The Issue of Abortion

why do you assume that someone who doesn't want a child will insist on keeping it.......

Actually history shows most people didn't keep their child, thus, orphanages. Should abortion become illegal there is no reason to expect anything other than what took place historically would not take place again; ie: neglect and abuse.

As I explained earlier society's shift from a rural life to an urban one has resulted in lessening the requirement/need for children. It's reasonable to conclude more children would be "given up".

You might want to do your own research. I've offered sufficient references and even a video of a first person account. If that's not sufficient I can't help you.

Your offering of numbers from the 19th Century and then giving one video reference do not justify the abortion of 1.3 million babies, in 2009.
So, it is true that you are demented beyond any hope of recovery.

Tell you what: go ask a bunch of survivors of childhood abuse if they would prefer to have never been born. For that matter, ask children currently living the abuse life. I will bet you any wager you care to name the responses in favor of existing will far outweigh the ones who would have preferred to be killed in vivo.

You are truly the most pathetic piece of subhuman shit in existence.

Now, now, now. There's no need for that kind of talk. Now go to your room and come out when you can be civil.
Now, now, now. There's no need for that kind of talk. Now go to your room and come out when you can be civil.
Eat shit. Anyone who defends abortion on the principle that it is better to be dead than face the possibility of a poor childhood hasn't enough humanity in them to be considered worthy of civility.
Should abortion become illegal there is no reason to expect anything other than what took place historically would not take place again; ie: neglect and abuse.
actually, there is every reason to expect it, most people are not like you......

in reality, then the problem is solved.....there ARE people who want the child, thus your logic is based upon false premise......
Got news for you , you ignorant piece of dung. Abuse and neglect are rampant NOW, with legalized abortion. IF you think child abuse figures have fallen since abortion was legalized, then you are even more deluded than you have previously proven yourself to be. You can look them up yourself. You are beyond stupid. Your brains leaked out your ears and became a stain on your pillow.

OK. I see you're purposely acting like a fool. The joke is over.

I say changing the abortion laws will result in a large number of unwanted children which will increase the number in orphanages, foster homes, etc. where it's unlikely they will get the love and caring usually associated with biological parents and you reply with "abuse and neglect are rampant NOW".

I know abuse and neglect are rampant now. I've been trying to tell you the need and desire for children has decreased since the days before abortion was legal. That is one reason society can not return to the "good old days", if there ever was such a thing.

Children are less valued today due to a number of reasons. Bringing more into the world when the bearer of those children do not want them is perverted. Abuse and neglect will skyrocket. It's just common sense.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Got more news for you, shit heap. My oldest niece has two boys, both unplanned, by different fathers. She (thankfully) did not marry either one of the losers. But here is the thing: those boys could not be more loved if they were fully planned for. Yes, they have it tough economically (comparatively) but they get along. I do not get to see them very often, but they are healthy, happy, well adjusted, bright little boys, both of them. So, while you are stuffing your "better dead than poor/abused/neglected" bullshit, you can also stuff your "they will be abused/neglected if they are unwanted" right along side it. You are so full of shit anyway, your anus should handle the load.

That's a sweet story, however, if you're implying most women who do not want children will change into loving mothers once they're forced to bear a child I suggest you put down the crack pipe.

Think, man. Think! You know abuse is on the rise, you know children are not valued as they used to be, yet you believe women being forced to bear children will make loving parents?

BTW, is your preoccupation with anuses due to the fact that's the current milieu in which you reside?
Then you support killing all Germans; because they started 2 World Wars.
You also support a genocide against Muslims, seeing as how SOME Muslims have killed people in terrorist bombings.

That's where you fail.
You can't show that even 1 child WILL BE abused and/or neglected; but because the POSSIBILITY exists, you justify the murder of 1.3 million for last year.

That's where you fail. Why are you comparing children to threats?

Most peculiar.
Eat shit. Anyone who defends abortion on the principle that it is better to be dead than face the possibility of a poor childhood hasn't enough humanity in them to be considered worthy of civility.

Anyone who would support bringing a child into the world knowing it would be beaten and abused is one sick dude.
actually, there is every reason to expect it, most people are not like you......

in reality, then the problem is solved.....there ARE people who want the child, thus your logic is based upon false premise......

I suggest you take that up with Good Luck as he wrote in msg 325, "Abuse and neglect are rampant NOW."

Rampant abuse now but, hey, let's add a few more hundred thousand unwanted children to the mix. That should fix everything. :palm:

Apple, meet who you are responsible for killing millions of... 50 million in 45 years. Worse than all repressive dictatorial monsters of history combined. The single worst and most discriminatory genocide of humankind, against the most defenseless, innocent, and precious life of all. To support this, you have to firmly believe, there is no such place as Hell.
I suggest you take that up with Good Luck as he wrote in msg 325, "Abuse and neglect are rampant NOW."

Rampant abuse now but, hey, let's add a few more hundred thousand unwanted children to the mix. That should fix everything. :palm:

killing children IS rampant abuse....we're trying to put a stop to you, not empower you.....
Actually history shows most people didn't keep their child, thus, orphanages. Should abortion become illegal there is no reason to expect anything other than what took place historically would not take place again; ie: neglect and abuse.

As I explained earlier society's shift from a rural life to an urban one has resulted in lessening the requirement/need for children. It's reasonable to conclude more children would be "given up".

of course they would be given up....and would be adopted by people who want them......tell me the last time an infant was not immediately adopted in this society.....the neglect and abuse came from the people who would NOT give up their children for ignore that reality......
YouTube - High Tech Photographs Of Fetal Development / Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video

Apple, meet who you are responsible for killing millions of... 50 million in 45 years. Worse than all repressive dictatorial monsters of history combined. The single worst and most discriminatory genocide of humankind, against the most defenseless, innocent, and precious life of all. To support this, you have to firmly believe, there is no such place as Hell.

And now you have hit the nail on the head.
Liberals who support abortion, for any reason, truly don't believe in God and therefore they also don't believe in the opposite; ergo: they believe that there are no consequeces for killing unborn babies.
That's true, gestational diabetes is not usually life threatening but the point is "what if". Blindness isn't life threatening. Would you support a law demanding your wife or daughter bear a child knowing certain blindness would result? Would you condemn your daughter (assuming you have a daughter) to almost certain poverty due to the ensuing blindness?

Once an embryo or fetus is legally declared a human being how can any reason justify an abortion other than the certain death of the women, meaning the fetus would also die. How can anyone justify anything less?

I can't fathom a man willing to risk his wife's health for a fetus. She'd have to be one mean bitch! :lol: (Pardon the language.)
Dude, what if they walk outside and get hit by a car? What if they get stung by a hornet? What if a pack of wild coyotes bent on destruction buys a crap-ton of rockets and actually catches the roadrunner? It's inane to base policy on imaginary threats and to do it by scaremongering idiots into fearing the mundane would be comical if you weren't serious. The government isn't there to protect you from life.
OK. I see you're purposely acting like a fool. The joke is over.

I say changing the abortion laws will result in a large number of unwanted children which will increase the number in orphanages, foster homes, etc. where it's unlikely they will get the love and caring usually associated with biological parents and you reply with "abuse and neglect are rampant NOW".

I know abuse and neglect are rampant now. I've been trying to tell you the need and desire for children has decreased since the days before abortion was legal. That is one reason society can not return to the "good old days", if there ever was such a thing.

Children are less valued today due to a number of reasons. Bringing more into the world when the bearer of those children do not want them is perverted. Abuse and neglect will skyrocket. It's just common sense.

What the hell is wrong with you?

That's a sweet story, however, if you're implying most women who do not want children will change into loving mothers once they're forced to bear a child I suggest you put down the crack pipe.

Think, man. Think! You know abuse is on the rise, you know children are not valued as they used to be, yet you believe women being forced to bear children will make loving parents?

BTW, is your preoccupation with anuses due to the fact that's the current milieu in which you reside?
The point is, moron, you are supporting killing them on the CHANCE that they will have a bad childhood. Not everyone will, yet you support killing them, too.

Like I said, go find some people who had the bad childhood you are so twisted about, and ask them straight out if they would prefer to NOT EXIST. I can guarantee you that the vast majority prefer to exist. Yet you think it is just fine and dandy that the decision of life or death for them is supportable, based on false assumptions that every one of them will be abused if you don't support "rescuing" them by killing them. You argument is not only subhuman in it's very supposition, but also hopelessly flawed that death is better than a bad childhood. Killing people for their own good is so beyond insane there needs to be a new word for your kind of mental disease.
I suggest you take that up with Good Luck as he wrote in msg 325, "Abuse and neglect are rampant NOW."

Rampant abuse now but, hey, let's add a few more hundred thousand unwanted children to the mix. That should fix everything. :palm:
Without a doubt, the most brain dead dipshit on the face of the planet.

The POINT, fuckwad, is that abuse has INCREASED, despite your ability to kill unborn children at will. IF, as you are trying to claim, abortion PREVENTS abuse, then WHY, you moronic piece of shit, did making abortion legal have ZERO traceable effect on the rate of child abuse?

It's simple. Abuse of children has little, if anything, to do with whether they were "wanted" or not. There are abusive parents who deliberately brought their children into this world. There are good, loving parents who had no intention of having children, but got caught through carelessness or plain old statistics (99.9% effective means someone, somewhere, is going to end up in that 0.1% every damned night). Most unwanted (not just unplanned, but not wanted) children who are not killed in vivo are put up for adoption - ALL of which are put up successfully, with would be adoptive parents sometimes waiting two or three years for their chance. The lack of available adoptees also ends up making the process of adoption expensive, driving many willing and loving parents out of the market.

But this is all quite aside the real point. The bottom line is, the philosophy of KILLING unborn children "for their own good" is, quite literally, beyond insane. It is plain subhuman in its concept - absolute evil.
Apple, meet who you are responsible for killing millions of... 50 million in 45 years. Worse than all repressive dictatorial monsters of history combined. The single worst and most discriminatory genocide of humankind, against the most defenseless, innocent, and precious life of all. To support this, you have to firmly believe, there is no such place as Hell.

No such place as Hell? Don't be silly. Of course there is a Hell. I even have pictures of people who were there!
of course they would be given up....and would be adopted by people who want them......tell me the last time an infant was not immediately adopted in this society.....the neglect and abuse came from the people who would NOT give up their children for ignore that reality......

Now I know you're just pretending to be dumb.

Of course children are immediately adopted today. Well, those who are "perfect". There is a shortage of children for adoption and that's because there are a million less available each year.

It is you who ignores reality. Do some research on adoptions and orphanages before abortion was legal. It's not all that difficult.
And now you have hit the nail on the head.
Liberals who support abortion, for any reason, truly don't believe in God and therefore they also don't believe in the opposite; ergo: they believe that there are no consequeces for killing unborn babies.

Quite the contrary. How anyone can believe God would want a child to come into the world knowing it would be abused has a very low opinion of God.