The Gospel of Thomas

Happy people are wealthy, unhappy people are poor. This forum is full of very unhappy, angry, bitter assholes....and those motherfuckers should find Jesus! ;)


Probably just the opposite!
I don't see a problem; history is history.

Just because someone studies the rise and fall of the Third Reich doesn't mean they want to be a fucking Nazi.
For sure. I have hundreds of posts on this board about Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism simply because it is all bloody interesting to me.

I have no intention of becoming Hindu.
That's true.

Understanding why and what people believe is always interesting in and of itself. It also helps you to learn about why *you* believe (or don't) yourself.

Which is the importance of continuing education.

Let's be honest, most HS students graduate living upon Mount Stupid on the Dunning-Kruger curve.

College teaches them they don't know everything and need to keep learning. Graduate school teaches them where and how to find the answers.

FWIW, I've been accused of a lot of things including being a Know-it-all. One of the most interesting comments was "Is he smart or just really good at looking things up on the Internet?"

It's mostly the latter. No human can possibly know everything, but educated people are quick to find the answers because they know the answer exists or where to look to verify it.

Ignorant people have little to no idea of the answer exists and certainly don't know where to look or they wouldn't be ignorant. :)
For sure. I have hundreds of posts on this board about Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism simply because it is all bloody interesting to me.

I have no intention of becoming Hindu.

As all sane, educated people realize. :thup:
Yes, I think that is the gist of it, but we always have to remember that we have very few first hand sources from the Gnostics themselves.

I think they were an important part of history, but there were certain things they believed which do not appeal to be, aka the material world being corrupt.

"The Spirit is willing the flesh is weak"!
That's the constant battle between our Spirit and our flesh!
I don't see a problem; history is history.

Just because someone studies the rise and fall of the Third Reich doesn't mean they want to be a fucking Nazi.
I went back and reread the Gospels after reading Pagels’ book. “The keys to the kingdom”, talking in parable, “many are called, but few are chosen”, all Gnostic teachings. actually happened worldwide.

There is nothing in the fossil record that indicates that. A lot of historians/paleontologists believe that the flood legends stem from the bursting of ice dams following the last Ice Age, and/or rapidly rising sea levels. To primitive ppl with no means of communicating with other communities far away, it must have seemed like a worldwide catastrophic event when their village was washed away.
You're not part Nephilim. They were run off or all died out at some point.

If you were part divine and worshipping man-made Semolina strands, that would be a tragedy.

All hail His Noodliness! :laugh:

Don't know about these Nephilim guys, but I *am* part Neanderthal. ;~)
Yes, I think that is the gist of it, but we always have to remember that we have very few first hand sources from the Gnostics themselves.

I think they were an important part of history, but there were certain things they believed which do not appeal to be, aka the material world being corrupt.

Ditto. The material world is beautiful, mysterious, amazing, incredible. To acknowledge this, and our intimate belonging to the web of life, is to worship the creator of it, if you believe that there is one.
Which is the importance of continuing education.

Let's be honest, most HS students graduate living upon Mount Stupid on the Dunning-Kruger curve.

College teaches them they don't know everything and need to keep learning. Graduate school teaches them where and how to find the answers.

FWIW, I've been accused of a lot of things including being a Know-it-all. One of the most interesting comments was "Is he smart or just really good at looking things up on the Internet?"

It's mostly the latter. No human can possibly know everything, but educated people are quick to find the answers because they know the answer exists or where to look to verify it.

Ignorant people have little to no idea of the answer exists and certainly don't know where to look or they wouldn't be ignorant. :)

You don't even need graduate school to learn how to do your own research. All you need is one parent or teacher who replies to your query with "Look it up, then tell me."