The Christian left and democratic socialism

I see very little Christ-like behavior on message boards, even from those who wear their self-professed Christianity on their sleeve. Which is surprising, considering how much bible thumping has been on jpp dot com.

This kid only lived to be 15 before dying of leukemia, but in his short time on earth, he showed what it meant to live the authentic Christian life.

A true example for all humanity.....
Here goes... My Facebook page is loaded with anti-abortion, pro-2nd amendment and pro conservative posts. It also has some gardening/canning posts and some hunting/fishing posts. You know, just my life stuff. But I also have been putting my sermons on Facebook live (since the pandemic) for my folks who are still afraid to come to the building to worship. But the notion that I don’t pay taxes is false.

I get paid around $12,000 a year for preaching, on all of which I pay taxes to the state and feds.

Let me back up... Our religious organization follows the example of the New Testament as closely as we can. We have elders to oversee the local congregation and the local congregation is all that they oversee. Every Sunday a collection is made and the money given to the church is to be used for either evangelizing (including paying the preacher) and benevolent work. That money is not taxed being in the treasury of the church. Once it is paid to the local preacher, his salary is then taxed according to the rules of the state and federal government as income. I have to file it as self-employment tax.

Every preacher that I know personally pays taxes in this way. We’re not all Graham’s or Olsteens.

Just wanted to answer that “preachers don’t pay taxes” thing.

Thanks for clarifying.......
Sad, the only fool you could find hates your religion & you for believing it........:laugh::laugh:

You trying to rationalize/pretend about it shows how far you have fallen from grace..............

You calling yourself a fool? I'd say you have company.

It's obvious. And YOU start a thread singling out one denomination. Why is that? Why won't you answer that?
You calling yourself a fool? I'd say you have company.

It's obvious. And YOU start a thread singling out one denomination. Why is that? Why won't you answer that?

Because you want me to....:laugh:

Now listen to this brother:
Reality: Some 22 Trillion dollars has been spent by socialists in the United States sense the 1960s and the inception of the Great Society Welfare Programs (not including SS and Medicare)......yet after more than 50 years poverty still exists in the United States with the needle that measures such barely moving. THE WAR ON POVERTY appears to be a losing battle. This war on poverty has cost the US tax payers nearly 3.5 times the total cost of ALL THE WARS ever fought in the entire history of the US Military.

No poor existed between 1945 and 1951? I Call BS on this AD HOMINEM "subjective" attempt at hyperbolic bloviation

How can poverty RETURN when it never left? Poverty has been among mankind since the beginning....even in Great Britain and you are a liar if you suggest that poverty was eliminated. You may have (through fascist and totalitarian doctrines) attempted to redistribute wealth......making everyone equally impoverished never eliminated poverty.

Do I really care about your subjective opinions when everyone has access to the truth concerning the proper doctrine of Christianity.....the Holy Scriptures? No, I simply point out the truth when subjective opinion is attempting to establish DOGMA and TRADITION in place of righteous doctrine. You are propagating FALSE DOCTRINE

The entirety of mankind will never find the proper path to righteousness, the way is too narrow for the majority, "Enter ye at the straight gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction; and many there be which go in there at. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadth unto life, and few there be that find it. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS, WHICH COME TO YOU IN SHEEPS CLOTHING (much like the Catholic rulers of the middle ages that taught manmade dogma and tradition rather than doctrine found in scripture), but inwardly they are ravening wolves." -- Matt. 7:13-15:bigthink:

Does it surprise me there are many RICH that refuse to share, to give to the needy? Of course not......its the human condition, as long as freewill exists, poverty will exist. The only way to even pretend to eliminate poverty is to propagate Totalitarianism and Fascism where the state takes away that free will under threat of fine, imprisonment or even DEATH. Thus, in a FREE REPUBLIC.......where you find the concept of LIBERTY and will always find that poverty will always exist due to the liberty of freedom and chance circumstances.

Indeed........and God tells us that the human condition will remain the same. Don't believe GOD INCARNATE that tells us that "The poor will be among you always", its your soul, your right as conveyor of the gift of FREE WILL. Why will there always be the poor among us? Because the majority of people have no compassion and are self centered. That FACT does not eliminate the TRUTH found in scripture. Everyone sins...only God knows the heart of man and will reward or punish determined upon that knowledge. Still THE POOR will remain among us until the end of days.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; WHO CAN KNOW IT? I THE LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings." -- Jer. 17:9-10 Some faiths call it KARMA.

You can rant about your MAXIST AGENDA in attempting to divide and separate the population by pitting the rich against the poor.......the black against the gender against another and tell us that you are doing this for the good of the COLLECTIVE in the name of diversity. Is diversity and the preaching thereof a good thing? Only if you want to divide a peoples based upon skin color and social status....and create a tribal mentality instead of properly assimilating as ONE NATION UNDER GOD as being a US CITIZEN regardless of skin color, race, gender, religion etc.,

That reality is what frightens the hell out of the MARXIST........ONE NATION SPEAKING WITH ONE VOICE IN DEDICATION TO ONE CAUSE....peace. With national pride you get no book burnings...the modern equivalent of which is the attempt to burn down, tear down all our national monuments......silence any voice that does not agree with your fascist opinion, that propagates riots, looting, burning...even MURDER in the name of your diversity because the END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.

You correctly stated the fact.......there are many that refuse to have give where human suffering exists...but still you can't legislate poverty into not existing just as the Christ explained. Why? Its simple, There will be FEW that will find THE WAY.

What is the WAY? Jesus is the WAY. -- John 14:6 God said the way would be easy for those who believed in righteousness -- Isaiah 42:16 Every obstacle would be removed out of the WAY -- Isaiah 57:14. Only the wicked (the majority of all mankind who sins void of repentance) stumbles on the path of righteousness -- Hosea 14:9 JESUS IS THAT ROCK THAT CAUSES THE WICKED TO STUMBLE -- 1 Peter 2:7-8

To walk on the path that is the correct WAY requires, BELIEF, ACCEPTENCE, AND OBEDIENCE TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHRIST, which the many are unwilling to accept and follow.

The many insist upon walking on their own path (as an agent of free often chooses wrong) -- Rom. 9:32-33 Jesus teaches they must choose the correct WAY to find salvation...He makes them choose. -- John 15:18-25

People love wickedness to much to choose correctly and walk a clean path in this reality we call LIFE. -- 2 Thess. 2:9-12

Is the Christian instructed to give, to have compassion? Of course...but the Christian is instructed to give to those he observes that are in need. The Christians first duty is give to the local brotherhood and community where it is needed. A Christian is instructed to give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar....but that giving is not charity, not in the least...there is no compassion when paying taxes that are wasted. Give and work in your own communities where you can observe first hand where need instructed in scripture. How can you witness need first hand when a central government thousands of miles away MANDATES you to share in your income? You can' I say, If 10% was good enough for God.........then 10% is good enough for Caesar. :good4u:

I'm afraid I have a short attention span, and this lot is interminable. I think, though, that a quick scan through it reveals that there is little point in replying since (a) you don't know what you mean by 'socialism', taking it to mean 'anything educated people do' and (b) you use 'Marxist' in the totally fatuous way favoured by those who have never read Marx and know nothing about him. It was obvious from the beginning, further, that you know nothing about Christianity, so do please explain why anyone should venture further into the thickets of your prose.
I'm afraid I have a short attention span, and this lot is interminable. I think, though, that a quick scan through it reveals that there is little point in replying since (a) you don't know what you mean by 'socialism', taking it to mean 'anything educated people do' and (b) you use 'Marxist' in the totally fatuous way favoured by those who have never read Marx and know nothing about him. It was obvious from the beginning, further, that you know nothing about Christianity, so do please explain why anyone should venture further into the thickets of your prose.

That is usually the case, or just picking a tid-bit or two & rubbing his nose in it.:dunno:

Probably the only way a ralf pontification could be understandable is if one had a couple shots of a decent single malt & some good herb....... & then I am only guessing.....
That is usually the case, or just picking a tid-bit or two & rubbing his nose in it.:dunno:

Probably the only way a ralf pontification could be understandable is if one had a couple shots of a decent single malt & some good herb....... & then I am only guessing.....

:) :) :)
Hey LR!!! Thanks for chining in. Question for you. You referenced posting about issues (abortion, 2nd amendment) but do you ever post specifically about politicians? Or since this is election season do you post pro/anti about Trump and Biden?

I’ll share this morning’s FB post with the board. Posted before I go to work.

My morning thoughts while enjoying my coffee...

I watched about 2 hours of the grilling of Mrs. Barrett yesterday. She was asked several questions, many of which were designed to try to make her look extreme, by those [democratic] Senators on the left and basically had her credentials and integrity touted by those Senators on the right. All of this one might expect but I came away with a couple of observations.

1. The most accusing, condescending questions...the the most vitriolic questions asked and statements made were from women of the left.

2. The two most attacked [supposed] positions were abortion and the 2nd amendment, the main two issues that push me the hardest to vote for Trump.

It is so obvious that I don’t think like those on the left. This election is definitely about two very contrasting views of our future as a country.
I’ll share this morning’s FB post with the board. Posted before I go to work.

Thanks for sharing LR. So clearly a Pastor posting their political views on social media is not unique to my Pastor.

Let me ask you this if I may, do you get into political debates on Facebook with parishioners of yours?
You calling yourself a fool? I'd say you have company.

It's obvious. And YOU start a thread singling out one denomination. Why is that? Why won't you answer that?

He posted a thread on white evangelicals.

Evangelicalism is not a denomination. It is a theological tradition shared across many Protestant denominations. For that matter, whites are not a denomination either.

For someone who claims to be a devout Christian, you do not seem to actually know much about Christianity?
He posted a thread on white evangelicals.

Evangelicalism is not a denomination. It is a theological tradition shared across many Protestant denominations. For that matter, whites are not a denomination either.

For someone who claims to be a devout Christian, you do not seem to actually know much about Christianity?

Whatever you say, you're the Theologian here :rolleyes:
He posted a thread on white evangelicals.

Evangelicalism is not a denomination. It is a theological tradition shared across many Protestant denominations. For that matter, whites are not a denomination either.

For someone who claims to be a devout Christian, you do not seem to actually know much about Christianity?
Whatever you say, you're the Theologian here :rolleyes:
The take-away is that his thread did not single out a single denomination, and as the thread progressed he clearly recognized the variation across the spectrum of evangelicalism - including black evangelicals and progressive evangelicals.

He shows more sophistication and temperance about Christianity than most posters. There are some actual, anti-Christian militant atheists who patrol political forums and make it a point to ridicule and humiliate Christianity. Bill is not even remotely close to being in that clique.
Thanks for sharing LR. So clearly a Pastor posting their political views on social media is not unique to my Pastor.

Let me ask you this if I may, do you get into political debates on Facebook with parishioners of yours?

Absolutely not. I don’t even get into political debates with ‘friends’ of mine on Facebook. This site is the only place I might ‘stir the pot’ a bit by engaging in anything but political banter. Even then I try to keep it mostly respectful.
give what you want. dont tax me at usurious rates to promote your giving agenda/ it also wrecks the economy

Ten thousand years of human history since the early Bronze Age has demostrated that private charity by itself is not enough to establish a just, moral, and equitable society. It was only through the new liberalism of the late 19th and early 20th century - fueled by the Christian left - that Judeo-Christian principles of charity, justice, and mercy were widely achieved at the macroeconomic level of a social welfare state.
The take-away is that his thread did not single out a single denomination, and as the thread progressed he clearly recognized the variation across the spectrum of evangelicalism - including black evangelicals and progressive evangelicals.

He shows more sophistication and temperance about Christianity than most posters. There are some actual, anti-Christian militant atheists who patrol political forums and make it a point to ridicule and humiliate Christianity. Bill is not even remotely close to being in that clique.

Absolutely not. I don’t even get into political debates with ‘friends’ of mine on Facebook. This site is the only place I might ‘stir the pot’ a bit by engaging in anything but political banter. Even then I try to keep it mostly respectful.

I guess that’s what gets me about my Pastor. I knew he was politically progressive. That in and of itself wasn’t a deal breaker for me. But seeing him start political debates and then making snarky replies to people is what has turned me off.

I get it, Pastors are people too and no one is perfect. To me there’s enough negativity online and around politics and seeing my Pastor engage in the negative aspect of it is disappointing.
The take-away is that his thread did not single out a single denomination, and as the thread progressed he clearly recognized the variation across the spectrum of evangelicalism - including black evangelicals and progressive evangelicals.

He shows more sophistication and temperance about Christianity than most posters. There are some actual, anti-Christian militant atheists who patrol political forums and make it a point to ridicule and humiliate Christianity. Bill is not even remotely close to being in that clique.

The sad thing in this is he does not know that...........:palm: Really & sadly a classic example........ Pathetic!!!

As is his troll, he is merely looking for an argument, really all he does here-HE CONTRIBUTES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HIS OPINIONS, & 99% OF THEM ARE COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED W/ ANYTHING BUT HIS OPINIONS.............