The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

The UN has no power to recognize any state and especially a non-state.

I'd like to add to your contribution and publicly expose you as an idiot.....................but I'm too late.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..............................haw, haw................................haw.
The British had the power to divide Palestine under the British Mandate for Palestine. The British drew up the basis for UNGAR 181- as they were legally permitted to do- and their, legal, resolution was submitted to- and passed, by majority vote in the UN.
Once the British abrogated their responsibilities to Palestine the border details of their- now democratically authorized- plan fell under the auspices of existing international law regarding borders. Those laws forbid the taking of territory by force and forbid annexation unless agreed by the contracting parties. Thus the delineations of 181 are protected under binding international law.

181 provided territory for two states and an area, Jerusalem, of international territory protected by law. Naughty Zionists wanted it all. Tch, tch. Illegal. Tough tittie.

Absolutely untrue blogger nonsense, which is why you have once again failed to provide a source link.

When the League of Nations dissolved, the Brits were required to follow the UN charter rules which granted the Brits no such authority..

And ...

"General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"
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Absolutely untrue blogger nonsense, which is why you have once again failed to provide a source link.

What are you rambling on about now ? Everything is sourced, the Resolution, the pertinent authorities. You just don't like the facts.

When the League of Nations dissolved, the Brits were required to follow the UN charter rules which granted the Brits no such authority..

Ass before elbow, dear boy. The League of Nations allowed a time period for its affairs to be wound up. The Brit Mandate for Palestine officially expired in 1948. 181 was in 1947- and the Jewish lobby insisted that it passed.

Give it up. Your Jewish fascists are scurrilous criminals. They broke with trust and the law. There will be a reckoning.

And ...

"General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"

Nobody has said that GA Resolutions are binding. You are seeking to camouflage your failure by restating the obvious. International law, however , IS binding and its rules apply to Palestine's borders.
Why don't you map out your challenge to international law . These little snippets of hasbara that you keep repeating have no value. State your legal challenge- or be silent.
What are you rambling on about now ? Everything is sourced, the Resolution, the pertinent authorities. You just don't like the facts.

Ass before elbow, dear boy. The League of Nations allowed a time period for its affairs to be wound up. The Brit Mandate for Palestine officially expired in 1948. 181 was in 1947- and the Jewish lobby insisted that it passed.

Give it up. Your Jewish fascists are scurrilous criminals. They broke with trust and the law. There will be a reckoning.

Nobody has said that GA Resolutions are binding. You are seeking to camouflage your failure by restating the obvious. International law, however , IS binding and its rules apply to Palestine's borders.
Why don't you map out your challenge to international law . These little snippets of hasbara that you keep repeating have no value. State your legal challenge- or be silent.

All blogger BS. :palm:

You have failed to provide any legal source that the Brits retained that authority under the UN charter, after the L.O.N. was dissolved in 1946. Or that an UNGAR is international law.
All blogger BS. :palm:

There is no blogger. There is a document from the Northwest School of Law. You've been given a link- you choose to ignore the facts.
I can't say as I really blame you. Everybody that attempts to defend the indefensible falls on their ass. Territory cannot be gained by force. Fact. Swallow it.

You have failed to provide any legal source that the Brits retained that authority under the UN charter, after the L.O.N. was dissolved in 1946.

You are talking nonsense. The dissolution period of the League of Nations is common knowledge. Next you'll be asking for legal confirmation that it's Monday.

Haw, haw............................haw.

Or that an UNGAR is international law.

It now seems apparent that you don't actually know what international law is. Provide an example of international law to save your ass.
There is no blogger. There is a document from the Northwest School of Law. You've been given a link- you choose to ignore the facts.
I can't say as I really blame you. Everybody that attempts to defend the indefensible falls on their ass. Territory cannot be gained by force. Fact. Swallow it.

You are talking nonsense. The dissolution period of the League of Nations is common knowledge. Next you'll be asking for legal confirmation that it's Monday.

Haw, haw............................haw.

It now seems apparent that you don't actually know what international law is. Provide an example of international law to save your ass.

So a kid's school paper is the best source you could find. :palm:

"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate.

Res 181 did NOT create international borders.
So a kid's school paper is the best source you could find. :palm:

Fail. The author is a law professor.

"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate.

So it was- and it passed, after massive support from the Jewish lobby. It established a Jewish homeland and an Arab homeland in a divided Arab homeland. Those borders fell under the protection of the United Nations backed by international law.
Where is your example of international law ? How long do you intend to dodge engaging with it ? Your smokescreen was penetrated a couple of pages back.

Res 181 did NOT create international borders.

Not directly, no. The borders were created by the passing of the Resolution and fell under international law jurisdiction. The law clearly bans the taking of territory by force- and , of course annexation by force. So does the UN Charter.
A picture is worth thousand words, eh Bigdoggie;

Fail. The author is a law professor.

So it was- and it passed, after massive support from the Jewish lobby. It established a Jewish homeland and an Arab homeland in a divided Arab homeland. Those borders fell under the protection of the United Nations backed by international law.
Where is your example of international law ? How long do you intend to dodge engaging with it ? Your smokescreen was penetrated a couple of pages back.

Not directly, no. The borders were created by the passing of the Resolution and fell under international law jurisdiction. The law clearly bans the taking of territory by force- and , of course annexation by force. So does the UN Charter.

I'm sorry Moon, no rational person would accept the opinion of one Nazi White Lib Prof. as a legitimate source. You'll have to do better than that if you want to make your case.
I'm sorry Moon, no rational person would accept the opinion of one Nazi White Lib Prof. as a legitimate source. You'll have to do better than that if you want to make your case.

Is that a promotion from ' school kid ' or a demotion ?

Haw, haw..............................haw.

Again ( and I don't really mind repeating myself ) the law professor didn't WRITE the laws- he's simply referencing them. So your beef isn't with the law professor, it's with THE LAWS. So state here why YOUR narrative is superior to the international laws signed and ratified by almost every country on earth.
Don't be shy- and I'll return to this challenge every time you attempt to dodge it.
Is that a promotion from ' school kid ' or a demotion ?

Haw, haw..............................haw.

Again ( and I don't really mind repeating myself ) the law professor didn't WRITE the laws- he's simply referencing them. So your beef isn't with the law professor, it's with THE LAWS. So state here why YOUR narrative is superior to the international laws signed and ratified by almost every country on earth.
Don't be shy- and I'll return to this challenge every time you attempt to dodge it.

You have failed to provide any legitimate source that the Brits retained that authority under the UN charter, after the L.O.N. was dissolved in 1946. Or that an UNGAR can create international borders or create a State.

"The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division,[8] arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.[5][9] They announced their intention to take all necessary measures to prevent the implementation of the resolution.[10][11][12][13] Subsequently a civil war broke out in Palestine[14] and the plan was not implemented.[15]"
You have failed to provide any legitimate source that the Brits retained that authority under the UN charter, after the L.O.N. was dissolved in 1946. Or that an UNGAR can create international borders or create a State.

No, I haven't. You've just refused to understand it.
It doesn't matter that the Arabs rejected 181. It passed- with Jewish approval. The three divisions are protected by international law. Territory may not be gained by force.

Tough tittie, Bigdoggie. You've failed to provide any indication that you understand international law. I will continue to insist that you do.
Was that a resistance faction bringing the world's attention to the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians ?

Israel will be glad to stop defending itself once the Palestinian terrorists and the terrorist surrounding countries stand down and stop killing.
No, I haven't. You've just refused to understand it.
It doesn't matter that the Arabs rejected 181. It passed- with Jewish approval. The three divisions are protected by international law. Territory may not be gained by force.

Tough tittie, Bigdoggie. You've failed to provide any indication that you understand international law. I will continue to insist that you do.

I understand it very clearly. You are bullshitting everyone.

Res 181 did NOT create international borders.
I understand it very clearly. You are bullshitting everyone.

No you don't. You can't even differentiate between referencing international law and writing it.

Res 181 did NOT create international borders.

Again, 181 proposed three partitions. It passed by majority UNGA vote with Jewish support in 1947. Thus homelands were created , one for Jews, one for Arabs along with the international territory of Jerusalem. The Resolution was the product of the dissolution of the British Mandate for Palestine and carried the legal authority of the Mandate which ended in 1948. The borders so described are protected to this day by the UN with the backing of international law.
I suggest that you don't even know which legal authority protects them- and that's why you continue to produce meaningless obfuscationary fluff. Prove me wrong or be silent.

Territory can never be gained by force. The Zionist invaders must withdraw.
No you don't. You can't even differentiate between referencing international law and writing it.

Again, 181 proposed three partitions. It passed by majority UNGA vote with Jewish support in 1947. Thus homelands were created , one for Jews, one for Arabs along with the international territory of Jerusalem. The Resolution was the product of the dissolution of the British Mandate for Palestine and carried the legal authority of the Mandate which ended in 1948. The borders so described are protected to this day by the UN with the backing of international law.
I suggest that you don't even know which legal authority protects them- and that's why you continue to produce meaningless obfuscationary fluff. Prove me wrong or be silent.

Territory can never be gained by force. The Zionist invaders must withdraw.

You are bullshitting everyone.

UNGAR 181 did NOT create States or international borders.

"General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"
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