The Fatal Mistake of the United

Once again, you stubbornly refuse to discuss the cause of terror on the part of the Palestinians, considering them a people who must be destroyed....
I know you're slow because you're a Jihadist Muslim supporter, so I'll type this slowly: KILL ALL TERRORISTS.
No mercy. No negotiation. Just wipe them out.

It's been 75 fucking years. A handful of US Presidents have worked hard for "Peace in the MiddleEast" including multiple two-state solutions. Nothing has worked. The Jihadist terrorists always broke the peace. October 7th was only the latest, and one of the most brutal, examples. The time for negotiation is over. Time to wipe out the scourge once and for all.

Death to all terrorists and their supporters. Everyone else better start fucking running.

If it makes you feel any better, Alki, I feel exactly the same way about the Goddamn Russians in Ukaine. Drop the bomb, Kill them all!

Alik Bakhshi

The Fatal Mistake of the United

Nations On November 29, 1947, at the Second Session of the General Assembly, on the initiative of the political Zionist movement, which aimed to create a Jewish state, Resolution No. 181 was adopted on the partition of Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab, the territory of which is shown on the map:

Under this plan, Jerusalem was given the status of an international city under the administration of the United Nations.
Then events began to develop like an avalanche. The Haganah, a Jewish paramilitary organization created in advance, began to expel the Arab population from the territory envisaged for the Jewish state. Moreover, the Arab population of the cities of Jaffa and Acre, which were part of the Arab state according to the partition plan, was evicted. For clarity, imagine the following situation: an armed man breaks into your apartment and presents the decision of some unknown overseas organization, which obliges you to vacate two rooms of your apartment to the new tenant. You began to resist, but force was decisive, and trying to resist only made your situation worse, you were deprived of the two remaining rooms, and you were locked in a closet, read reservation, surrounded by a concrete wall. The picture presented is identical to that of the Palestinian people.
Here are the maps that show the real state of affairs in Palestine:

In reality, the expulsion of the Arab population and Israel's settlement policy left a pitiful crumb of the territory of the Arab state. From the very first day of Israel's existence, for 75 years, there has been a permanent war between Palestinian Arabs and Jews, claiming thousands of lives. This is a war that serious people in the UN could not fail to foresee, moreover, they were obliged to foresee and preliminarily send international military forces to the border of the partition of these two states artificially created by them, thus preventing the inevitable catastrophe from which both the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews suffer. However, they did not want to, deciding that the Palestinians were not worth bothering with their fate. However, it should be noted that the UN Security Council subsequently passed dozens of resolutions condemning Israel, but the United States, due to well-known domestic political circumstances, vetoed these resolutions each time.
In fact, the UN has turned into a high-flown talking shop, from the rostrum of which political officials (read rednecks) practice their eloquence, behind whose words there is emptiness. A striking example of this is the pale speech at the UN by US President Obama, who received an early Nobel Prize for his bold intentions to end the Middle East conflict, outlined in his speech known as the Cairo speech, but who showed cowardice in carrying them out. (1,2)

The never-ending war in Palestine has given rise to international terrorism, which has been called Islamic for the simple reason that the Arabs preach Islam, which, as a religious dogma, has nothing to do with international terrorism. (3)
The long-standing Middle East Arab-Israeli conflict is a generator of terrorism, both inside and outside Israel. Beginning with the murder of Israeli athletes by Palestinians at the Munich Olympics, the struggle between Arabs and Jews has been waged around the world. At the same time, neutral states also suffer. The Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires is blown up, hotels in Istanbul are blown up, planes with hostages are hijacked, and there is no end in sight. The terrorist attack that brought down the Twin Towers in New York is particularly cruel in terms of audacity and the number of victims. (4) The Israeli intelligence services, regardless of borders, are also engaged in the elimination of Palestinian terrorists through terrorist acts. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who signed peace accords with the Palestinians, is killed in a terrorist attack carried out by a Jew. This shows how deeply painful Israeli society is in its pathological refusal to see Palestinians free. In response, the Palestinians, who have no standing army, are fighting desperately for the freedom of their people by all possible means, occasionally unleashing their wrath on Israel's peaceful cities.
In order to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, the UN must correct its mistake, which has cost thousands of lives, and send troops to the Israeli-Palestinian dividing line. There seems to be no other way.

Israel's future is at peace with its neighbors, and it is rash to rely entirely on a single ally, for the reliability of an ally depends on many circumstances. To hope for eternal superiority in military force over the Arabs is a dangerous delusion. Israel is a dependent country, and it is clear that without American military and economic assistance in a hostile environment, it will not last long. Even the presence of atomic weapons does not guarantee safety, because if they are used in such a limited theater of operations, destructive radiation will permeate the entire territory of Israel. And, if it occurs to the American taxpayer not to pour more dollars into the sands of the Middle East without getting anything in return, apart from problems, then the most likely picture for Israel is far from rosy. Once the Jewish people lost their state, is it really the fate of the Jews to find themselves without it again and dissolve among other nations? (5)
The fate of the people, as well as the fate of each individual, depends only on it.

"Fate and history are written with one hand"
by Paulo Coelho

1. Obama: Give back America's conscience and save Israel.
2. Obama, pragmatism or cowardice.
3. International terrorism and its stakeholders.
4. And the thunder roared..... Vesti newspaper, 9.05.2002. Israel.
5. Israel, the path to non-existence.


Original with maps:

That was a lot of RIGHT-WING fluff and hot air just to bash the United Nations and Obama, and show your poor disregard for the Palestinians!

Go hit the meth pipe again Trumptard!
That was a lot of RIGHT-WING fluff and hot air just to bash the United Nations and Obama, and show your poor disregard for the Palestinians!

Go hit the meth pipe again Trumptard!
The idea has been floated that he's Russian by citizenship. Supporting Iran is a major Russian interest.
A Short History of Palestinian Rejectionism

The consistent and enduring Palestinian rejection of any and all peace initiatives with Israel, most recently the “Deal of the Century,” calls into question the commitment of the Palestinian leadership not only to peace but to the very welfare and safety of the Palestinian people.

Taking into account all the peace initiatives proposed to end the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs over the last 83 years, we must consider the possibility that the Palestinians—or at least their leaders—do not want to establish their own state.
Guno צְבִי;5882318 said:
A Short History of Palestinian Rejectionism

The consistent and enduring Palestinian rejection of any and all peace initiatives with Israel, most recently the “Deal of the Century,” calls into question the commitment of the Palestinian leadership not only to peace but to the very welfare and safety of the Palestinian people.

Taking into account all the peace initiatives proposed to end the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs over the last 83 years, we must consider the possibility that the Palestinians—or at least their leaders—do not want to establish their own state.

Another reason to not negotiate with terrorists.
Like the US, existing on land stolen from indigenous people, Israel exists now.
The US claimed land; it didn't steal any. Indigenous tribes fought each other for the ability to occupy land, and for control of resources, far before any non-indigenous joined the fray. Stupid, uneducated Marxist HATERS, such as you, have a persistent compulsion to virtue-signal how bad your own class of people are because it's the only way losers, such as you, can get any attention.

Like the United States, it will defend it's right to continue to exist,
Nope. Israel, like the KKK of the 1920's, will continue to perpetrate its racially motivated violence ... just against Arabs that Israelis HATE. The Israeli/KKK brand of cowardice is reflective in the fact that they perpetrate(d) violence against weaker people who pose(d) no threat and who had never attacked them with which to begin, i.e. it has nothing to do with defending any right to exist, and everything to do with being opportunistic, cowardly, RACIST bullies.

It's not as complicated as people want to make it.
Exactly, so don't try to overcomplicate it with bogus analogies that don't apply.

Sometimes, you just have to pick a side.
Nope. That's why Team Israel is so completely dishonest regarding Israel's egregious violations of the Geneva Conventions. They picked their team and now cheer on the genocide perpetrated by their team, just because they see it as "winning."

I choose to side with the Israelis over the Palestinians.
Because you're a racist HATER, which usually goes hand-in-glove with the uneducated.
No need to fantasize, where did I write that Jews should be killed? But you definitely say that it is necessary to kill Arabs. You want to continue the war and kill all Palestinians. So you are no different from terrorists. I think that the only way to end the war is to follow the UN decision of 1947 to create two states in Palestine for two peoples.
... *OR* ... Arabs can leave, as did many Jews from Nazi Germany. Israelis are going to govern Israel and will continue to persecute/kill Arabs under their control/authority. Arabs can leave. It might not be fair, but life isn't fair and this world isn't fair.
The Palestinians simply won't accept the existence of Israel under any conditions.

Perhaps if the remaining indigenous Americans had enough power to put up a comparable fuss,
they would rebel against the US as well. They certainly have moral if not legal standing to do so.

But most current Israelis didn't move there in the late forties.
They were probably born there, know it as their home, and will understandably defend it

by whatever means necessary.

I don't know why all the Jihadist lovers in American,
particularly those in my own Democratic Party,
can't see that.
The Palestinians simply won't accept the existence of Israel under any conditions.
Palestinians seem just fine with Israel existing. What makes you think that you somehow get to speak for Palestinians? Why should any rational adult believe your conflation of Palestinians with the Ayatollah of Iran?

Perhaps if the remaining indigenous Americans had enough power to put up a comparable fuss, they would rebel against the US as well.
If you'll recall, they did. Oh, that's right, you slept through your education.

They certainly have moral if not legal standing to do so.
Nope. They have no more moral and/or legal standing than do We the People collectively.

But most current Israelis didn't move there in the late forties. They were probably born there, know it as their home, and will understandably defend it
Well, yes, they were probably born there, which is why they are the racist, Arab-HATING, genocidal fucks that they are. There is no issue of "defense"; only one of cowardly bullying and racial HATRED, by whatever means necessary.

I don't know why all the Jihadist lovers in American, particularly those in my own Democratic Party, can't see that.
I don't know why those on Team Israel immediately jump to hurling invectives at others who merely point out that Israelis are cowardly, genocidal, racist bullies, exactly like the NAZIs. Wait, I do know. Team Israel does this preemptively to thwart revelations that they are themselves cowardly, genocidal, racist bullies at heart as well, and that this is the reason they cheer on Israel's war crimes in the first place.
... *OR* ... Arabs can leave, as did many Jews from Nazi Germany.

The problem there is that most Palestinians can't leave either. There's no question that the Israeli government would like it very much if they would just pack up and go elsewhere, but no country wants to take them in.
The problem there is that most Palestinians can't leave either.

There's no question that the Israeli government would like it very much if they would just pack up and go elsewhere, but no country wants to take them in.

Because even other Arab nations don't want them.

Exactly, no country wants them. Why? Because they are psychotic dumbasses good for nothing but wearing a suicide vest? Maybe Putin's mercenaries should hire them for missions in Ukraine?
Because even other Arab nations don't want them.

Exactly, no country wants them. Why? Because they are psychotic dumbasses good for nothing but wearing a suicide vest? Maybe Putin's mercenaries should hire them for missions in Ukraine?

you're basically a hate monger.

its ugly.
... *OR* ... Arabs can leave, as did many Jews from Nazi Germany. Israelis are going to govern Israel and will continue to persecute/kill Arabs under their control/authority. Arabs can leave. It might not be fair, but life isn't fair and this world isn't fair.

OK. You admitted that the Jews are acting unfairly by driving the Arabs out of their land. That is, strength decides everything, but
That strength is backed by the US, which could change. What will happen in this case?
OK. You admitted that the Jews are acting unfairly by driving the Arabs out of their land. That is, strength decides everything, but
That strength is backed by the US, which could change. What will happen in this case?
You admitted that Arabs are terrorists. The reason Israel is moving into Gaza is to stop you Arab terrorists from murdering more babies and raping more women.


You admitted that Arabs are terrorists. The reason Israel is moving into Gaza is to stop you Arab terrorists from murdering more babies and raping more women.

I cannot relate to Arab terrorists in any way. What if I am for the principle of two states for two peoples, then I am an Arab? By your logic, Yitzhak Rabin, who was killed by a Jewish terrorist because he wanted peace with the Arabs, is also an Arab. You have a very limited view of the political situation in Israel.
I cannot relate to Arab terrorists in any way.

What if I am for the principle of two states for two peoples, then I am an Arab?

By your logic, Yitzhak Rabin, who was killed by a Jewish terrorist because he wanted peace with the Arabs, is also an Arab.

You have a very limited view of the political situation in Israel.
You've been doing it for a few days, dear.

Yet you support the invasion of Ukraine by Mother Russia. Go figure, tovarich. LOL

Wrong, but thanks for the insight to your thinking, Alki. :thup:

Yes, a view that has been forged by almost 60 years of Arab wars and terrorism.

Remember this, sweetie?
OK. You admitted that the Jews are acting unfairly by driving the Arabs out of their land.
I don't believe that I specified exactly how the Israelis (not "Jews") are acting unfairly. Israel is governed by Israelis and Israelis are fiercely bigoted for the most part, i.e. they HATE Arabs and would love to see them wiped off the face of the earth. Israelis should not be expected to be fair in really anything.

That is, strength decides everything,
Are you expecting me to pretend that there is no such thing as diplomacy? ... politics? ... treaties?

but That strength is backed by the US
There is no such thing as "backed". That word means nothing other than you want everyone to assume that the US is simply an extension of Israel. I don't. When you use the word "backed" your argument is usually dismissed.

Next, try using the word "linked" and see how far that gets you.

For a better gauge of how US politics will influence Israel's current genocide of Gazan civilian noncombatants, I suggest you ask Team Israel. They might be able to tell you whether they plan to cheer on continued atrocities until every last Arab child is dead, or if they'll settle for merely reducing the Arab population down to a manageable percentage, e.g. 12% of September figures. Hey, Israel has a right to defend itself, and there's no better way than to kill all the children and prevent any future feral Arabs from possibly biting any Israelis.
I cannot relate to Arab terrorists in any way. What if I am for the principle of two states for two peoples, then I am an Arab? By your logic, Yitzhak Rabin, who was killed by a Jewish terrorist because he wanted peace with the Arabs, is also an Arab. You have a very limited view of the political situation in Israel.
I'm going to start a betting pool to see how long it takes you to realize that it is not possible to carry a rational discussion with Doc Dutch. If you don't realize within the next 24 hours that you are wasting your time, you might not be sharp enough to ever realize this. Doc Dutch is the only poster in existence who rubber stamps his agreement with whatever Cypress copy-pastes from the internet.