The Hunter Biden smokescreen

Tony Bobulinski is a material witness in the crimes of the Biden crime family

until Joe Biden has to face his accusers in a court of law - who have way more credibility than he does - we live in a two tiered system of justice
What was the name of that fuck who was a completely locked in credible witness in those FBI interview forms? The ones that said Biden took bribes? You know, the one whose credibility went down the crapper?
You seem stupid.

I'm right.

You're not.

You should be used to that by now.
The only one trotting out lie filled bullshit is you halfwit. Bobulinsky's testimony has been verified by the Hunter laptop emails and communications.

Now be a good mental midget and just STFU. We get it. You're a repugnant, lying, low IQ leftist halfwit whose only skill is parroting the bullshit you are fed by MSNBC.

Provide a link to that or shut the fuck up, you mindless trumptard troll.
Well, with Bagman's trial, the government has admitted the laptop was the real deal, not tampered with, and accurate as evidence. That means:

A. 51 intelligence community leaders, among other top pols and bureaucrats, lied about its origins and accuarcy.
B. That Bobulinski was recounting accurately real events.

At the time the Forbes article was written that was still up in the air. It isn't now.
Oh, "Hunter's laptop". Such bullshit. Provide a any evidence that anything Boob-lie-ski claimed has been corroborated. I'm guessing you'd have posted it if you had it. Your blind hatred has dulled your ability to reason.
many rape trials go to court with an accusation that has not been verified either

under oath - a material witness is evidence

you shit stains keep lying about how no evidence exists - because all you can do is lie
LOL- oh, so now you pivot to "rape". You're the low-life shilling for a rapist and felon and lying about Biden you sorry trumptard fuck.
What was the name of that fuck who was a completely locked in credible witness in those FBI interview forms? The ones that said Biden took bribes? You know, the one whose credibility went down the crapper?

More delusional ranting. You look like a moron.
Oh, "Hunter's laptop". Such bullshit. Provide a any evidence that anything Boob-lie-ski claimed has been corroborated. I'm guessing you'd have posted it if you had it. Your blind hatred has dulled your ability to reason.

Hunters laptop was verified by the FBI as authentic and not tampered with and is being used as evidence in criminal proceedings.

How fucking dumb or dishonest are whacked out leftist trolls like you? :palm:

You do a lot of projecting. Buy a mirror or some self-awareness you dimwitted wonder dunce.
Naturally, you would like me to SHUT UP!

Not at all. I want mentally deranged halfwits on the left to keep proving what low IQ, uninformed dumbasses they are. Then I point at them and laugh.


Because I represent the TRUTH and REALITY which contradicts all of your lies and insane comments around here!

Wrong. You represent stupid and lying as evidenced by your vote for Biden. Alas, stupid people don't know they are stupid. Sociopathic liars don't know they are sociopathic liars.

Let's see if you are man enough to SHUT ME UP MOTHER FUCKER! :laugh:

Wow!! Tough words from a scrawny little punk sitting in front of his monitor in mom's basement. I am shaking in my booties. :laugh:

A triggered whiny little halfwit.
Hunters laptop was verified by the FBI as authentic and not tampered with and is being used as evidence in criminal proceedings.

How fucking dumb or dishonest are whacked out leftist trolls like you? :palm:

You do a lot of projecting. Buy a mirror or some self-awareness you dimwitted wonder dunce.
I thought the FBI was a tool of the Biden administration? You trumptards need to pick a lane and stay in it. Also, I notice you've not posted an article that proves that lying Boob-a-linski's bullshit was coraborated by anything other than your douchey posts, trumptard.

Eat a dick.
Not at all. I want mentally deranged halfwits on the left to keep proving what low IQ, uninformed dumbasses they are. Then I point at them and laugh.


Wrong. You represent stupid and lying as evidenced by your vote for Biden. Alas, stupid people don't know they are stupid. Sociopathic liars don't know they are sociopathic liars.

Wow!! Tough words from a scrawny little punk sitting in front of his monitor in mom's basement. I am shaking in my booties. :laugh:

A triggered whiny little halfwit.

The one who actually is the scrawny punk who still lives with his Mom, projecting onto others, wrongly imagining that someone else is experiencing what, in fact, you are experiencing.

MONKEY see his IDOL- Donald TRUMP use projecting, and now MONKEY uses projecting!


I thought the FBI was a tool of the Biden administration? You trumptards need to pick a lane and stay in it. Also, I notice you've not posted an article that proves that lying Boob-a-linski's bullshit was coraborated by anything other than your douchey posts, trumptard.

You don't think snowflake. Nothing you bloviate could be mistaken for thinking, honesty or factual.

Eat a dick.

That sums up every Democrat argument right there. It must suck to be such a low IQ failure. No wonder you voted for Biden.

Indeed, that describes you perfectly. But I would add whiny to that description.

The one who actually is the scrawny punk who still lives with his Mom, projecting onto others, wrongly imagining that someone else is experiencing what, in fact, you are experiencing.

Did that make you cry? The truth does tend to hurt liars the most.

MONKEY see his IDOL- Donald TRUMP use projecting, and now MONKEY uses projecting!



Triggered and stupid. Quite the combination. :laugh:
Tony Bobulinski is a material witness in the crimes of the Biden crime family

until Joe Biden has to face his accusers in a court of law - who have way more credibility than he does - we live in a two tiered system of justice
First you have to present facts that a court can verify to be true

Lies don’t get prosecuted as crimes