The Christian left and democratic socialism

I guess that’s what gets me about my Pastor. I knew he was politically progressive. That in and of itself wasn’t a deal breaker for me. But seeing him start political debates and then making snarky replies to people is what has turned me off.

I get it, Pastors are people too and no one is perfect. To me there’s enough negativity online and around politics and seeing my Pastor engage in the negative aspect of it is disappointing.

IMHO that is because his focus has perhaps changed..

They are def human.

My favorite Pastor 30+ years ago was the real deal, did street evangelism on the streets of North Beach~as an example..

Nonetheless there was a church softball league, our church was in the D level playing a an A level & he laid a guy out taunting as he rounded second after a great hit=home run..............

Pastor had a great upper cut & needless to say that guy never touched home..........:innocent:
Oddly one needs to look far & wide to see that..... View attachment 17382

What about Osteen? What does one have to look 'far and wide' to see there? We know he makes his money off of book sales; he usually gets $12 million-$14 million up front from major publishers like Time-Warner for his some 30 books or so. We know he hasn't taken a dime from his church since around 2005, and he also paid off the church's building bonds out of his own pocket, not something a crook would do. He also pays for his stadium tours out of his own pocket, and they cost quite a bit. Nobody can find anything crooked or bad about him , but people like to pretend they know he's a crook. WE know he gives a lot of it away by the fact his net worth is estimated at less than $100 million while the upfront money he's received for his books runs around $300 million. His church's charities spends many millions a year.

Now, how does that stick up against your magnificent and selfless acts of donations? You give what, may 2 dollars a year to the kid who mowed your lawn?
The difference between 'democratic socialism' and what the OT and NT teach is that the giving is voluntary, and churches are indeed required to provide for widows and orphans and those in the flock who are ill and down on their luck. IT isn't 'democratic socialism' at all, but a function of the 'church' itself, to take care of their own.

On the other side of the coin, you can't be a 'social darwinist' asshat and be a Christian, and the Bible also says' a workman is worthy of his hire', a principle totally lacking in today's corporate business mentality, so right wing loons are out of luck as well.

But, as we've learned from real history versus fantasy history re Depressions, when churches are unrealistically expected to finance all of the unemployed or homeless, they will fall far short of being able to meet those needs and the government will have to step in sooner or later, since we also know the rich don't really give much to real charities, they like financing art museums and ballets and stuff that gets their names on buildings and in society columns. Most of those charities that serve the poor rely on mostly poor people themselves making donations and providing free labor.