The Constitution Mandates That The Federal Government Be A Fraction Of What It is.

Yet you can’t produce a single thing that can’t be covered by the Constitution today.:dunno:

Beause you’re an idiot!

What “rights” does Article 5 change?:dunno:

All actions that do not violate any rights of life, liberty and property of others, are “individual rights” The Constitution makes that clear. A 5 year old child can understand that. The Supreme Court need not clarify individual rights, they’re elementary. The Courts exist simply to interpret the written laws created by the linguistic gymnastics of the other branch of government to assure that they pass muster with the Constitution. :cof1:

Elaborate on “silly.” Silly how?:dunno:

LOL, you're a tool
There's no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved with education!

Mindless repetition of your lack of understanding that education benefits us all, which makes it the general welfare
There's no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved with education!

What a useless ho. I gave you my answer. Your response? Duh, dar, you don't get it ... dar ... duh .. drool ... You are allowed to disagree with me. What I am mocking you for is that you response after response say you don't, duh, get what I said ...

Mindless repetition of your lack of understanding that education benefits us all, which makes it the general welfare

If the "General Welfare Clause" covers the fed's justification for being involved in education, then, name something that the Congress cannot assume the same ;power over in the name of GENERAL WELFARE .:dunno::cof1:
What a useless ho. I gave you my answer. Your response? Duh, dar, you don't get it ... dar ... duh .. drool ... You are allowed to disagree with me. What I am mocking you for is that you response after response say you don't, duh, get what I said ...


I reputed your laughable mindless answer. I'll repeat it for your absentee brain.

If the "General Welfare Clause" covers the fed's justification for being involved in education, then, name something that the Congress cannot assume the same ;power over in the name of GENERAL WELFARE .
Poor Bobo

Same question for you.

If the "General Welfare Clause" covers the fed's justification for being involved in education, then, name something that the Congress cannot assume the same ;power over in the name of GENERAL WELFARE .
Of the Constitution! A tool that's exposing your stupidity.

When you say things like "What “rights” does Article 5 change?" I just feel I'm debating a word parsing five year old.

Article 5 is a process to change rights. So for example the 14th applied Federal protections (like free speech, guns) to States. That changed our rights. It was a process. You're just arguing every word to no point. I'm not going to try to out lawyer you with word parsing. It's not interesting to me
Same question for you.

If the "General Welfare Clause" covers the fed's justification for being involved in education, then, name something that the Congress cannot assume the same ;power over in the name of GENERAL WELFARE .

Education is in everyone's interest like national parks, it is available to everyone. Earmarks are a perfect example of something that is Unconstitutional as it is not in the general welfare, it is in someone's specific welfare
I refresh your memory,

The principle intent of the Constitution as created by the founders was to "LIMIT" [/b the powers of the federal government to only those things that the States and the people couldn't do for themselves. Thereby they didn't intend that the feds construct roads, bridges or even post offices and post roads because the States and the people can nicely do that for themselves. That's simply a "common sense" interpretation of the post roads clause. What say ye?

We disagree that FedCo doesn't have Constitutional authority to build roads and post offices, and maintain such.

As far as this "welfare clause" bullshit, it's merely that. A plain language reading of Section 8 is all that is needed to make that interpretation. Read the Federalist papers where Hamilton anticipated progressives would claim that section 8 allows FedCo do do anything, and his explanation on why that notion is absurd. He goes as far as to mock them.
We disagree that FedCo doesn't have Constitutional authority to build roads and post offices, and maintain such.

As far as this "welfare clause" bullshit, it's merely that. A plain language reading of Section 8 is all that is needed to make that interpretation. Read the Federalist papers where Hamilton anticipated progressives would claim that section 8 allows FedCo do do anything, and his explanation on why that notion is absurd. He goes as far as to mock them.

Hows that PE?
Plotted Behind Closed Doors by Lawyers for the 18th Century 1%

Do America’s uninformed apathetic politically brain-dead people that actually participate in the duopoly’s rigged elections even know that there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to spend a dime of taxpayer’s money on the national infrastructure?

Correct me if I'm wrong!

See how authoritarian you are and how much contempt you have for your fellow Americans? That's what happens when you worship the Constitution, because it is an anti-democratic manifesto and appeals only to bullies. Ironically, the elitist exclusivist ruling class you pretend to defiantly stand up against was empowered by the very document you claim protects us from it.
Weewee on the People

We disagree that FedCo doesn't have Constitutional authority to build roads and post offices, and maintain such.

As far as this "welfare clause" bullshit, it's merely that. A plain language reading of Section 8 is all that is needed to make that interpretation. Read the Federalist papers where Hamilton anticipated progressives would claim that section 8 allows FedCo to do anything, and his explanation on why that notion is absurd. He goes as far as to mock them.
You treat the Framers the same way that fundamentalist fanatics treat the Evangelists. You worship chapter and verse of the Constitution the same way they treat the Bible and Muslim nutcases treat the Koran. Constitutionalism is all a power play to leave us at the mercy of private interests.
See how authoritarian you are and how much contempt you have for your fellow Americans? That's what happens when you worship the Constitution, because it is an anti-democratic manifesto and appeals only to bullies. Ironically, the elitist exclusivist ruling class you pretend to defiantly stand up against was empowered by the very document you claim protects us from it.

And you’re going to post article and or amendment that “empowered” the elitist exclusivist ruling class to spend taxpayer’s money on the States infrastructure, right?

Your rant contradicts itself!

If the Constitution is what you say it is, how come the States ratified it?

Actually The Constitution is a warranty contract between government and the people. The Constitution never violated that warranty, but government has violated it several hundred times and even before the ink was dry.
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You treat the Framers the same way that fundamentalist fanatics treat the Evangelists. You worship chapter and verse of the Constitution the same way they treat the Bible and Muslim nutcases treat the Koran. Constitutionalism is all a power play to leave us at the mercy of private interests.

"Private Interest" is what built America! The Constitution is a warranty contract, RULE OF LAW that is constructed to separate us from the chaos of anarchy and guarantee no unfair advantage by and for private interest and peaceful coexistence for all within the law.
Education is in everyone's interest like national parks, it is available to everyone. Earmarks are a perfect example of something that is Unconstitutional as it is not in the general welfare, it is in someone's specific welfare

Says who? According to you anything that Congress says is in the general welfare and can pass into law in the name of the general welfare is constitutional.

Actually, you nor the Congress gets to say what's in the general welfare, the Constitution enumerates what's in the general welfare.

Again, I'll give you the observations and opinions of Jefferson and Madison on the general welfare.

Thomas Jefferson Opinion on Constitutional Interpretation Date: February 15, 1791

“They are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare , but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which may be good for the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please . . . . Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It was intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect.

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America." (James Madison)