The constitution does NOT give rights to illegal aliens.

In Reno v. Flores (1993) Justice Scalia wrote "it is well established that the 5th Amendment entitles aliens to due process of law in deportation proceedings."

The Constitution usually refers to "people" and "person" and not citizens.
If you say that any one group of people does not have rights in the US, and that the executive can just treat them arbitrarily and remove them without trial, you are opening up a can of worms. What are you going to do when the executive declares a citizen "illegal" and tries to remove them? Tell it to the judge? Whoops, you removed that step! Literally you are giving the executive the right to remove anyone they want, and just trusting on their good will.
The constitution grants them no such rights, nor should it. THINK


You always get a chuckle out of me when you invoke that THINK bullshit. The irony is so thick you can't cut it with a laser.

You failed (again) to answer the questions there, tardboy. But you see, stupid fuck, they get all of those rights.

Stupid fuck, how do you even make it through the day?
If you say that any one group of people does not have rights in the US, and that the executive can just treat them arbitrarily and remove them without trial, you are opening up a can of worms. What are you going to do when the executive declares a citizen "illegal" and tries to remove them? Tell it to the judge? Whoops, you removed that step! Literally you are giving the executive the right to remove anyone they want, and just trusting on their good will.

And you are giving billions of poor people in other countries the "right" to invade america, call themselves a refugee, and stay here on welfare forever.
Look up the meaning of jurisdiction in law..


Dear moron; illegals do not have Constitutional rights. Those are preserved for citizens of the United States, not citizens of other nations you ignorant twat. I do wish liberals had a brain. But then, they wouldn't be liberals if they could think.
Your ignorance is painful for onlookers.. The issue is jurisdiction.. The US has jurisdiction over anyone on US soil... and NO OTHER COUNTRY'S LAWS APPLY.

:lolup:Clueless leftist ignoramus thinks her stupidity makes sense. Really, STFU. You don't have to prove you're an idiot every damned day.
When charged with a crime, they don't get a trial by jury? Double jeopardy doesn't apply? They don't have the right to remain silent? They can't practice their religion?

The only crime they get charged with is entering the country illegally; then they get sent back. It's really quite simple but not for brain dead ignorant twats like you. :rofl2:

It is fascinating though; watching leftist retards admit that people are being allowed to enter the country illegally to commit crimes. :rofl2:
In Reno v. Flores (1993) Justice Scalia wrote "it is well established that the 5th Amendment entitles aliens to due process of law in deportation proceedings."

The Constitution usually refers to "people" and "person" and not citizens.

DUE Process dimwit; not rights afforded citizens of the United States. What is wrong with you liberal retards?
If you say that any one group of people does not have rights in the US, and that the executive can just treat them arbitrarily and remove them without trial, you are opening up a can of worms.

You don't get a trial when you are caught entering the US illegally. You might want to read up on the law before you erupt moronically.
but he's right on this, why do you insist on being ignorant in public, day after day.

mind boggling

So, you agree that illegals don't have the right to practice their religion. They can be tried multiple times on the same offense. They are not allowed a jury trial. They don't have to be informed of their rights.

What a fucking pair of morons you two are.