The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to inhospitality

Well....YEAHHHHHHH! The object is to work SMARTER not HARDER. DUH! Didnt you ever take the Carnegie school of business program? :)

You never did a day of hard work in your life, Fatboy, and you’re too lazy to see the benefits.
Ill give you a clue Dutch. A couple years back I had one of the executive Vice Presidents of Pennzoil out of Houston eating out of my hand like a baby deer. Those guys are even easier to close than a typical moneyed person because they arent used to being talked to the way I do. They are used to getting their ass sucked,.. thats not me. I speak to them on equal ground with myself taking the lead,....they actually look at ass suckers as weak , YOU,...they give them zero respect. After all,...they called ME,...I didnt call THEM. Schools out, can pay me later...Chump.
Umm,...I CLOSE the deals. If you knew shit about ANYTHING you would know that what I do by closing is EVERYTHING.
All I see you do is brag a lot and talk a lot. You never do anything and follow through.

You danced around being a militia man for year until 1/6 then suddenly denied knowing anything about it. LOL

You brag about fucking your secretary then claim to be a pious Christian.

You have no respect for your employees and treat them like chattel. It’s why I know they are laughing at the buffoon behind his back.
All I see you do is brag a lot and talk a lot. You never do anything and follow through.

You danced around being a militia man for year until 1/6 then suddenly denied knowing anything about it. LOL

You brag about fucking your secretary then claim to be a pious Christian.

You have no respect for your employees and treat them like chattel. It’s why I know they are laughing at the buffoon behind his back.

:chuckle magagrin:

Exactly the low IQ, fat-assed lazy response I’ve come to expect from you, Fatboy. You’ve got Daddy’s money and that’s all you want. Fine. You’re not alone in being selfish Bud Light drinking, anti-American man-children.
Exactly the low IQ, fat-assed lazy response I’ve come to expect from you, Fatboy. You’ve got Daddy’s money and that’s all you want. Fine. You’re not alone in being selfish Bud Light drinking, anti-American man-children.

Exactly the low IQ, fat-assed lazy response I’ve come to expect from you, Fatboy. You’ve got Daddy’s money and that’s all you want. Fine. You’re not alone in being selfish Bud Light drinking, anti-American man-children.

You are being very INHOSPITABLE again. Talk less,...learn more. ;)
Well if they are attractive you should get used to it

You need to get out of the basement more.

Leering at female employees in a professional environment and gawking at their asses is frowned upon, and if the behavior is not discontinued can be a firing offense.
You need to get out of the basement more.

Leering at female employees in a professional environment and gawking at their asses is frowned upon, and if the behavior is not discontinued can be a firing offense.
She’s implied she’s been unemployed for 20+ years.
You need to get out of the basement more.

Leering at female employees in a professional environment and gawking at their asses is frowned upon, and if the behavior is not discontinued can be a firing offense.

You Beta males crack me up. Life must be one giant whine fest for you guys. Being such pussies yourselves I can see why the Trans cause is so near and dear to you. You fucks are one breath away from wearing skirts, high heels and bright red lipstick! :crybaby:

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I would be pissed if my sister or neice worked at a place where the boss was leering at her and gawking at her ass.

What would you do about it?,...send a strongly worded catty little anon twitter post? :laugh:
What would you do about it?,...send a strongly worded catty little anon twitter post? :laugh:
Usually such sexual predators assault underage females too. See Pedo Don and Slick Willie.

I’d help any woman working in such conditions to not only document the behavior for prosecution but also to find a better job.

In this age of electronics and miniature cameras, it should be easy to catch such a person in the act and put it on YouTube, Twitter, etc.
What would you do about it?,...send a strongly worded catty little anon twitter post? :laugh:

I accept your confession that you leer and gawk at your female employees. The chicks at work must talk about how creepy that is when you're not within earshot.
Usually such sexual predators assault underage females too.
Terry, Terry, Terry ... you should notify the nurse whenever they forget to give you your meds.

The correct term for men who involuntarily look at women and who find women attractive is "normal," not "sexual predator who usually assault underage females."

I'd help any woman working in such conditions to not only document the behavior for prosecution but also to find a better job.
Terry, I don't know why you hate women so much that you would actively trick them into filing false complaints, into being discontent where they were previously happy and successful, into losing their credibility in the workplace, into getting themselves fired or demoted, and perpetuating the stereotype that women are just whining incompetents who are more trouble than they are worth and who have no business working alongside men. Your misogyny barely fits in the internet!

In this age of electronics and miniature cameras, it should be easy to catch such a person in the act and put it on YouTube, Twitter, etc.
... and we should go right down the line and start firing straight man after straight man until we're left with only men who have no normal reactions of looking at attractive women.

Good on you Terry. Good on you.

You're a weird dude, Sybil, but it's a good likeness. Kudos! :thup: