The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to inhospitality

The Torah did not elaborate on the sin of Sodom, but the underpinnings are expressed later in the prophecy of Ezekiel: “Behold this was the sin of Sodom…She and her daughters had pride, excess bread, and peaceful serenity, but she did not strengthen the hand of the poor and the needy” (16:49).

There is a whole chapter on sexual sins where the men of the village wanted tge angels. So do you go with one chapter or one sentence.
The Destruction the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah

Rabbi Steven Nathan

The callousness of the residents that was so infectious was based on this desire to always have more for oneself – more money, more land, more jewels, more servants. No thought was given to what others had. No one cared about helping those less fortunate. “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours” was the ethic of Sodom and Gomorrah (Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers 5:11). At first this would seem to be a sensible and harmless ethic, and yet it places the emphasis on individual possessions and financial gain and ignores the demand that we care for all of humanity. Tamari reminds us that, unlike the Talmudic belief that certain urges decrease when they remain unfulfilled and others, such as hunger, increase when unfulfilled, the urge for monetary and material gain increases when one has less and when one amasses more if left unchecked. This leads to that sense of economic egoism of which Tamari speaks.

Rightwing shitbags would rather cling to the belief that God wants us to hate gays, than to believe God wants us to be on the side of the poor, oppressed, and persecuted.
Rightwing shitbags would rather cling to the belief that God wants us to hate gays, than to believe God wants us to be on the side of the poor, oppressed, and persecuted.

Which is one reason why they are Christians in name only, not by action.
I always thought that hatred of gays was an expression of self loathing for having latent gay attractions. The Larry Craig and Ted Haggard syndrome.
There is a correlation between latent homosexuality and homophobia. Mostly I think it’s feelings of sexual inadequacy which drives such people to attack minority groups such as gays, trans, lesbians, etc. Similar to lower economic, poorly educated Euro-Americans having more racists than wealthier, better educated ones.

In short, the people doing this are losers in the quest for the American Dream. Mostly because, IMO, they stupid and/or mentally ill. JPP is a good example proving this point.
Rightwing shitbags would rather cling to the belief that God wants us to hate gays, than to believe God wants us to be on the side of the poor, oppressed, and persecuted.

God does NOT want us to hate gays. We hate the sin, not the sinner. Two very different things.