The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to inhospitality

I have to ask: what if they are gay in the exact same way you are straight? Most gay people I've spoken with say they have felt different since their earliest memories. It was never a "choice" anymore than it was YOUR choice to like the opposite sex.

So if it wasn't a choice and they had no control over it and it is as much a part of who they are as your sexual preference is to who you are; how do you parse the difference between hating the sin and not the sinner?

I'm genuinely curious.

Don’t expect an intelligent reply. Fatboy thinks he’s funny because all of his employees laugh at his jokes. :)
Who is “we”, Fatboy? The unrepentant adulterous liars and traitors who only fuck females?

How long have you been their spokesman? Is it elected or only measured by “donations”?

I was elected as Head Mac Daddy a longgggg time ago. Something that someone like you could never know about or understand. ;)
I have to ask: what if they are gay in the exact same way you are straight? Most gay people I've spoken with say they have felt different since their earliest memories. It was never a "choice" anymore than it was YOUR choice to like the opposite sex.

So if it wasn't a choice and they had no control over it and it is as much a part of who they are as your sexual preference is to who you are; how do you parse the difference between hating the sin and not the sinner?

I'm genuinely curious.

That’s as dumb as excusing a pedophile because he’s always been attracted to children
That’s as dumb as excusing a pedophile because he’s always been attracted to children

There’s a key difference: What happens between consenting adults should be nobody’s business but theirs. Children are minors and should be protected from pedophiles like Donald J. Trump.

Don’t expect an intelligent reply. Fatboy thinks he’s funny because all of his employees laugh at his jokes. :)

Yes,......laughing at all my jokes and saluting me as I walk thru the door is a prerequisite to employment. As for my personal assistant , having a sweet little behind and the ability to turn out a great Gin Ricky with a twist of lime doesnt hurt either. :cool:
Yes,......laughing at all my jokes and saluting me as I walk thru the door is a prerequisite to employment. As for my personal assistant , having a sweet little behind and the ability to turn out a great Gin Ricky with a twist of lime doesnt hurt either. :cool:

That...that doesn't sound like the best workplace.
Yes,......laughing at all my jokes and saluting me as I walk thru the door is a prerequisite to employment.

As for my personal assistant , having a sweet little behind and the ability to turn out a great Gin Ricky with a twist of lime doesnt hurt either. :cool:
Of course. Why would I expect different from you?

You’ve bragged about banging her before. It’s a reason why I know you are an unrepentant Christian: the whole adultery thing. :)

Do you love your neighbor physically, spiritually or both, Fatboy? Don’t care? Just fuck’em all?