The Day the Democrats Putinized America

"convicted by a jury of his peers" based on the lies of his inferiors in violation of the constitution drafted by your total your hatred of America is......

Things didn't go your way and suddenly everyone is "corrupt". Funny how that works.

Your conservative tears nourish me. It's so funny to see what little snowflakes you all are. Poor poor widdle Donny DependsO
I will give you that. You guys have been sore losers for quite a long time now.
sore losers? nitwits have only elected four presidents since Richard Nixon......Clinton was impeached, Carter and Biden gave us the worst inflation this country has had since its conception and Obama increased the national deficit more than all the other presidents that served before him, may be a bit confused by the concept of "loser".....
America now looks so much like the Soviet Union...Russia has no interest in did not work....they know better.
The Day the Democrats Putinized America

European Conservative

The Day the Democrats Putinized America
Sven R. Larson
May 31, 2024

On Thursday, May 30th, a jury of 12 New Yorkers erased the last distinctive line between Biden’s America and Putin’s Russia. With their verdict against Donald Trump, finding him guilty on 34 counts of forging business records, they verified that the Democrat party—the party of the sitting president—can organize a trial with its party operatives as judge and prosecutor, and get their political opponent found guilty

The judge in the case, Juan Merchan, is an entrenched Democrat who has been selected to prosecute more Republicans than just Donald Trump. In the America that we all knew before Biden came into office, judges were selected randomly; from now on, ‘random’ means a Democrat when the defendant is a Republican.

The prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, was elected to the position as District Attorney of Manhattan after having campaigned on a promise to prosecute—more appropriately persecute—Donald Trump. In the America that we all knew before Biden came into office, a DA had to first investigate a case before he could judge whether or not to file charges against anyone.

The crimes that Bragg charged Trump with all fall under federal law. Back in the America we all knew before Biden came into office, a state district attorney like Alvin Bragg had no jurisdiction to prosecute under federal law.

When Judge Merchan sent the jury off to deliberate, he told them that they did not have to all agree on what crime Trump was guilty of. The 34 counts were all one and the same crime, but Merchan told them that they could pick and choose: some jurors might think that Trump had violated federal election law; some could find him guilty of tax violations; others could select the “falsification of business records” option.

The judge also—amazingly—told the jury they did not have to be unanimous in their decision.

From Europe is this fine expose of the Democrats vileness in their law-fare actions.

Read the rest of this well thought out post showing the many cracks in the actions of the trial.
A little reality check:

Hungary's government is funding European publications. But have they had much success?​

Also, let's not forget the FACT that this case was about illegally using campaign funds to pay hush money for an illicit affair. In New York, campaign finance violations carries felony penalties. Period.

How a hush money scandal turned into a criminal case: The whirlwind history of People v. Trump​

For all his adult life, the Orange Oaf has used his inherited money to game the system and the courts. This time, the jig is up.
sore losers? nitwits have only elected four presidents since Richard Nixon......Clinton was impeached, Carter and Biden gave us the worst inflation this country has had since its conception and Obama increased the national deficit more than all the other presidents that served before him, may be a bit confused by the concept of "loser".....
Here in America we like to use the COURTS to mete out justice. I suggest you try that if you think you have a case against Hillary.

You guys have literally had like 30+ years to put Hillary behind bars. What's the hold-up? Are you a bunch of pussies being pushed around by lil ol' Hillary? LOL.

Meanwhile a jury of your orange messiah's peers have found him unanimously guilty on 34 counts.

See? If you want to "lock someone up" that's how you do it!
Remind me how many Republicans were on the jury.?