The Centrist Party


Staff member
America is 70% Centrist. So why are we letting 15% from the left and 15% from the right control our nation? We need to support Independent and Centrist candidates, or risk losing another election to special interests.

I think I might have to follow these guys and see what they are about.

I am really getting tired of the two party system and it's corruption.
America is 70% Centrist. So why are we letting 15% from the left and 15% from the right control our nation? We need to support Independent and Centrist candidates, or risk losing another election to special interests.

I think I might have to follow these guys and see what they are about.

I am really getting tired of the two party system and it's corruption. Numerous polls have shown that the US is around 20% liberal, 40% conservative. There are more conservatives than there are moderates. The real question should be, why are we letting the 20 percentile control our nation when the majority probably leans conservative?

I agree it would be nice to have a centrist party, but it won't happen. Our form of government makes it highly improbable that a third party will ever be successful.
i agree with you rana. unfortunately, every election so far, voting for a TP candidate is essentially a throw away vote. the two parties have way to much power and it is difficult, even for a billionaire, to get his foot in the door. Numerous polls have shown that the US is around 20% liberal, 40% conservative. There are more conservatives than there are moderates. The real question should be, why are we letting the 20 percentile control our nation when the majority probably leans conservative?

I agree it would be nice to have a centrist party, but it won't happen. Our form of government makes it highly improbable that a third party will ever be successful.

Not my figures, a quote from their website.
I believe that the TEA party is slowing becoming the desperately needed third party to represent the vast middle.

The T.E.A = Taxed Enough Already is just a temporary slogan to meet what is the major un-met challenge and necessity of contemporary politics, but underlying that sentiment is a foundation of Libertarian Philosophy.

Despite the TEA Party critics who are always driving to marginalize the movement with groundless accusations of Racism or Fiscal Elitism, the TEA Party is and has been a spontaneous grass-roots phenomenon.

The primary driving force behind the TEA Party is to reduce the fraud, waste, abuse, exception, pandering and OVER-REACH of Government. Since the benefactors of all that malfeasance has always been a select few, the majority of the American population would be a natural constituency for a Party opposing it.

One of the major failing of the current two parties is the failure to keep the GOAL of American Civil Rights Legislation on Color and Gender Neutrality. Instead, the Democrats have chosen to focus on Racial Preference Pandering for Votes, and the Republicans have been largely acting as a “Stick-in-the Mud” resistance to any change of any kind.

On the race issue, what our country needs is a movement to dismantle the racial preference legislative complex, an entire new area of career, work and law which should NEVER have created in the first place, and is rapidly reaching a point where it will collapse the country into civil-race war if not eliminated.

The sad thing is now effectively the TEA Parties opponents have been at portraying their efforts to return to a goal of race and gender neutrality as Racism and Sexism.

For some reason, the Democrats and Liberals can stand in front of the American People advocating special preferences and programs specifically granting benefit based on Race / Gender as being a step toward ending Racism, and no one calls them on it?

In the very next paragraph, the same Democrats and Liberals will paint those who want the benefits of government available to ALL without regard to Race / Gender as Racists and Sexists, and STILL no one calls them on it?

Once the TRUTH of the TEA Party position is to RETURN to the goal of Race/Gender Neutrality if made well known, I think the vast majority of the American Middle will be enthusiastically supporting their platform.

The primary obstacle between the TEA Party and major party status is simply educating the populace that their platform goal is a return to TRUE Race/Gender EQUALITY!
I believe that the TEA party is slowing becoming the desperately needed third party to represent the vast middle.

The T.E.A = Taxed Enough Already is just a temporary slogan to meet what is the major un-met challenge and necessity of contemporary politics, but underlying that sentiment is a foundation of Libertarian Philosophy.

Despite the TEA Party critics who are always driving to marginalize the movement with groundless accusations of Racism or Fiscal Elitism, the TEA Party is and has been a spontaneous grass-roots phenomenon.

The primary driving force behind the TEA Party is to reduce the fraud, waste, abuse, exception, pandering and OVER-REACH of Government. Since the benefactors of all that malfeasance has always been a select few, the majority of the American population would be a natural constituency for a Party opposing it.

One of the major failing of the current two parties is the failure to keep the GOAL of American Civil Rights Legislation on Color and Gender Neutrality. Instead, the Democrats have chosen to focus on Racial Preference Pandering for Votes, and the Republicans have been largely acting as a “Stick-in-the Mud” resistance to any change of any kind.

On the race issue, what our country needs is a movement to dismantle the racial preference legislative complex, an entire new area of career, work and law which should NEVER have created in the first place, and is rapidly reaching a point where it will collapse the country into civil-race war if not eliminated.

The sad thing is now effectively the TEA Parties opponents have been at portraying their efforts to return to a goal of race and gender neutrality as Racism and Sexism.

For some reason, the Democrats and Liberals can stand in front of the American People advocating special preferences and programs specifically granting benefit based on Race / Gender as being a step toward ending Racism, and no one calls them on it?

In the very next paragraph, the same Democrats and Liberals will paint those who want the benefits of government available to ALL without regard to Race / Gender as Racists and Sexists, and STILL no one calls them on it?

Once the TRUTH of the TEA Party position is to RETURN to the goal of Race/Gender Neutrality if made well known, I think the vast majority of the American Middle will be enthusiastically supporting their platform.

The primary obstacle between the TEA Party and major party status is simply educating the populace that their platform goal is a return to TRUE Race/Gender EQUALITY!

Quit posting drunk, retard. Numerous polls have shown that the US is around 20% liberal, 40% conservative. There are more conservatives than there are moderates. The real question should be, why are we letting the 20 percentile control our nation when the majority probably leans conservative?

I agree it would be nice to have a centrist party, but it won't happen. Our form of government makes it highly improbable that a third party will ever be successful.

Are you serious? 2/3s of those who self-identify as conservative are tgoo ignorant to define the word conservative, which is the only reason the GOP continues to exist. Hack.
America is 70% Centrist. So why are we letting 15% from the left and 15% from the right control our nation? We need to support Independent and Centrist candidates, or risk losing another election to special interests.

I think I might have to follow these guys and see what they are about.

I am really getting tired of the two party system and it's corruption.

We don't need a third right wing party.
Here's a little 'psychology' test you can perform on your friends and family... Pick 10 people around you, and ask the following question: Do you consider your political views to be more "extreme" or "centrist?" I'll guarantee you, the results will always be overwhelming, most people do not see themselves as "extreme" in their views. Whether they are or not, they prefer to be thought of as 'independent-minded' and 'mainstream' in their views.

Now we couple this natural human attribute to consider our own viewpoint reasonable, with the fact the American left has slid completely off the map into Marxist Socialism, and ideology we should all be soundly rejecting based on our past history alone, and you have to wonder, just where does this 'centrist' line exist? To the left of Mao, but to the right of Pol Pot? What does a true blue liberal consider 'centrist?' Well, of course, that would be someone who clearly has a liberal ideology, but doesn't go on shooting sprees or bombing runs if they don't get their way. Anyone who does, is put in the category with people who have any inkling of right-wing conservatism, as extremist kooks.

Measuring by the liberal standard, our nation is about 76% 'extremist' and 24% 'centrist'. I predict it's going to be a bad year for the "Liberal Centrist."
I believe that the TEA party is slowing becoming the desperately needed third party to represent the vast middle.

The T.E.A = Taxed Enough Already is just a temporary slogan to meet what is the major un-met challenge and necessity of contemporary politics, but underlying that sentiment is a foundation of Libertarian Philosophy.

Despite the TEA Party critics who are always driving to marginalize the movement with groundless accusations of Racism or Fiscal Elitism, the TEA Party is and has been a spontaneous grass-roots phenomenon.

The primary driving force behind the TEA Party is to reduce the fraud, waste, abuse, exception, pandering and OVER-REACH of Government. Since the benefactors of all that malfeasance has always been a select few, the majority of the American population would be a natural constituency for a Party opposing it.

One of the major failing of the current two parties is the failure to keep the GOAL of American Civil Rights Legislation on Color and Gender Neutrality. Instead, the Democrats have chosen to focus on Racial Preference Pandering for Votes, and the Republicans have been largely acting as a “Stick-in-the Mud” resistance to any change of any kind.

On the race issue, what our country needs is a movement to dismantle the racial preference legislative complex, an entire new area of career, work and law which should NEVER have created in the first place, and is rapidly reaching a point where it will collapse the country into civil-race war if not eliminated.

The sad thing is now effectively the TEA Parties opponents have been at portraying their efforts to return to a goal of race and gender neutrality as Racism and Sexism.

For some reason, the Democrats and Liberals can stand in front of the American People advocating special preferences and programs specifically granting benefit based on Race / Gender as being a step toward ending Racism, and no one calls them on it?

In the very next paragraph, the same Democrats and Liberals will paint those who want the benefits of government available to ALL without regard to Race / Gender as Racists and Sexists, and STILL no one calls them on it?

Once the TRUTH of the TEA Party position is to RETURN to the goal of Race/Gender Neutrality if made well known, I think the vast majority of the American Middle will be enthusiastically supporting their platform.

The primary obstacle between the TEA Party and major party status is simply educating the populace that their platform goal is a return to TRUE Race/Gender EQUALITY!
Are you freaken Kidding me? The teabaggers are on the extreme right. Their part of the fucking problem and are in no way remotely part of the solution.
Here's a little 'psychology' test you can perform on your friends and family... Pick 10 people around you, and ask the following question: Do you consider your political views to be more "extreme" or "centrist?" I'll guarantee you, the results will always be overwhelming, most people do not see themselves as "extreme" in their views. Whether they are or not, they prefer to be thought of as 'independent-minded' and 'mainstream' in their views.

Now we couple this natural human attribute to consider our own viewpoint reasonable, with the fact the American left has slid completely off the map into Marxist Socialism, and ideology we should all be soundly rejecting based on our past history alone, and you have to wonder, just where does this 'centrist' line exist? To the left of Mao, but to the right of Pol Pot? What does a true blue liberal consider 'centrist?' Well, of course, that would be someone who clearly has a liberal ideology, but doesn't go on shooting sprees or bombing runs if they don't get their way. Anyone who does, is put in the category with people who have any inkling of right-wing conservatism, as extremist kooks.

Measuring by the liberal standard, our nation is about 76% 'extremist' and 24% 'centrist'. I predict it's going to be a bad year for the "Liberal Centrist."
Dixie's got a point. Last time I was at the insane assylum all the Republicans swore up and down that they were sane.
Are you freaken Kidding me? The teabaggers are on the extreme right. Their part of the fucking problem and are in no way remotely part of the solution.

In 2007, Ron Paul held the first rally in which 'Tea Party' was used as a theme, in Boston, on the anniversary of the actual Boston Tea Party. At that rally, he pointed out the huge problem with American debt, and said, if we don't get our house in order, we faced a downgraded credit rating in the near future. He was right. The Tea Party position was correct.

In 2009, the Tea Party focused on "Porkulus" (aka: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and a series of healthcare reform bills.) United, the speakers warned people these plans would fail, and only contribute to our already massive debt. Again, the Tea Party was right. The Tea Party position was correct.

The Tea Party warned against bailing out AIG. This began a series of other bailouts of businesses that were 'too big to fail' and who the Tea Party emphatically claimed were NOT too big to fail, and should be allowed to do so. In the end, AIG was NOT too big to fail, they filed bankruptcy in spite of the billions we forked over, so again... The Tea Party was correct, and you were wrong. ....Do we see a pattern here yet?

In 2010, The Tea Party was responsible for the greatest political shift in statehouse power since Reconstruction. Over 600 statehouse seats switched from Democrat butts to Republican butts, overnight. The primary "issue" for the Tea Party, was Obamacare, and how it was a certain job-killer which we can't afford. Since 2010, we have continued to watch NO real jobs being created, and no promise of new jobs on the foreseeable horizon. Again, the Tea Party is spot on, and you are left holding your hat.

Seems to me, the "teabaggers" are the only ones who have consistently been right.
America is 70% Centrist. So why are we letting 15% from the left and 15% from the right control our nation? We need to support Independent and Centrist candidates, or risk losing another election to special interests.

I think I might have to follow these guys and see what they are about.

I am really getting tired of the two party system and it's corruption.

The Democratic Party is the centrist party.

It does not represent the left.
Yes the Tea Baggers are consistently right. They will vote for Mitt in the fall.
Virtually all of them voted for Bush twice.
The Democratic Party is the centrist party.

It does not represent the left.
I pretty much agree. We really don't have a liberal political party. We have a far right political party and we have a left of center party. A lot of Repelicans on here would argue that but as I've observed anything slightly to the left of Ghengis Khan is a commie pinko liberal to them. When you compare the US's Democratic party to left wing political parties around the world, particularly Europe and Latin America the truth of your comment becomes obviously apparent.
Citizens United decision guarantees that all candidates will kowtow to special interests. Thanks to the aggressive lurch rightwards over the past couple of decades, 'centrist' now means right-leaning. Pretty pathetic when a living wage, responsible environmental policy and affordable health care are seen as 'lefty whacko' causes.

We need the extreme left just to help maintain what little balance remains. Complacency led to Citizens United, making us 100% fucked.