The jury

You see, pally boy. This is the way the legal system works in this country. Because one has not been charged with a specific crime does not mean they have not committed one.
What happened to Trump should not be how our "justice" system works.
Now, let’s go back to your necessary “underlying crime”. Cohen was guilty of the underlying crime you so desperately need. Bam. Done. So, we know that crime had been committed. Fact of law.
Correct. Cohen violated campaign finance laws (which you denied were a factor in this case only a few posts ago). The federal government declined multiple times to charge Trump in the hush money situation.
Now, in Trump’s case, the illegality of the payments was a slam dunk. Those jurors figured that out immediately. So, the question was why? The answer is obvious to any rational person.
Nice straw man. I've never denied the MISDEMEANOR docs charges. It's the predicate crimes related to campaign finance (which, again, you denied existed in this case a page ago) that was wrong and were used to turn a simple docs case into a felony.
Do you think the jurors will now have to go into hiding? The implications of their verdict for them and their families had to weigh on their minds. Yet, they did the right thing, anyway.

Pretty fucking brave.
I think that they are going to need extra security and hope that there is financial help available to help them with that. The MAGATs are unhinged and dangerous and will stop at nothing in service to their #MaliciousMaster.
No, I'm pretty sure the DA will protect the identity of these jurors. If I was a juror, I would ask to the state for a permit to carry a conceal firearm for a while just in case?!! It would be a big mistake for one of Trump supporters to harm anyone involved in this trial?!!
But if one manages to harm a juror, the Reichwingers will immediately declare that it was the work of a lone wolf, Antifa, an FBI plant, or a (D) operative trying to make the MAGATs look bad. As if anyone could make them look worse than they already are.
Like the Libratrd that showed up at Kavanaugh's home to kill him and his family?
Except that 1) He wasn't a "libratrd," whatever that is, 2) his family reported him, 3) he was a lone mentally ill person, and 4) he called the police on himself and waited for them to come get him.

Next pretense to victimhood? :rofl2:
Do you think the jurors will now have to go into hiding? The implications of their verdict for them and their families had to weigh on their minds. Yet, they did the right thing, anyway.

Pretty fucking brave.

There is nothing brave about the cowards that refused to see the glaring lack of evidence, the obvious flaws in how Merchan ran that courtroom or the fact that the key witness was an admitted liar and perjurer who was caught lying under oath in that courtroom.

It takes no bravery for an outcome that was safe for them. Bravery would have been an acquittal. Perhaps a hung jury that refused to go along with this clown show.

But for witless wonders lacking any clue or intelligence, this was an awesome outcome.
They just guaranteed his win in November
Yes, You say tomoto, and I say tomato.

It doesn't matter what TRUTH my side says, because you think your side can just deny it, twist it, LIE ABOUT IT, and say just the FUCKING OPPOSITE FOR REASONS OF CORRUPTION, MALEVOLENCE, ILL WILL, RETALIATION, PROPAGANDA, MALICE, HATRED, AND NEFARIOUS REASONS TO KEEP YOUR SIDE IN POWER NO MATTER HOW ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL, AND MALEVOLENT YOU HAVE TO BE IN CARRYING IT ALL OUT! THere is no limit to how low your side will go to seek power and force your nefarious power and ways on everyone!


You want a war for the TRUTH? You want a war for POWER! YOU WANT A WAR FOR REALITY?

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It's not the jurors fault that the judge set ridiculous parameters for conviction.
You mean by explaining the law to the jurors? Is that the part that bothers you? Because that's kind of standard. And both sides have input into those instructions.
Misappropriating campaign funds is a federal charge in this case. No federal agency saw reason to charge Trump and it's not in a state's jurisdiction.
That was not the underlying statute that was violated. The statute that was violated was a New York statute regarding conspiracy to interfere in an election.
Amazing how after he rapes a woman in a dept store dressing room, then defames her to the tune of 80 million,

He didn't rape anyone and was never charged for rape asshat. You douchebags can't stop the lies, can you?

This case was also a clown show in that the victim couldn't remember the year, the month, the day the time the proposed assault occurred.

On top of the victims lying, this is a very well-known and busy department store where you cannot go anywhere without a sales associate following you and assisting, on top of the absurdity that Trump would be there by himself and somehow get her into a vacant dressing room to attempt the assault.

If that judge weren't a partisan clown, it should have never gotten to a courtroom. Another case that will get overturned and vacated on appeal.

is further fined a half a billion for fraud, and now found guilty of 34 felony charges yet his Nazi's can still tell themselves, "he didn''t do anything wrong".\

A civil fraud case overseen by another trump hating fraud named Engeron. No victim. One of the banks even stated that they would do it again. But in Liberal Banana Republic land, you don't need a victim to argue fraud occurred, just Trump. Another case that will get overturned and vacated on appeal.
I wonder just when they will come to their senses. Hitler had to shoot himself and then we empty out the concentration camps before those Nazi's woke up and said, "Gee, maybe I was wrong and this guy wasn't such a wonderful guy". The day will come.

I wonder is leftists can ever come to their senses, assuming there are any brains between their ears, and recognize that weaponizing our justice system is bad for democracy and everyone.

Of course, in loony leftist land where ignorance and stupidity reigns, its A OK if it is Trump. You silly fools really think that setting precedents will not affect yourselves. Nothing could be dumber.
Misappropriating campaign funds is a federal charge in this case. No federal agency saw reason to charge Trump and it's not in a state's jurisdiction.
The state charged him with what they thought was appropriate...and the jury convicted his fat ass.

You MAGA people just do not like decisions that go againt vote counts and jury decisions.

Wonder what that is all about.???
The states case was related to falsification of documents, Not campaign funding. There's a reason why no federal agency took up the case.

The document falsification was well passed the statute of limitations and a misdemeanor.

Your going to have to lie harder. Yes, it was about a Federal election and the accusation that the documents were criminally doctored to hide a campaign violation. I know that sounds absurd and rediculous, but that was basically Braggs case. He also used a known Trump hater and convicted liar as his primary evidence of the imaginary crime.