The jury

Do you think the jurors will now have to go into hiding? The implications of their verdict for them and their families had to weigh on their minds. Yet, they did the right thing, anyway.

Pretty fucking brave.

You KNOW there's a MAGA hacker somewhere RIGHT THIS MINUTE trying to figure out how to dox every one of them.

I actually kinda feel bad for them because of how unhinged Trump's worshippers can get.
It's amazing to me how quickly the Right has found:

1. Grounds for appeal
2. An entire jury of corrupt liars
3. A flawed judge
4. A flawed jury instruction set

But they completely missed the fat orange blob who misappropriated campaign funds to silence a sex worker.
Misappropriating campaign funds is a federal charge in this case. No federal agency saw reason to charge Trump and it's not in a state's jurisdiction.
It's amazing to me how quickly the Right has found:

1. Grounds for appeal
2. An entire jury of corrupt liars
3. A flawed judge
4. A flawed jury instruction set

But they completely missed the fat orange blob who misappropriated campaign funds to silence a sex worker.
Amazing how after he rapes a woman in a dept store dressing room, then defames her to the tune of 80 million, is further fined a half a billion for fraud, and now found guilty of 34 felony charges yet his Nazi's can still tell themselves, "he didn''t do anything wrong".

I wonder just when they will come to their senses. Hitler had to shoot himself and then we empty out the concentration camps before those Nazi's woke up and said, "Gee, maybe I was wrong and this guy wasn't such a wonderful guy". The day will come.
Turn out the lights- The party's over!

But, here is the good news.......

Justice may be blind, but Justice prevails! The rule of law is alive and well!

And if there is anything to celebrate- it is that!
They just guaranteed his win in November
Quite right. They also just guaranteed something else: civil war.

If the 2024 election cycle fails because of this and other election interference by Democrats, there will be war...started by the Democrats.
If Trump is successful in his appeals, and/or becomes President, there will be war...started by the Democrats.

The Democrats (including Joe Biden) have called for civil multiple times.

I figured it would start AFTER the 2024 election cycle, but it may happen THIS year, earlier than I thought. At the least skirmishes might break out.

I don't look forward to it.