The Centrist Party

No, my post contained true and accurate information you wish to ignore. If it contained hooey, you would have gladly and gleefully pointed it out, along with links to credible information to contradict me, instead of links to cute little emoticons. If there had been any way to avoid the ass pwnage, you would have done so... but you can't. Therefore, you are left hurling meaningless little insulting quips, like a 6th grader. In your mind, you believe you are prevailing, but in reality... you are flailing.

"To influence the small fraction of Iowa voters who will participate in Tuesday’s caucuses, the candidates and their supporters will have spent $12.5 million, an unprecedented amount. Only a third of that was spent by the candidates themselves; the rest comes from the “super PACs” that most of the candidates have allowed to be established. These political action committees are essentially septic tanks into which wealthy individuals and corporations can drop unlimited amounts of money, which is then processed into ads that are theoretically made independently of the candidates...."

the money is not accountable, so who's to say that the communist chinese haven't donated millions to the radical right to influence our elections for their own benefit? We don't know where the money comes from so don't dismiss this.

Sen. Sanders says it best...

Speaking about the Wisconsin recall, Sen. Sanders said, “This is really the tip of the iceberg. What is going on now, is class warfare to an unprecedented degree is being waged against the middle class and working families of this country. and what the disastrous supreme court Citizen’s United decision did is just open the door wide open, flood gate wide open, for corporations and billion airs to take over our democracy to spend as much money as they want without disclosure on campaigns throughout America in order to elect right wing extremist who are going to protect the interest of the 1% against the 99%.”

Later Sen. Sanders explained that broader threat to our democracy brought about by the Citizens United decision, “This is unprecedented and it is the most savage attack against American democracy, and the concept of one person, one vote that we have seen in our lifetime, and what it is is saying if you are a billionaire, you can buy elections. You can by politicians, and by the way, on the floor of the Senate, on the floor of the House, you can intimidate members, because you will be saying to them if you are going to vote against Wall Street, or the insurance companies, or the military industrial complex, you just do that, and we’re going to have millions of dollars in thirty second ads in your state this weekend.”

the more you talk Dixie the more I realize you are a corporate fascist.
My condolences. :(

Thank you good sister .. but just to be clear, it isn't my wife that I lost. She is more than just my best friend. I lost my dog, Tupac .. who saved my life 6 years ago. I think I once told you how that happened.

He saved me .. but I couldn't save him.
Thank you good sister .. but just to be clear, it isn't my wife that I lost. She is more than just my best friend. I lost my dog, Tupac .. who saved my life 6 years ago. I think I once told you how that happened.

He saved me .. but I couldn't save him.

Yes I very much remember, oh that is so sad. It was such a beautiful story. I am so very sorry.
America is 70% Centrist. So why are we letting 15% from the left and 15% from the right control our nation? We need to support Independent and Centrist candidates, or risk losing another election to special interests.

I think I might have to follow these guys and see what they are about.

I am really getting tired of the two party system and it's corruption.

i was going to make a post soon titled the "Fallacy of fence sitters" which I think will address some of your comments here.

I am sure you love "centrists" so long as they agree with everything you do :rolleyes:
1) Sorry to hear about your friend.

2) Welcome back.

3) Hope your daughter is still doing well in the military (and hopefully she is home now)

Thank you and thank you my friend.

My daughter is home now .. and she has adopted the baby of one of her soldiers who came home pregnant and suffering from PTSD so bad that she could not raise the baby.

This baby ..

Zoe is home.jpg
Thank you and thank you my friend.

My daughter is home now .. and she has adopted the baby of one of her soldiers who came home pregnant and suffering from PTSD so bad that she could not raise the baby.

This baby ..

View attachment 1654

Glad to hear she is home and well. Great of her to adopt the child and provide her a caring home. I would say something like 'aww, how cute' but that doesn't quite cut it.
Glad to hear she is home and well. Great of her to adopt the child and provide her a caring home. I would say something like 'aww, how cute' but that doesn't quite icut it.

It's a daunting challenge, but I've never been prouder of my daughter. The biological mother is white, the father black .. challenge number one.

My daughter is still in the military, although stationed relatively close here in Georgia. She is scheduled to go to Afghanistan next March .. and guess who Zoe' will be with while she's gone?

Challenge number two. :0(
It's a daunting challenge, but I've never been prouder of my daughter. The biological mother is white, the father black .. challenge number one.

My daughter is still in the military, although stationed relatively close here in Georgia. She is scheduled to go to Afghanistan next March .. and guess who Zoe' will be with while she's gone?

Challenge number two. :0(

Sorry to hear she has to go back.

As for taking care of the kid yourself... prayers are with you man... it is hard friggin work taking care of a kid. Just a few hours with my nieces and nephew wears me down. Total balls of energy are hard to contain.
Sorry to hear she has to go back.

As for taking care of the kid yourself... prayers are with you man... it is hard friggin work taking care of a kid. Just a few hours with my nieces and nephew wears me down. Total balls of energy are hard to contain.

Pray for me brother.

I may be old as dust .. but I'm always busy. Looks like Zoe' will be going to meetings.
It's a daunting challenge, but I've never been prouder of my daughter. The biological mother is white, the father black .. challenge number one.

My daughter is still in the military, although stationed relatively close here in Georgia. She is scheduled to go to Afghanistan next March .. and guess who Zoe' will be with while she's gone?

Challenge number two. :0(

Wow that's amazing! Your daughter sounds like an amazing person. Good luck bac!
Extremely cute child, BAC.

I adopted a child as well, a long time ago, I was her Godfather and circumstances made it so I had to take on the responsibility I promised to uphold.

I miss her father, but not as much as she does. She's one wonderful kid though.

Make sure you daughter knows we appreciate her service.