The guy YOU elected is on Vacation.....

...from Vacation. Biden is now on vacation in Delaware. I guess he is exhausted from his California vacation. :palm:
And this is the moron that Harris has been covering for. The Liberals said he would be a great pResident. Kamala has said there is no daylight between her and Joe Biden. And yet even the Democrats did not want him as pResident again. Now the Democrats think Kamala is a Great choice. Israel is in the middle of a war and Biden can't stay in the White House he has to stay on vacation. Kamala is running around the country campaigning. Who the hell is running the country. :dunno:
Biden has been 'put out to pasture' by The Oligarchy. They don't want him around anymore.
Too bad they forgot to change 'Biden' to 'Harris' on their press releases!


Neither Biden nor Kamala were elected. They were never running this country.
You guys are crazed. Biden had to solve Trump's Covid mess.
The Covid Mess was caused by Democrats, Sybil.
he set up the system for delivering shots.
You are describing Trump, Sybil.
He had to fix the inflation problem that Daffy dropped in his lap.
Higher inflation is not 'fixing inflation', Sybil.
He had to get people back to work.
Putting people out of work and destroying companies is not 'putting people back to work', Sybil.
Your addlepated brain has been on vacation since Trump waddled onto the scene.
LIF. Grow up.
The Biden Administration is running the country,
Biden keeps wandering off and can't even tie his own shoes. He isn't running the country.
Neither is Kamala.
and what are you crying about, I thought you wingers professed that the less Government is the best Government and now you see an Executive supposedly doing nothing and your complaining
Conservatives (and Trump) are complaining about The Oligarchy (Obama and Pelosi) who ARE running the country...into the ground.
Least he is not hustling the American taxpayer for millions in personal profits
He doesn't.
with weekend golf junkets to his own properties
Trump owns several golf courses. He is a good golfer too.
Again nah,, if it was, America wouldn’t have a major infrastructure program in progress, 15 million jobs, chip manufacturing developing, 92.7% of Americans with health insurance, deflation, narrowing of wealth inequality, roaring equity market, drop in crime rates, overtime guarantees, increased veterans benefits, just to name a few
What 'infrastructure program'??
What '15 million jobs'??
What 'chip manufacturing developing'??
Obamacare ruined the health insurance industry. You claim success now???
Inflation is not deflation. Redefinition fallacy.
Trying to bring up the so-called 'wealth gap' again?
What 'roaring equity market'??

What 'drop in crime'?? Crime has increase dramatically, thanks to Catch Release and the defunding and demoralization of police in Democrat run cities. It's not safe to go into them now, even during the day.

What 'increase veterans benefits'??
Ever? Who is the best ever at anything at any moment of their life?
Me. I can name several others if you like.
Nobody replaced Biden, Biden stepped down,
The Oligarchy replaced Biden. He did not step down.
was there pressure exerted on him, sure, but he didn’t have to take that move,
He did.
it was his decision,
It was not his decision.
and the pressure was exerted because he wasn’t the best candidate politically, which he understood.
So The Oligarchy forced him out.
And by the way he released his delegates who there upon threw their support behind Harris
He had no choice, and those delegates were there because of people voting for Biden, not Kamala.
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Where is trump, he’s been in his bedroom for a week now?
And was at Arlington yesterday as well as interacting with people at a local restaurant...
A lie.

Trump Speaks To National Guard...17 hours ago.

Trump lays wreath at Arlington National Cemetery for victims of Kabul airport attack
Indeed... And was at a local restaurant signing autographs.And mingling with the customers and a local candidate...
Kam is Trying to figure out how to Get out of the debate... And stay clear of the press and people when there are cameras around...