The case for the Fair Tax; the time is NOW

Youre absolutely right we need a fair tax where the USA largest corporations finally start paying Federal income tax and guys like mitt romney pay more than 13% on 200,000,000 incomes. I paid a higher percentage of fed tax than he did and I make peanuts

NOT EXACTLY. Corporations WOULD NOT pay FT.

Mitt Romney paid 18% of his TAXABLE INCOME - only DEMS and unsophisticated people would ever calculate a tax rate by dividing the tax paid by GROSS Income. 18% reflects the fact that most of his income was cap gains and dividends taxed at 15% - perfectly legal and proper.
Mitt paid $3MM in tax that year and he paid another $4MM in charitable contributions and MA income Taxes. Is that not enough for you, Comrade?
I see I taught you "profligate" too last night, didn't I? I wonder who taught you "ensconces". But please, don't tell us you read the book, we all know you can't read! Besides you don't really know much beyond four letter words and what you've learned from me. So why would I want to debate my poor helmeted student? Can you tell me that? If I did I would just feel sorry for you and let you win because that's how I am. So I should probably let you debate some of the other kids first and see how you do. You still haven't adequately explained why you didn't enter the debate here. Afraid of getting beaten by a brilliant woman like Darla? Was that it? Afraid of getting bested by a woman, you sexist pig? I bet you thought you'd never live that down or your huge masculine ego wouldn't let you even risk it would it? Maybe the last day of school we can have a debate to see how many big words you have learned from me during the year. But I wouldn't consider anything before then. And you need to pay your tuition or no more schooling for you.


I don't pay you for sucking my cock and gobbling my jizz. Why would I pay you for anything else you dumb cunt?
The horror, the horror!

If Neal Boortz supports this tax that's good enough for a free thinking tea bagger like me. I'm far too illiterate to understand all the ins and outs of the complex math you propose here but if Boortz, the Bore, supports it, I'm down with it! Feed the Poor and give them a healthy Prebate. Sounds good to me. I like the ring of it. And I don't know how many Karl Marx'd there are but he was no libertarian. All that talk about chains was malarky, he wanted to enchain not unchain. And thinking about all this gave me a horrible nightmare last night, so I don't want to think about no more communists right now. please!

You exhibit a disheartening view of American education that produces people who cannot think for themselves. I don't blame you for not being a financial/tax expert, but certainly you should be able to read and analyze what writers are saying. It is sad that you simply "feel" you can trust Boortz.

Boortz wrote two (comic) books favoring the FT. They are 2 volumes of hit air. I read the 1st AND some of the mind-boggling BHI economic research papers. I find many important flaws.

If I was illiterate, I would not advertise it.
yankie the wankie dude you have to have taxes to pay for them.

your not too bright huh

Spoilsport! There you go again making everything all complicated and connected when Yankee Wankee was doing his best to pretend that none of it was connected in any way by doing what Teabaggers do best, playing dumb. We know that wars cost money and that money had to come from somewhere but Teabaggers refuse to see the connection. So a discussion of taxes can't include government expenditures or corporate largesse. Or even the tax loopholes that allow the Romneys and other multimillionaires of America to pay less as a percentage of their earnings than a single wage earner at the $25,000 a year level.
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I don't pay you for sucking my cock and gobbling my jizz. Why would I pay you for anything else you dumb cunt?

Oh, look the woman hater is aroused. He always starts talking dirty like this when I turn him on! It's so predictable. It's part of that abuse he suffered as a child. The more I verbally abuse him today the harder it gets and the dirtier he talks. I bet he's getting ready to squirt about now just from the thought of all that name-calling. He probably starts crying and calling for mommy about that time too! What some people do to their children is just too pitiful for words.
You exhibit a disheartening view of American education that produces people who cannot think for themselves. I don't blame you for not being a financial/tax expert, but certainly you should be able to read and analyze what writers are saying. It is sad that you simply "feel" you can trust Boortz.

Boortz wrote two (comic) books favoring the FT. They are 2 volumes of hit air. I read the 1st AND some of the mind-boggling BHI economic research papers. I find many important flaws.

If I was illiterate, I would not advertise it.

Well it looks to me like you are and you are advertising it. But don't let me stop you, go right ahead with your harangue. I find it hilarious! In fact this whole thread is filled with more hot air than a balloon event in August. So carry on!
Oh, look the woman hater is aroused. He always starts talking dirty like this when I turn him on! It's so predictable. It's part of that abuse he suffered as a child. The more I verbally abuse him today the harder it gets and the dirtier he talks. I bet he's getting ready to squirt about now just from the thought of all that name-calling. He probably starts crying and calling for mommy about that time too! What some people do to their children is just too pitiful for words.

Hey Bijou you are treading very close to violating a board policy.

You are the same dumb cunt you were before I chased you off.

What exactly do you think you are going to bait me into?
NOT EXACTLY. Corporations WOULD NOT pay FT.

Mitt Romney paid 18% of his TAXABLE INCOME - only DEMS and unsophisticated people would ever calculate a tax rate by dividing the tax paid by GROSS Income. 18% reflects the fact that most of his income was cap gains and dividends taxed at 15% - perfectly legal and proper.
Mitt paid $3MM in tax that year and he paid another $4MM in charitable contributions and MA income Taxes. Is that not enough for you, Comrade?


now how did the country run when taxes on the wealthy were higher?
Why didn't I enter the debate? Hmmmm. I didn't feel like it? Same reason lots of people didn't I guess.

But, now that I finally figured out who you are, this will be easy. You are just the same dumb twat you were when I chased you off of here a long time ago. You can keep humping my leg, but I have beaten down many a cunt like you in my time.

The list of libtardiot cunts who have tried to get me banned is long and illustrious, like my cock. But, I am still standing.

Do you really think a dumb cunt like you has what it takes to take me on? Seriously? Do you think you have something with the "You didn't participate in the debates" meme? Come on Bijou. I know you have been lurking over on HowAIDS board and he probably put you up to this as a way to skirt his 90 ban, but I am 1000 times smarter than you and queer boy put together.

Now run along cunt. Your pimp is going to want his money or you gonna get a beating like you did last time. Quit asking for it.


Whatever you say bigot. You're not even a 1000 times smarter than a brick, let alone another human being. Just because they smile and nod when you say this stuff in group therapy doesn't make it real. But in your deluded state, I think it is officially referred to as "delusions of grandeur" I bet you fancy yourself Einstein's intellectual other! But that isn't reality and in that secret dark place inhabited by your abusive mother, you know that, and that is why you didn't enter the debates here and take your chances with the brilliant debate champion, Darla. You wouldn't let yourself get bested by a woman in a debate judged on the merits of the arguments. Now you want to pretend you're smarter than a rock or a brick or any other inanimate object. But you can't prove that by me. And you're going to have to do better than throw words that I have already used on here back at me before I give you credit for anything connected with intellect. Good luck ranting and raving though. I and everyone else here can see I am getting you all excited. It's quite hilarious. Bigots are really funny when they start foaming at the mouth, fantasizing, fetishizing and projecting and I can see that I have got you doing all of that and thinking you know who I am to boot. That is funny! Sorry, you lose! What's next bigot? Is there a grand finale or just these occasional mad eruptions all during the day? Get help with your hatred and your various obsessions! If you bring it up in group they will go there. And tell them about that dark place where mommy lives, too!
I strongly favor the NO fucking income taxation what so ever system. The federal government operated for over 100 years without the fucking extortion of an income tax. The progressive bastard Woodrow Wilson created the criminal income tax institution. That bastard is in my top 3 fucking worse Presidents ever to disgrace our White House.

Phase out every unconstitutional federal government program, reduce the Military Industrial Complex, repeal the sixteenth amendment and restore America’s freedom!!!!!
Fuck you!
I love my hundreds of thousands annually in tax breaks!
Not only that it's an oxymoron. There is nothing fair about the fair tax. It's just another stupid ploy the wealthy hand out there to the numerically and financially illiterate who don't understand that regressive taxation is NOT in their best interest unless they are very wealthy.

There isn't really that much wrong with our current tax code other than that it is far to complicated and that it permits those with enough money to hire enough tax lawyers, accountants and lobbyist to get out of paying what they owe. From a fairness standpoint our current system is pretty fair.

Progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation cause those who control the most wealth and income should pay most the taxes. That is to say, if 10% of the population control 90% of the wealth, than they should pay 90% of the taxes. If you look at a break down of our system in terms of income earned and taxes paid you'd find that the distribution is really quite fair. In fact part of the income inequality we are seeing in our nation is that unearned income, that is income of dividends, interest and capital gains are not taxed progressively. For the highest 20% of income earners due to low taxes on unearned income and because a substantially higher portion of their income is derived from unearned sources which is taxed at a far lower rate. The end result is that someone at the bottom of the top 20% earning about $250,000/year is paying around the same affective income tax rate as someone making $2,000,000/year.

I've argued before that the low tax rates for unearned income sends the wrong message that unproductive wealth is more important than productive wealth. That earning wealth from dividends, interest and capital gains is of greater value than wealth that is produced.

If we really want to make our tax system more fair we need to end the favored tax rates of 15% for capital gains and other sources of unearned income and return it to the 28% level or we need to get rid of the capital gains tax period and consider all forms of income as personal income to be taxed at the personal income tax rates. This way Billionares don't end up paying a lower affective tax rate than their secretaries. Besides, the capital gains tax is bases on a false premise. That taxation discourages investment. That's a mythology that has been debunked a long time ago. So by simplifying the tax code and getting rid of the loopholes and special tax rates for those whose earnings are based largely on investment we go a long way towards making our current system of taxation even fairer and would do so with out raising the current personal income tax rates.

Flat taxes and other regressive schemes are idiotic and are usually supported by either proles who can't do basic math or by those, like you, who make large incomes off of investments who want to manipulate morons into lowering his tax burden even further.
Hey Bijou you are treading very close to violating a board policy.

You are the same dumb cunt you were before I chased you off.

What exactly do you think you are going to bait me into?

Please be specific. Are you trying to infringe on my freedom? I hope you're not infringing on my freedom? What a fucking hypocrite! I can't believe you would attempt to coerce me! Do you mean the policy about revealing personal information? Is that what you are talking about?
I strongly favor the NO fucking income taxation what so ever system. The federal government operated for over 100 years without the fucking extortion of an income tax. The progressive bastard Woodrow Wilson created the criminal income tax institution. That bastard is in my top 3 fucking worse Presidents ever to disgrace our White House.

Phase out every unconstitutional federal government program, reduce the Military Industrial Complex, repeal the sixteenth amendment and restore America’s freedom!!!!!

Time for you to face that those ideas are a joke.

they are paid for shill entertainment for fools who will buy anything they are offered as long as its served up with a heavy dose of "gee aren't you smart for agreeing with us" crap to make you feel intelligent.

Your a sheep and you think your a rebel.

their is about nothing sadder to see then fools like you

you are in an ever shrinking tiny minority in this country.

Don't go all Murrah Building on us when you realize it mmmkay
I strongly favor the NO fucking income taxation what so ever system. The federal government operated for over 100 years without the fucking extortion of an income tax. The progressive bastard Woodrow Wilson created the criminal income tax institution. That bastard is in my top 3 fucking worse Presidents ever to disgrace our White House.

Phase out every unconstitutional federal government program, reduce the Military Industrial Complex, repeal the sixteenth amendment and restore America’s freedom!!!!!
Jesus fuck...what a stupid comment. Do you want to go back to the quality of life and standard of living that we had in 1890 as well? Dirt roads instead of interstate highways? One room school houses? No electricity in rural regions or for farmers? You simply don't know what your talking about. You're in lala land.

Whatever you say bigot. You're not even a 1000 times smarter than a brick, let alone another human being. Just because they smile and nod when you say this stuff in group therapy doesn't make it real. But in your deluded state, I think it is officially referred to as "delusions of grandeur" I bet you fancy yourself Einstein's intellectual other! But that isn't reality and in that secret dark place inhabited by your abusive mother, you know that, and that is why you didn't enter the debates here and take your chances with the brilliant debate champion, Darla. You wouldn't let yourself get bested by a woman in a debate judged on the merits of the arguments. Now you want to pretend you're smarter than a rock or a brick or any other inanimate object. But you can't prove that by me. And you're going to have to do better than throw words that I have already used on here back at me before I give you credit for anything connected with intellect. Good luck ranting and raving though. I and everyone else here can see I am getting you all excited. It's quite hilarious. Bigots are really funny when they start foaming at the mouth, fantasizing, fetishizing and projecting and I can see that I have got you doing all of that and thinking you know who I am to boot. That is funny! Sorry, you lose! What's next bigot? Is there a grand finale or just these occasional mad eruptions all during the day? Get help with your hatred and your various obsessions! If you bring it up in group they will go there. And tell them about that dark place where mommy lives, too!

Dear Bijou

Darla is as dumb a cunt as you are. I notice you didn't enter the debate either so it seems odd that you are carping about it like Mrs Kravitz. Is it your insecurity that is leading to your obsequious behavior toward Darla? Did she tell you in a PM that you could wear the strap on? Are your daddy issues coming out?

I understand why you are upset cunt face. The realization that you have been sold a bag of goods by the feminzazis has you reeling as you can feel your eggs drying up inside your rotting corpse of a pussy. You are upset that you haven't been able to find a good man and all you wish is that you had a strong man like me to put and keep you in your place.
Not only that it's an oxymoron. There is nothing fair about the fair tax. It's just another stupid ploy the wealthy hand out there to the numerically and financially illiterate who don't understand that regressive taxation is NOT in their best interest unless they are very wealthy.

There isn't really that much wrong with our current tax code other than that it is far to complicated and that it permits those with enough money to hire enough tax lawyers, accountants and lobbyist to get out of paying what they owe. From a fairness standpoint our current system is pretty fair.

Progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation cause those who control the most wealth and income should pay most the taxes. That is to say, if 10% of the population control 90% of the wealth, than they should pay 90% of the taxes. If you look at a break down of our system in terms of income earned and taxes paid you'd find that the distribution is really quite fair. In fact part of the income inequality we are seeing in our nation is that unearned income, that is income of dividends, interest and capital gains are not taxed progressively. For the highest 20% of income earners due to low taxes on unearned income and because a substantially higher portion of their income is derived from unearned sources which is taxed at a far lower rate. The end result is that someone at the bottom of the top 20% earning about $250,000/year is paying around the same affective income tax rate as someone making $2,000,000/year.

I've argued before that the low tax rates for unearned income sends the wrong message that unproductive wealth is more important than productive wealth. That earning wealth from dividends, interest and capital gains is of greater value than wealth that is produced.

If we really want to make our tax system more fair we need to end the favored tax rates of 15% for capital gains and other sources of unearned income and return it to the 28% level or we need to get rid of the capital gains tax period and consider all forms of income as personal income to be taxed at the personal income tax rates. This way Billionares don't end up paying a lower affective tax rate than their secretaries. Besides, the capital gains tax is bases on a false premise. That taxation discourages investment. That's a mythology that has been debunked a long time ago. So by simplifying the tax code and getting rid of the loopholes and special tax rates for those whose earnings are based largely on investment we go a long way towards making our current system of taxation even fairer and would do so with out raising the current personal income tax rates.

Flat taxes and other regressive schemes are idiotic and are usually supported by either proles who can't do basic math or by those, like you, who make large incomes off of investments who want to manipulate morons into lowering his tax burden even further.

This is well stated and I agree with most of it. The problem is that the same monied interests that have bought and paid for the various lower rates for inherited wealth and what you are calling here, "unproductive wealth" are still paying hundreds of the top lobbying firms in D.C. hundreds of thousands a year to ensure that no meaningful changes, that is those you are suggesting here ever find their way out of committee let alone ever make it to a vote. I don't really know how we begin to disentangle the need for money to run elections, the power of incumbency, and the ever present inertia that makes any movement in any direction nearly impossible. All of these aspects of the political reality we face are further entangled within what is now the dominant ideology held by many at the lower earning levels which is twofold, on the one hand many of the dreamers among the working classes today believe that they are one day going to be rich so they don't want to have to pay higher taxes when that day comes and the on the other hand they believe that even if they never become rich they will do better if the rich do better. So tax policy like so much else is multiply determined and it will take a manor shakeup within the wider political system to allow for the kinds of much needed changes that you suggest and I support. It's going to be difficult if not impossible short term. Long term it might be more likely but there are still numerous obstacles.
This is well stated and I agree with most of it. The problem is that the same monied interests that have bought and paid for the various lower rates for inherited wealth and what you are calling here, "unproductive wealth" are still paying hundreds of the top lobbying firms in D.C. hundreds of thousands a year to ensure that no meaningful changes, that is those you are suggesting here ever find their way out of committee let alone ever make it to a vote. I don't really know how we begin to disentangle the need for money to run elections, the power of incumbency, and the ever present inertia that makes any movement in any direction nearly impossible. All of these aspects of the political reality we face are further entangled within what is now the dominant ideology held by many at the lower earning levels which is twofold, on the one hand many of the dreamers among the working classes today believe that they are one day going to be rich so they don't want to have to pay higher taxes when that day comes and the on the other hand they believe that even if they never become rich they will do better if the rich do better. So tax policy like so much else is multiply determined and it will take a manor shakeup within the wider political system to allow for the kinds of much needed changes that you suggest and I support. It's going to be difficult if not impossible short term. Long term it might be more likely but there are still numerous obstacles.

More raging jealousy from the board cunt. Why is it any of your business what someone inherits? Is it because all you got when your daddy died were some skittles and and box of his Playboy magazines.

Stop being a bitter jealous cunt and worrying about what others have. Go work for a living Bijou