The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was due to inhospitality

I accept your confession that you leer and gawk at your female employees. The chicks at work must talk about how creepy that is when you're not within earshot.
It's bad enough that they allow straight men to be hired in the first place, but when it reaches the point that straight men are brazenly looking at women, and supervisors don't take immediate action, that's when we need the government to step in and just put that entire company out of business, and send a strong message to any other businesses that are considering hiring straight men that this sort of human nature will not be tolerated.

Cypress, thank you for staying on top of this issue. We can't ever let our guard down, not even for a moment.
It's bad enough that they allow straight men to be hired in the first place, but when it reaches the point that straight men are brazenly looking at women, and supervisors don't take immediate action, that's when we need the government to step in and just put that entire company out of business, and send a strong message to any other businesses that are considering hiring straight men that this sort of human nature will not be tolerated.

Cypress, thank you for staying on top of this issue. We can't ever let our guard down, not even for a moment.

PERFECT response! People like Cypress and Dutch need a good ridiculing . Its been well earned.
I accept your confession that you leer and gawk at your female employees. The chicks at work must talk about how creepy that is when you're not within earshot.

Hey now,....for such a thoughtful PC kinda guy like yourself why are you referring to WOMEN as...GASP...... CHICKS :whoa: ? Thats a big no no, unprofessional, disrespectful and caveman like thinking. You need re educating from some sort of govt ran PC thought control police to get you in line. Such words as Chicks and Babes are BANNED. Check yourself and get with the times.
SOP response of the intellectually challenged.

The really funny part is that he, like his heroes, think they can buy their way into Heaven.

Stupidity can be forgiven, but willful evilness cannot. Sad.

IMO, they think that way because they only believe in money and not God, Heaven or Truth.
Hey now,....for such a thoughtful PC kinda guy like yourself why are you referring to WOMEN as...GASP...... CHICKS :whoa: ? Thats a big no no, unprofessional, disrespectful and caveman like thinking. You need re educating from some sort of govt ran PC thought control police to get you in line. Such words as Chicks and Babes are BANNED. Check yourself and get with the times.


Just a rich stupid person spreading hate. Sad.

Thank you, Fat Boy. You never fail to disappoint anyone but your Daddy. Sad, isn't it? You, a 60ish man-child?

So who is the strongest, most manly man in your family, Fat Boy? You're #3, IIRC. Is it #2 or the oldest?

Who wears the pants and who spends all day whining about Bud Light?
Thank you, Fat Boy. You never fail to disappoint anyone but your Daddy. Sad, isn't it? You, a 60ish man-child?

So who is the strongest, most manly man in your family, Fat Boy? You're #3, IIRC. Is it #2 or the oldest?

Who wears the pants and who spends all day whining about Bud Light?
