tax credits for corporations would be a great start. The fair tax is worse than just the small measures i mentioned.

So, Why Not Move to a Flat Tax?
First, while there is no doubt that many countries that have adopted the flat tax have had booming economies, there is no actual proof that the flat tax is the reason why these nations have grown. After all, many of these places were Communist nations behind the Iron Curtain. Once the Soviet Union collapsed they were able to open up their economies to investment and had an easier time trading with the developed countries in the west. (To find out how former Iron Curtain countries used private enterprise to join the world financial markets, refer to State-Run Economies: From Public To Private.)

In addition, a flat tax may not be as fair as one would think. A gradual tax system does allow for things like wealth redistribution, which many have argued is a major benefit to society. And a flat tax could also give middle class families an extra burden. If someone making one million per year has to pay 18% of his income in taxes, he still has netted $820,000 for the year, a figure which still has great purchasing power. But a person making $50,000 per year is left with $41,000 per year; that difference can influence fiscal decisions, like purchasing a new car versus a used car, whether to place a down payment on a house or affording either a state school or private college, extremely tough for people who make closer to the national median income level.

In addition, when a group of countries near each other enact a flat tax, it creates a race towards the bottom; in order to compete, nations must keep on lowering their tax rates, a problem which could lead to fiscal instability.

Lastly, in the wake of the 2008 recession, many countries who have adopted a flat tax have suffered greatly. Take for instance, Latvia, one of the earliest countries to adopt the flat tax. Latvia's economy fell by a whopping 10.5% in the final quarter of 2008; it's expected to drop another 12% over the course of 2009. Its debt is 116% of its GDP; unemployment has climbed to 9%, a figure which would be higher if not for the many residents who have moved to other parts of Europe to find work, and it has had to take a bailout from the International Monetary Fund in order to pay public sector workers. And Latvia's Baltic neighbors, Lithuania and Estonia, have also faced similar pitfalls. All of this, some say, is a sign that these nations have not raised enough tax dollars due to their tax policies. Others, however, say that these nations rely on exports, which have suffered greatly due to the downturn facing major economies. (For a list of recession indicators, read Recession Stats You Need To Know.)

So, Why Not Move to a Flat Tax?
First, while there is no doubt that many countries that have adopted the flat tax have had booming economies, there is no actual proof that the flat tax is the reason why these nations have grown. After all, many of these places were Communist nations behind the Iron Curtain. Once the Soviet Union collapsed they were able to open up their economies to investment and had an easier time trading with the developed countries in the west. (To find out how former Iron Curtain countries used private enterprise to join the world financial markets, refer to State-Run Economies: From Public To Private.)

In addition, a flat tax may not be as fair as one would think. A gradual tax system does allow for things like wealth redistribution, which many have argued is a major benefit to society. And a flat tax could also give middle class families an extra burden. If someone making one million per year has to pay 18% of his income in taxes, he still has netted $820,000 for the year, a figure which still has great purchasing power. But a person making $50,000 per year is left with $41,000 per year; that difference can influence fiscal decisions, like purchasing a new car versus a used car, whether to place a down payment on a house or affording either a state school or private college, extremely tough for people who make closer to the national median income level.

In addition, when a group of countries near each other enact a flat tax, it creates a race towards the bottom; in order to compete, nations must keep on lowering their tax rates, a problem which could lead to fiscal instability.

Lastly, in the wake of the 2008 recession, many countries who have adopted a flat tax have suffered greatly. Take for instance, Latvia, one of the earliest countries to adopt the flat tax. Latvia's economy fell by a whopping 10.5% in the final quarter of 2008; it's expected to drop another 12% over the course of 2009. Its debt is 116% of its GDP; unemployment has climbed to 9%, a figure which would be higher if not for the many residents who have moved to other parts of Europe to find work, and it has had to take a bailout from the International Monetary Fund in order to pay public sector workers. And Latvia's Baltic neighbors, Lithuania and Estonia, have also faced similar pitfalls. All of this, some say, is a sign that these nations have not raised enough tax dollars due to their tax policies. Others, however, say that these nations rely on exports, which have suffered greatly due to the downturn facing major economies. (For a list of recession indicators, read Recession Stats You Need To Know.)

So according to what you have posted here Desh some people have said three countries Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have not raised enough money because of their tax policies. And this is what you point to as your evidence that the flat tax can't raise enough revenue and you question why I wouldn't know this?
The flat tax is a tax cut for the rich at the expense of everyone else. BS the baker you get a bun bs me you get none
So according to what you have posted here Desh some people have said three countries Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have not raised enough money because of their tax policies. And this is what you point to as your evidence that the flat tax can't raise enough revenue and you question why I wouldn't know this?

You seem to have comprehended her post very well.
Wrong again; ANYONE who claims that the current tax system works just fine is painfully ignorant...contrary to your personal opinions which you arrogantly presume trump reality, truth or facts.

Carry on.

It works pretty well for me. Maybe you need to start a business or something, now that your employment at the clothes hanger factory has ended.
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Yup we have millions of millionaires that worked their way up, the tax code helps a ton!
Only a poor man or an idiot thinks otherwise.
It works pretty well for me. Maybe you need to start a business or something, now that your employment at the cothes hanger has ended.

Well of course it does; you're probably on welfare living in a trailer park.

I did start a business shit-for-brains. I've been self employed since 2004.

Carry on dimwit.
Well of course it does; you're probably on welfare living in a trailer park.

I did start a business shit-for-brains. I've been self employed since 2004.

Carry on dimwit.
Pull your head out of your ass troll, if you started a business you are using the code more than most.
Get ready for your commute
Anti what do you agree with republicans on!
You call me a moron after saying they benefit more by donating.
You certainly didn't major in business, economics, or math.
You are hacktastic though

It speaks more than 2 sentences!

First of all I stated that the majority of charity contributions are church donations. Church is not exactly a charity and shouldn't be used in the calculations. This is a FACT. Check the Fair Tax website, check the amount of charity they say already gets donated, then look into what is considered a charity...

I side with Republicans on many issues, but right now we don't have any core Republicans. We only have a bunch of Tea Baggers that don't want to fix a program to save money, they want all programs to fail so they can end it.

Now go play on the playground 13 year old internet troll...

Why didn't I enter the debate? Hmmmm. I didn't feel like it? Same reason lots of people didn't I guess.

But, now that I finally figured out who you are, this will be easy. You are just the same dumb twat you were when I chased you off of here a long time ago. You can keep humping my leg, but I have beaten down many a cunt like you in my time.

The list of libtardiot cunts who have tried to get me banned is long and illustrious, like my cock. But, I am still standing.

Do you really think a dumb cunt like you has what it takes to take me on? Seriously? Do you think you have something with the "You didn't participate in the debates" meme? Come on Bijou. I know you have been lurking over on HowAIDS board and he probably put you up to this as a way to skirt his 90 ban, but I am 1000 times smarter than you and queer boy put together.

Now run along cunt. Your pimp is going to want his money or you gonna get a beating like you did last time. Quit asking for it.

I believe this was the post I reported this morning. Was this the post i Reported this morning? Was this post edited by a mod?

You aren't doing anything but entertaining me. I can dispatch of you like I have dispatched all of the women in my life who have outlived their usefulness. You are nothing but a bitter old crow who sees her life has amounted to nothing.

Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? (edited for content) Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

Is it the prospect that you will never procreate? On behalf of the entire human race, thank you for that.

As for my wife, she is a brilliant, charming, compassionate and strong conservative woman who has more brains in her left pinky than you do in your entire bitter body. We enjoy a wonderful life together. Something I sadly fear you do not have.

Maybe I should stop being so hard on you. I fear maybe you will end up going over the edge and killing yourself. Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea if (edited for content)

I was wrong, sorry. It was this post.
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And by the way whatever thing is married to this sick, twisted, sexually abusive, monster, is lower and dirtier than anything that crawled out of the worst trailer park in this country. They must smell her coming two miles away.