The Fatal Mistake of the United

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Alik Bakhshi

The Fatal Mistake of the United

Nations On November 29, 1947, at the Second Session of the General Assembly, on the initiative of the political Zionist movement, which aimed to create a Jewish state, Resolution No. 181 was adopted on the partition of Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab, the territory of which is shown on the map:

Under this plan, Jerusalem was given the status of an international city under the administration of the United Nations.
Then events began to develop like an avalanche. The Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization created in advance, began to expel the Arab population from the territory envisaged for the Jewish state. Moreover, the Arab population of the cities of Jaffa and Acre, which were part of the Arab state according to the partition plan, was evicted. For clarity, imagine the following situation: an armed man breaks into your apartment and presents the decision of some unknown overseas organization, which obliges you to vacate two rooms of your apartment to the new tenant. You began to resist, but force was decisive, and trying to resist only made your situation worse, you were deprived of the two remaining rooms, and you were locked in a closet, read reservation, surrounded by a concrete wall. The picture presented is identical to that of the Palestinian people.
Here are the maps that show the real state of affairs in Palestine:

In reality, the expulsion of the Arab population and Israel's settlement policy left a pitiful crumb of the territory of the Arab state. From the very first day of Israel's existence, for 75 years, there has been a permanent war between Palestinian Arabs and Jews, claiming thousands of lives. This is a war that serious people in the UN could not fail to foresee, moreover, they were obliged to foresee and preliminarily send international military forces to the border of the partition of these two states artificially created by them, thus preventing the inevitable catastrophe from which both the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews suffer. However, they did not want to, deciding that the Palestinians were not worth bothering with their fate. However, it should be noted that the UN Security Council subsequently passed dozens of resolutions condemning Israel, but the United States, due to well-known domestic political circumstances, vetoed these resolutions each time.
In fact, the UN has turned into a high-flown talking shop, from the rostrum of which political officials (read rednecks) practice their eloquence, behind whose words there is emptiness. A striking example of this is the pale speech at the UN by US President Obama, who received an early Nobel Prize for his bold intentions to end the Middle East conflict, outlined in his speech known as the Cairo speech, but who showed cowardice in carrying them out. (1,2)

The never-ending war in Palestine has given rise to international terrorism, which has been called Islamic for the simple reason that the Arabs preach Islam, which, as a religious dogma, has nothing to do with international terrorism. (3)
The long-standing Middle East Arab-Israeli conflict is a generator of terrorism, both inside and outside Israel. Beginning with the murder of Israeli athletes by Palestinians at the Munich Olympics, the struggle between Arabs and Jews has been waged around the world. At the same time, neutral states also suffer. The Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires is blown up, hotels in Istanbul are blown up, planes with hostages are hijacked, and there is no end in sight. The terrorist attack that brought down the Twin Towers in New York is particularly cruel in terms of audacity and the number of victims. (4) The Israeli intelligence services, regardless of borders, are also engaged in the elimination of Palestinian terrorists through terrorist acts. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who signed peace accords with the Palestinians, is killed in a terrorist attack carried out by a Jew. This shows how deeply painful Israeli society is in its pathological refusal to see Palestinians free. In response, the Palestinians, who have no standing army, are fighting desperately for the freedom of their people by all possible means, occasionally unleashing their wrath on Israel's peaceful cities.
In order to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, the UN must correct its mistake, which has cost thousands of lives, and send troops to the Israeli-Palestinian dividing line. There seems to be no other way.

Israel's future is at peace with its neighbors, and it is rash to rely entirely on a single ally, for the reliability of an ally depends on many circumstances. To hope for eternal superiority in military force over the Arabs is a dangerous delusion. Israel is a dependent country, and it is clear that without American military and economic assistance in a hostile environment, it will not last long. Even the presence of atomic weapons does not guarantee safety, because if they are used in such a limited theater of operations, destructive radiation will permeate the entire territory of Israel. And, if it occurs to the American taxpayer not to pour more dollars into the sands of the Middle East without getting anything in return, apart from problems, then the most likely picture for Israel is far from rosy. Once the Jewish people lost their state, is it really the fate of the Jews to find themselves without it again and dissolve among other nations? (5)
The fate of the people, as well as the fate of each individual, depends only on it.

"Fate and history are written with one hand"
by Paulo Coelho

1. Obama: Give back America's conscience and save Israel.
2. Obama, pragmatism or cowardice.
3. International terrorism and its stakeholders.
4. And the thunder roared..... Vesti newspaper, 9.05.2002. Israel.
5. Israel, the path to non-existence.


Original with maps:
You clearly are a stalker.

Damocles should prevent you from seeing or replying to my posts. Two fucking years you stalk. You are seriously mentally ill.

Nah. You post stupidity in open forums and I respond to your stupidity in open forums. You actually are stupid enough to start a thread about how to have a conversation get you regularly tell people to kill themselves. I would try to point out the irony in that but youre too stupid.
I don't need a reputation.

I had no problem reading it. It was a solid representation of what the beginning of Israel moving into an occupied country was like and what the predictable outcome would be. Perhaps some people thought Israel would stay in place. They never intended to do so. It also shows their dependence on the kindness of far-flung nations is critical.
Alik Bakhshi

The Fatal Mistake of the United

Nations On November 29, 1947, at the Second Session of the General Assembly, on the initiative of the political Zionist movement, which aimed to create a Jewish state, Resolution No. 181 was adopted on the partition of Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab, the territory of which is shown on the map:

Under this plan, Jerusalem was given the status of an international city under the administration of the United Nations.
Then events began to develop like an avalanche. The Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization created in advance, began to expel the Arab population from the territory envisaged for the Jewish state. Moreover, the Arab population of the cities of Jaffa and Acre, which were part of the Arab state according to the partition plan, was evicted. For clarity, imagine the following situation: an armed man breaks into your apartment and presents the decision of some unknown overseas organization, which obliges you to vacate two rooms of your apartment to the new tenant. You began to resist, but force was decisive, and trying to resist only made your situation worse, you were deprived of the two remaining rooms, and you were locked in a closet, read reservation, surrounded by a concrete wall. The picture presented is identical to that of the Palestinian people.
Here are the maps that show the real state of affairs in Palestine:


Original with maps:

I read the text above, as well as more from what I'm guessing is your original article. You have some gramatical mistakes, but the gist of what you're conveying is pretty straightforward for anyone who's familiar with the history of the region. One thing that might have made what you're saying clearer is if you'd bolded what I imagine was your entire title rather than missing the last word. That is, it should have been "The Fatal Mistake of the United Nations". I've seen those maps of Israel's takeover of Arab lands before and it reminds me of Colonialism the world over.

I haven't seen you before, though I seen that you actually made an account here over 10 years ago. So nice to meet you. You may like some threads I've made on the conflict in Gaza such as this one:

Biden admin justifies Israel’s assault on Gaza hospitals with Israeli ‘intelligence’ |
I read the text above, as well as more from what I'm guessing is your original article. You have some gramatical mistakes, but the gist of what you're conveying is pretty straightforward for anyone who's familiar with the history of the region. One thing that might have made what you're saying clearer is if you'd bolded what I imagine was your entire title rather than missing the last word. That is, it should have been "The Fatal Mistake of the United Nations". I've seen those maps of Israel's takeover of Arab lands before and it reminds me of Colonialism the world over.

I haven't seen you before, though I seen that you actually made an account here over 10 years ago. So nice to meet you. You may like some threads I've made on the conflict in Gaza such as this one:

Biden admin justifies Israel’s assault on Gaza hospitals with Israeli ‘intelligence’ |

Regarding the title, I made a mistake, but there is no option in the forum to correct the text. The title should be as you wrote.
Regarding the title, I made a mistake, but there is no option in the forum to correct the text. The title should be as you wrote.

No worries. It's why it's important to check it before posting, but most Americans, unlike dumbassed Jihadist fanatics, are smart enough to figure it out. :thup:

Phoenyx is Canadian so she's exempt.