The Hunter Biden smokescreen

"Unsurprisingly, Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday of all three federal gun charges he faced relating to the violation of laws put in place to stop drug addicts from owning firearms. Ironically, President Joe Biden was speaking on the subject of gun safety when news broke of Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict."

This is hilarious. I read several political forums and ALL I've seen is "no way he's convicted " and "How long will it take the jury to find Hunter not guilty ".

Now it's "Oh shit! He was found his home town, where his dad got 75% of the vote in 2020! Now what are we (MAGA) going to do????"

Now it's"Baaahh... We knew he'd be convicted allllll along. It ALL a smokescreen!!"

Unbelievable are the mental gymnastics of the MAGA conspiracy theorists is truly something to behold.

Oh, before that, it was "he'll never be charged!!":rolleyes:

You really are too stupid for words. Turn of MSNBC and try to gain some intelligence. :palm:
You kids crack me up!

You morons amaze me.

You got exactly what you wanted and it still isn't good enough.

Wrong. No one cared about Hunters gun charge. That is the smoke screen to stupidly argue that Trumps clown court was a serious matter.

The real shit hits the fan with Hunters tax case. That's when the 20 LLC bank accounts and Bidens daddy's grifting will come to light.

Why is that?

Why is it you're ignorant. Probably because you swill DNC koolaid while watching MSNBC. :dunno:
Poor anchovies, Barr has nothing to do with this. Garland lied to Congress when he told Congress he and Weiss had not met and then Weiss about this case and Weiss put Hunter's crimes on hold until the statute of limitations had expired. Hunter blew it big time just a few months ago with his plea deal.

How Weiss was appointed,

“David Weiss was picked by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware under ‘Blue Slip,’” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “He would not have been picked by me.”

Weiss was nominated by the former president in 2017 and confirmed by a unanimous Senate vote in early 2018.
The “blue slip” process allows senators to indicate their support for or opposition to judicial nominees in their home state. While both Democratic senators from Delaware supported Weiss’ nomination, his appointment was relatively noncontroversial, according to The New York Times.
See you are still trying to back pedal, as I said, Barr was AG in 2018, fact, and Trump approved Weiss, another fact, makes sense, Weiss is a Republican, also another fact
Nothing you bloviate are facts. Hell, youre defending the biggest serial lying moron to ever sit in the White House.

Watching mental midgets like you whine about lying is ironic and hypocritical. :palm:
And wrong again, if you, the pimps you listen to, the basement bloggers you swallow, or the GOP actually had any real evidence President was guilty of any crime they would have initiated impeachment proceedings months ago, the reality validates this fact
He did shit-for-brains. Try to keep up

Why are you such a dumbass?
You morons amaze me.

Wrong. No one cared about Hunters gun charge. That is the smoke screen to stupidly argue that Trumps clown court was a serious matter.

The real shit hits the fan with Hunters tax case. That's when the 20 LLC bank accounts and Bidens daddy's grifting will come to light.

Why is it you're ignorant. Probably because you swill DNC koolaid while watching MSNBC. :dunno:
You seem triggered...
See you are still trying to back pedal, as I said, Barr was AG in 2018, fact, and Trump approved Weiss, another fact, makes sense, Weiss is a Republican, also another fact
Poor anchovies, you have been schooled on this topic in a couple of threads by myself and a number of other posters. Time to study up on, blue slips, the relationship between garland and weiss, and the plea deal that hunter threw in the garbage.
And wrong again, if you, the pimps you listen to, the basement bloggers you swallow, or the GOP actually had any real evidence President was guilty of any crime they would have initiated impeachment proceedings months ago, the reality validates this fact

The report is coming out. Lots of facts which mental midgets like you will repsond with nothing more intelligent than "nuh uh."

I get it. You like being a gullible dumbass who likes being gaslighted and lied to. Now run along halfwit. You're too stupid to waste more time on.
Yeah, you and the other cult lemming here were dead wrong, 100% wrong

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

Because he's a troll.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

What, exactly, is wrong with you?
The REAL deal in this trial was the Laptop. The same Justice departement that had the laptop since December 2019 and knew it was genuine, is the same one that tried to hide it from the public, have voices censured and didn't come forth when 51 former CIA hacks lied that it was a possible Russia plant. Much like the Russia collusion hoax and Steele Dossier fabricated by the Obama Presidency and the Hillary campaign. More on that in another thread.

The Hunter Biden smokescreen

Unsurprisingly, Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday of all three federal gun charges he faced relating to the violation of laws put in place to stop drug addicts from owning firearms. Ironically, President Joe Biden was speaking on the subject of gun safety when news broke of Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict.

Of course, Hunter Biden’s past drug use (which has also included the smoking of dairy products) has received widespread attention, especially with the Biden family leaning hard into Hunter Biden’s position of victimhood as an addict.

“Recovery is possible by the grace of God, and I am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time,” Hunter Biden said in a statement following the verdict, while his attorney, Abbe Lowell, said, “Through all he has been through in his recovery, including this trial, Hunter has felt grateful for and blessed by the love and support of his family.”

This followed journalist Molly Jong-Fast’s appearance on MSNBC, speaking of Hunter Biden’s “disease.”

Subtle, guys.

The brutal fact is that these charges are the tip of the Hunter Biden iceberg, and they represent the bare minimum the Department of Justice could get away with. The same department worked to give Hunter Biden a sweetheart immunity deal that collapsed at the last minute. The same department worked to leverage the statute of limitations to avoid this problem altogether. And the same department is totally ignoring the deep history of alleged corruption involving not just Hunter Biden but the Big Guy himself: President Joe Biden.

Yes, Hunter Biden being charged for gun charges is entirely valid. But it’s also possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason or as part of something immeasurably less valid.

Make no mistake: This entire performance is only being carried out so that the Biden administration can lazily declare that political bias in the justice system simply does not exist and pretend that there is no difference between Hunter Biden’s cherry-picked charges and the continued, widespread abuse of power being used to throw former President Donald Trump, Biden’s primary political adversary, behind bars.

Don’t fall for it.

Drink Bleach IDIOT!