The Centrist Party

Citizens United decision guarantees that all candidates will kowtow to special interests. Thanks to the aggressive lurch rightwards over the past couple of decades, 'centrist' now means right-leaning. Pretty pathetic when a living wage, responsible environmental policy and affordable health care are seen as 'lefty whacko' causes.

We need the extreme left just to help maintain what little balance remains. Complacency led to Citizens United, making us 100% fucked.

Citizens United was a case brought before the SCOTUS regarding the new CFR laws. Before McCain-Feingold, there would have been no case, because what Citizen's did was not illegal. You idiots continue to pretend that Citizens changed something, when the truth is, Citizens returned us from changes made by CFR, and things are back to how they always had been before.

We live in a "center right" nation, meaning, the 'average' voter is NOTHING like you people. You are liberal extremists, and you represent about 14% of the electorate. Stop fantasizing that your viewpoint is close to mainstream, because it's not. Stop pretending that anything which is not radical liberal, is far right-wing insanity. This was kind of cute the first time one of you retards said it, but now it's just annoying as hell.
Citizens United was a case brought before the SCOTUS regarding the new CFR laws. Before McCain-Feingold, there would have been no case, because what Citizen's did was not illegal. You idiots continue to pretend that Citizens changed something, when the truth is, Citizens returned us from changes made by CFR, and things are back to how they always had been before.

We live in a "center right" nation, meaning, the 'average' voter is NOTHING like you people. You are liberal extremists, and you represent about 14% of the electorate. Stop fantasizing that your viewpoint is close to mainstream, because it's not. Stop pretending that anything which is not radical liberal, is far right-wing insanity. This was kind of cute the first time one of you retards said it, but now it's just annoying as hell.

Piss off, rube. :D
Yes, clearly. Your post contained nothing but piss! Per usual. Enjoy!

Well my post contained correct and accurate information that you obviously can't refute. The Citizens case was brought before the SCOTUS because McCain-Feingold said they couldn't sell Hilary videos... before CFR, it would have been perfectly fine and was often the case.... for over 200 years. You want to live in a dream world, where Citizens is some kind of landmark case that changes politics, when it's actually a landmark case which rejects unconstitutional CFR laws. Of course, to you, the TRUTH is piss.
Well my post contained correct and accurate information that you obviously can't refute.

Wrong. Your piss-filled post contained hooey not worth responding to in any meaningful way other than to scoff.

...blah, blah, blah...

Wait, I thought I was responding to did this idiot get off my ignore list?

Fuck you, dumbass troll!! :fu:

Oh, wait, I'm sorry Rune. I thought I was responding to someone else, but am just too fucking stupid to pay attention to what the fuck I'm doing. Please accept my insincere apology...
Wrong. Your piss-filled post contained hooey not worth responding to in any meaningful way other than to scoff.

No, my post contained true and accurate information you wish to ignore. If it contained hooey, you would have gladly and gleefully pointed it out, along with links to credible information to contradict me, instead of links to cute little emoticons. If there had been any way to avoid the ass pwnage, you would have done so... but you can't. Therefore, you are left hurling meaningless little insulting quips, like a 6th grader. In your mind, you believe you are prevailing, but in reality... you are flailing.
No, my post contained true and accurate information you wish to ignore. If it contained hooey, you would have gladly and gleefully pointed it out, along with links to credible information to contradict me, instead of links to cute little emoticons. If there had been any way to avoid the ass pwnage, you would have done so... but you can't. Therefore, you are left hurling meaningless little insulting quips, like a 6th grader. In your mind, you believe you are prevailing, but in reality... you are flailing.

Yeah. Keep rambling, hillbilly.

Yeah. Keep rambling, hillbilly.


LOL... Yes, that's right... call me names and roll in the floor... I understand you have to do this to mitigate the butt hurt, ass pwnage is brutal sometimes.

FACT: Citizens United was a case brought before the SCOTUS to challenge the new McCain-Feingold CFR law. The decision renders the law unconstitutional, and returns America to exactly where it was before passage of McCain-Feingold, with regard to corporations and their activities at election time.

It's like making the argument that IF we dismantle Obamacare, millions of poor and sick people will be turned out into the streets. Of course, when we finally get around to dismantling Obamacare, no doubt, that will be the Liberal argument.
LOL... Yes, that's right... call me names and roll in the floor... I understand you have to do this to mitigate the butt hurt, ass pwnage is brutal sometimes.

FACT: Citizens United was a case brought before the SCOTUS to challenge the new McCain-Feingold CFR law. The decision renders the law unconstitutional, and returns America to exactly where it was before passage of McCain-Feingold, with regard to corporations and their activities at election time.

It's like making the argument that IF we dismantle Obamacare, millions of poor and sick people will be turned out into the streets. Of course, when we finally get around to dismantling Obamacare, no doubt, that will be the Liberal argument.

Keep spewing, rube. It's like pushing a button. You can't help yourself. :D
Here's a little 'psychology' test you can perform on your friends and family... Pick 10 people around you, and ask the following question: Do you consider your political views to be more "extreme" or "centrist?" I'll guarantee you, the results will always be overwhelming, most people do not see themselves as "extreme" in their views. Whether they are or not, they prefer to be thought of as 'independent-minded' and 'mainstream' in their views.

Now we couple this natural human attribute to consider our own viewpoint reasonable, with the fact the American left has slid completely off the map into Marxist Socialism, and ideology we should all be soundly rejecting based on our past history alone, and you have to wonder, just where does this 'centrist' line exist? To the left of Mao, but to the right of Pol Pot? What does a true blue liberal consider 'centrist?' Well, of course, that would be someone who clearly has a liberal ideology, but doesn't go on shooting sprees or bombing runs if they don't get their way. Anyone who does, is put in the category with people who have any inkling of right-wing conservatism, as extremist kooks.

Measuring by the liberal standard, our nation is about 76% 'extremist' and 24% 'centrist'. I predict it's going to be a bad year for the "Liberal Centrist."

Damn! I read you first paragraph and totally agreed then came your second paragraph......