The Christian left and democratic socialism

I believe he thinks too many (liberals) people turn away from God and the church because they associate it with conservative right-wing evangelicalism. Thus he offers an alternative of a progressive, activist 'woke' church. And if people see us out in the community fighting against injustice they might be more inclined to check us out.

For me it's really starting to turn me off. I've been going to this church for a handful of years starting not long after its founding. I consider the Pastor and his wife friend's and we've had them over for dinner. He baptized my daughter. I always knew he was politically liberal but that doesn't bother me. However this recent shift to getting far more into politics has started turning me away from him. Like you said, there is already enough polarization in the world. I don't like seeing come from my Pastor.

I believe he is probably correct-thus the reason many churches are altering their names

I believe that is true, but would be dependent on what you mean by fighting

I can certainly understand how you could feel that.. His role isn't a political adviser...

As I have not read about the "woke church" I am not clear how that manifest in the community.........

There have been many Christian movements in the past particularly in the anti-war movement that I felt strongly were on the right side of history, humanity etc.

Many of them spent time in prison for the disobedience to civil laws..

Others like Howard Zinn & Father Berrigan went to N. Vietnam & brought American prisoners home.......
I don't know where his funding came from but my Pastor basically started this church. So he's grown it from like 10 people at his first services to over several hundred today. So at this point if people don't like it you just find another church as opposed to trying to replace him (it would be one thing if this was an established church and had prior Pastors etc.)

Usually there is "seed monies" from other Churches...... You know where to look if you wanted to find out.........

Ppl do church shop, I dunno if that is good or not :dunno:

I have gone to many & reading about John Wesley was interesting & inspiring, especially his relationship w/ William Wilberforce & the beginnings of the anti-slavery movement....

So there is certainly a place in the church for these "movements"........

Some will coincide w/ "social movements", some not so much~challenging social norms.........
Usually there is "seed monies" from other Churches...... You know where to look if you wanted to find out.........

Ppl do church shop, I dunno if that is good or not :dunno:

I have gone to many & reading about John Wesley was interesting & inspiring, especially his relationship w/ William Wilberforce & the beginnings of the anti-slavery movement....

So there is certainly a place in the church for these "movements"........

Some will coincide w/ "social movements", some not so much~challenging social norms.........

My Pastor is big on being on the 'right side of history'. What he posts most about on social media are (in no particular order); being for social justice, justice for Brianna Taylor, 'Say Her Name', No Justice No Peace, join the protests, Ibram Kendi anti-racism, various ways to be anti-racist, defund the police (and there is more).

So clearly he's an activist. I've listened to numerous (black) people speak against the anti-racist movement and I do not agree with the movement. But that's my Pastors thing.

But what really gets me is when he makes the naked partisan political posts. You can be a passionate advocate on issues but pure partisanship from a Pastor turns me off.
I believe he thinks too many (liberals) people turn away from God and the church because they associate it with conservative right-wing evangelicalism. Thus he offers an alternative of a progressive, activist 'woke' church. And if people see us out in the community fighting against injustice they might be more inclined to check us out.

Now see, I think that's just awesome. I don't care what flavor of religion a church is -- if they are out helping other human beings to have a better life, that's all right. Muslim food pantries for the poor. a Baptist church housing ppl and helping them recover from a tornado, a Catholic church opening its doors for flood refugees, a group of pagans holding a festival and collecting canned goods, and so on. I don't know whether there are gods or not. I do know for sure though that nature favors cooperative altruistic behaviors.
I don't know where his funding came from but my Pastor basically started this church. So he's grown it from like 10 people at his first services to over several hundred today. So at this point if people don't like it you just find another church as opposed to trying to replace him (it would be one thing if this was an established church and had prior Pastors etc.)

That's cool. What drew you to this church/faith/message? Do you practice it as taught by this minister?
That's cool. What drew you to this church/faith/message? Do you practice it as taught by this minister?

I've always been a Christian but I didn't go to church for a number of years. After I met my wife we started looking for a church. Started going to one but didn't love it. Heard about this new church through a friend, went once, and we were hooked. We were also looking for a sense of community and this church preached it. I appreciated how our Pastor spoke about Jesus but also how to use it in our daily lives in how we deal with issues/relationships/challenges. There was a very practical element to it I thought.

While I always knew he was progressive it wasn't until more recently that he's really started getting political and more activist online. And not to repeat myself but seeing my Pastor get into political partisan debates and make snarky comments to people has become a turnoff. My wife is a great counter balance to me and she'll call me out if I'm out of line. She really likes our Pastor but even she commented, and she doesn't say many bad things about people, that he's becoming kind of an a*hole in how he talks to people in his online posts.

So kind of a conundrum, on one hand he baptized my daughter and I really like the people at the church. On the other hand his new snarkiness and attitude has become a total turnoff and not something I want from my Pastor.
My Pastor is big on being on the 'right side of history'. What he posts most about on social media are (in no particular order); being for social justice, justice for Brianna Taylor, 'Say Her Name', No Justice No Peace, join the protests, Ibram Kendi anti-racism, various ways to be anti-racist, defund the police (and there is more).

So clearly he's an activist. I've listened to numerous (black) people speak against the anti-racist movement and I do not agree with the movement. But that's my Pastors thing.

But what really gets me is when he makes the naked partisan political posts. You can be a passionate advocate on issues but pure partisanship from a Pastor turns me off.

Is he also talking about God & like matters??
Paul wrote in I Thessalonians" If a man will not work, neither should he eat". Quite clear that the individual, NOT the government is responsible for their own provision.
Is he also talking about God & like matters??

He does. While he'll occasionally get political during his sermons it's not as much as his online postings.

San Francisco is an amazing place but it's also (obviously) really expensive and there's a lot of pressure as a result when living here. I appreciated my Pastor speaking about having God with you as you face your challenges and seeing a bigger picture than just the SF rat race.
In St Ralph 66 he points out various reasons man may not work.......

Did you happen to read it??

Thoughts on what you read??
Why should I answer your dumb questions when you won't answer mind??

You really should stop w/ the US & WE.

You play your persona as a Christian, eventhough nothing about your persona is Christian.............

Your defense of the faith you know nothing of?? :laugh: (just lookin for another fight, you poor victim you)

You have never read the bible & don't know a damn thing about the Christ or Christianity-you are a poser-pretending, nothing more.......

Still can't answer my question, can you, little willie?
Yep. Him and others. Those motherfuckers are incapable of dealing with the truth, their religion won't let them.

Their "religion" is hate, lies and bullshit.
Little whining willie won't admit he hates
anyone with spiritual beliefs. He isn't alone.
But when asked why, he runs like a scared
dump rat.
I like to think most ppl are better than the troll they play here..

Obviously I could be mistaken about a few lol

Some claim to be Christian, although there is zero evidence of that.......

I guess it is hard to hold them to it if they never bothered to even learn anything about the one they claim to follow..

I see very little Christ-like behavior on message boards, even from those who wear their self-professed Christianity on their sleeve. Which is surprising, considering how much bible thumping has been on jpp dot com.

This kid only lived to be 15 before dying of leukemia, but in his short time on earth, he showed what it meant to live the authentic Christian life.

Millennial and Gen Z Catholics love Carlo Acutis. Here's why

Ahead of Carlo Acutis’ beatification this week, people who knew the young computer programmer shared their memories of his love for the poor.

“With his savings, he bought sleeping bags for homeless people and in the evening he brought them some hot drinks,” Antonia Salzano, Acutis’ mother, recalled at an event in Assisi Oct. 5.

“He said it was better to have one less pair of shoes and able to do an additional good work [with money not spent on shoes],” she remembered.

The Italian teenager, who loved soccer and video games, also spent his time volunteering at a soup kitchen in Milan run by the Capuchins and Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.

Acutis was religious from a young age, despite his mother saying his family had rarely attended church.

From childhood he showed great charity towards others. His love was extraordinary, first of all for his parents and then for the poor, the homeless, the marginalized and the elderly abandoned and alone,” Nicola Gori, the postulator of Acutis’ cause, has said.

“He used the savings from his weekly pocket money to help the beggars and those who slept outdoors. He organized fairs in the parish to help the missions with the funds raised.”

Acutis will be beatified in Assisi in the Basilica of St. Francis Oct. 10. He was buried in Assisi in 2006 at his request because of his love for St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the poor.

“Carlo had a special bond with Assisi. He had Assisi in his heart. He said it was the city where he felt happiest,” his mother said.

When he died, at the funeral, the church was full of poor people. Everyone else wondered what they were doing there. Well, Carlo used to help them in secret,” said Nicola Gori, who represented Acutis’s beatification case.
TBH I don't know how that works and that goes for everyone. If you Tweet for example are you tweeting on behalf of your employer, school, church etc. or just tweeting as an individual? Same with posting on Facebook. He'll also post pictures of his daughter and his family. He'll post about upcoming sermons and what the church is doing in the community. So he's not posting about politics 100% of the time.

Here goes... My Facebook page is loaded with anti-abortion, pro-2nd amendment and pro conservative posts. It also has some gardening/canning posts and some hunting/fishing posts. You know, just my life stuff. But I also have been putting my sermons on Facebook live (since the pandemic) for my folks who are still afraid to come to the building to worship. But the notion that I don’t pay taxes is false.

I get paid around $12,000 a year for preaching, on all of which I pay taxes to the state and feds.

Let me back up... Our religious organization follows the example of the New Testament as closely as we can. We have elders to oversee the local congregation and the local congregation is all that they oversee. Every Sunday a collection is made and the money given to the church is to be used for either evangelizing (including paying the preacher) and benevolent work. That money is not taxed being in the treasury of the church. Once it is paid to the local preacher, his salary is then taxed according to the rules of the state and federal government as income. I have to file it as self-employment tax.

Every preacher that I know personally pays taxes in this way. We’re not all Graham’s or Olsteens.

Just wanted to answer that “preachers don’t pay taxes” thing.
Here goes... My Facebook page is loaded with anti-abortion, pro-2nd amendment and pro conservative posts. It also has some gardening/canning posts and some hunting/fishing posts. You know, just my life stuff. But I also have been putting my sermons on Facebook live (since the pandemic) for my folks who are still afraid to come to the building to worship. But the notion that I don’t pay taxes is false.

I get paid around $12,000 a year for preaching, on all of which I pay taxes to the state and feds.

Let me back up... Our religious organization follows the example of the New Testament as closely as we can. We have elders to oversee the local congregation and the local congregation is all that they oversee. Every Sunday a collection is made and the money given to the church is to be used for either evangelizing (including paying the preacher) and benevolent work. That money is not taxed being in the treasury of the church. Once it is paid to the local preacher, his salary is then taxed according to the rules of the state and federal government as income. I have to file it as self-employment tax.

Every preacher that I know personally pays taxes in this way. We’re not all Graham’s or Olsteens.

Just wanted to answer that “preachers don’t pay taxes” thing.

Hey LR!!! Thanks for chining in. Question for you. You referenced posting about issues (abortion, 2nd amendment) but do you ever post specifically about politicians? Or since this is election season do you post pro/anti about Trump and Biden?
Hey LR!!! Thanks for chining in. Question for you. You referenced posting about issues (abortion, 2nd amendment) but do you ever post specifically about politicians? Or since this is election season do you post pro/anti about Trump and Biden?

I posted earlier today. It went like this:

Any of my friends who might live in Kendra Horn’s district....let me encourage you to vote Stephanie Bice. ����

So on occasion I do post about specific politicians. In this case I don’t even live in the district where that representative race is. But there is never any doubt who I am supporting even if I don’t post about a candidate by name.
Their "religion" is hate, lies and bullshit.
Little whining willie won't admit he hates
anyone with spiritual beliefs. He isn't alone.
But when asked why, he runs like a scared
dump rat.

Sad, the only fool you could find hates your religion & you for believing it........:laugh::laugh:

You trying to rationalize/pretend about it shows how far you have fallen from grace..............