The Day the Democrats Putinized America

Things didn't go your way and suddenly everyone is "corrupt". Funny how that works.

Sounds like Democrats and Joe Biden.

Your conservative tears nourish me. It's so funny to see what little snowflakes you all are. Poor poor widdle Donny DependsO

Your ignovrance and lunacy concern me. You should see a shrink. November will be harsh in delusional Fascists on the left.
El trabajo está terminado, la destrucción de EE.UU.

But wait, Trump is still here. with 54 million dollars collected in a 24 hour period.
Earl, the people that you named are Trump lackeys, so they're not credible.

Really? How is Allen Derschowitz, a lifelong Democrat and a lecturer and scholar on the Constitution a Trump lackey?

How is Professor Turley, a guy who never supported Trump in his elections, also a lecturer and Constitution scholar, a Trump lackey?

Why is it that leftists believe they can mindlessly hurl stupid insults at intellects with nothing to back them up?
Here's what all the Trump chumps JUST CAN'T HANDLE:

The decision will be reversed on appeal.
You should always add in your opinion as Fox gives it to you. There is no basis to reverse. It was a clear and simple court case run normally. Trump had a huge staff of expensive lawyers and was given equal opportunity to present this case. I see no reversal.