The Ethics of Suicide

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I didn't say that, and both you and gfm7175 would be disappointed. You would be disappointed because you would find gfm7175 still quite active, and gfm7175 would be disappointed because he wouldn't have me making him animated GIFs anymore (or Christocoins).
Sooooo....if you were blowing Trump and Melania shot you in the back of the head, you're saying gfm would be posting the next day? I don't believe it. LOL

I'm a dentist too. Do you want to see my DEA card?

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Since you were in my graduating class you should have no problem telling me who the two gross anatomy professors were.
How could you possibly forget them?
Anymouse, you're free to lie all you want. You can play dentist all you like, you can hate the military all you like. You can claim you're happy, rich and own a Ferrari if you like. The fact remains nothing you've provided is proof of your claims other than you can't fake them as well as I can.
Anymouse, you're free to lie all you want. You can play dentist all you like, you can hate the military all you like. You can claim you're happy, rich and own a Ferrari if you like. The fact remains nothing you've provided is proof of your claims other than you can't fake them as well as I can.

Yet you had nothing to use as a template until I posted the genuine. You reneged on the bet . You were better off not taking it. As always I humiliated you… again. I never get tired of doing it and you never tire of getting humiliated.
Now who was just one of those anatomy professors?
That’s an easy one.
If you forgot you can even find it on the web and make me look like a fool. But you being a fraud and a pathological liar you wouldn’t even know where to look.
Besides you’re too stupid anyway.
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Yet you had nothing to use as a template until I posted the genuine. You reneged on the bet . You were better off not taking it. As always I humiliated you… again. I never get tired of doing it and you never tire of getting humiliated.
Now who was just one of those anatomy professors?
That’s an easy one.
If you forgot you can even find it on the web and make me look like a fool. But you being a fraud and a pathological liar you wouldn’t even know where to look.
Besides you’re too stupid anyway.
You faked a template and I faked a template. You've failed to prove you are a dentist, dumbass. You made a stupid bet because you were angry.

Your hatred of the United States military, your racism, your bigotry, your Trumpism all add up to you being a fucking moron and a liar. Why wouldn't you lie about being a doctor just like ExLax?
You faked a template and I faked a template. You've failed to prove you are a dentist, dumbass. You made a stupid bet because you were angry.
Not only are you the biggest liar and fraud here but to not settle on a bet is about as low a character as one can have.
If those were templates you would have done an image search for those and not used my images. Didn’t think about that , did you?
I’m not angry with you. I knew you would never settle on that or any other bet. That’s just what you are it’s obvious.
You’re just a pathetic, lonely old hermit who posts nonstop here all day everyday because you have no life, no friends, no family, no hobbies , nothing.
You pretend you were a navy pilot as if that was some kind of accomplishment.
You’re just pitiful.
Take a nap. I’m sure you were up most of the night looking for that anatomy professor. :laugh:
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Not only are you the biggest liar and fraud here but to not settle on a bet is about as low a character as one can have. I’m not angry with you. I knew you would never settle on that or any other bet. That’s just what you are it’s obvious.
You’re just a pathetic, lonely old hermit who posts nonstop here all day everyday because you have no life, no friends, no family, no hobbies , nothing.
You pretend you were a navy pilot as if that was some kind of accomplishment.
You’re just pathetic .
Take a nap. I’m sure you were up most of the night looking for that anatomy professor. :laugh:

Someone needs to kill you.
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